There is a platform, NixOS Linux, on which '/bin/bash' is not available.
This commit changes the interpreter to '/usr/bin/env bash' in some
scripts essential to firmware building.
- this relative path was incorrect for the px4io when using the Makefile generator and built for inclusion within another build (eg px4_fmu-v5_default)
Adds a compatible gpiosetevent interface. The helper call the
low level functions while providing a consistent API with
xxxx_ gpiosetevent(uint32_t pinset, bool risingedge,
bool fallingedge, bool event, xcpt_t func,
void *arg);
This wrapper was rjected upstream.
- nuttx in PX4/Firmware (2624730b02ea71fa2bbd28cc424d9bade5766356): 61742342ec
- nuttx current upstream: dc10293feb
- Changes: 61742342ec...dc10293feb
dc10293feb 2020-05-25 Claudio Micheli - [BACKPORT] stm32l4: extend CAN ioctrl with NART/ABOM. Add RTR to CAN header
5735f765e2 2020-05-25 Claudio Micheli - [BACKPORT] stm32: extend CAN ioctrl with NART/ABOM. Add RTR to CAN header
4dc9ae05f5 2020-05-25 Claudio Micheli - [BACKPORT] stm32f7: Add the option to include RTR in CAN header
bdd9e786e1 2020-04-21 Beat Küng - [BACKPORT] stm32f7: add CANIOC_SET_NART and CANIOC_SET_ABOM ioctl's to can driver
- nuttx in PX4/Firmware (2c938af28051250f90baf7c411179b9b01dc5d0c): 7fffab1610
- nuttx current upstream: 66b4f2c4f2
- Changes: 7fffab1610...66b4f2c4f2
66b4f2c4f2 2020-04-21 Peter van der Perk - [Backport] Added S32K1XX progmem driver to use the FlexNVM memory
1b3fc1c668 2020-04-10 Peter van der Perk - Added net_trylock so we can call can_input while being in a interrupt handler
- NuttX-apps in PX4/Firmware (cf2b0a47ce64ea50e9539689b1b704cd536b9558): 91b6ad6a0d
- NuttX-apps current upstream: 95e105548a
- Changes: 91b6ad6a0d...95e105548a
95e10554 2020-03-30 Peter van der Perk - [Backport] Add CONFIG_NET_CAN support to netinit.c
e17eeb31 2020-03-28 Peter van der Perk - [Backport] netutils SocketCAN suport & candump, cansend tool
- nuttx in PX4/Firmware (3cee71918ad35d155fcdd5f32770dad98619eb84): 09f0aee352
- nuttx current upstream: ec417d7466
- Changes: 09f0aee352...ec417d7466
ec417d7466 2020-04-06 Peter van der Perk - [Backport] FMUK66 SocketCAN driver & Configurable Bitrate support
a3132cf3b7 2020-03-30 Peter van der Perk - [Backport] SocketCAN support
Ubuntu 20.04 and latest Cygwin come with no Python 2 and no link
from python to python3. To not mess with the system we detect
python3 for seamless support.