- log all estimator (ekf2) flags as separate booleans in a new dedicated low rate message (only publishes at 1 Hz or immediately on any change)
- this is a bit verbose, but it avoids the duplicate bit definitions we currently have across PX4 msgs, ecl analysis script, flight review, and many other custom tools and it's much easier for casual log review in FlightPlot, PlotJuggler, csv, etc
- for compatibility I've left estimator_status filter_fault_flags, innovation_check_flags, and solution_status_flags in place, but they can gradually be removed as tooling is updated
Co-authored-by: Mathieu Bresciani <brescianimathieu@gmail.com>
- split out switches from manual_control_setpoint into new message manual_control_switches
- manual_control_switches published at minimal rate (~ 1 Hz) or immediately on change
- simple switch debounce in rc_update (2 consecutive identical decodes required)
- manual_control_switches logged at full rate rather than sampled at (5-10% of messages logged)
- manual_control_setpoint publish at minimal rate unless changing
- commander handle landing gear switch for manual modes
- processing of mode_slot and mode_switch is now split so we only do one or the other (not both)
- a future step will be to finally drop mode_switch and accompanying switches entirely
Co-authored-by: Matthias Grob <maetugr@gmail.com>
- saves a small amount of work for the ekf2 selector in multi-EKF mode (visual_odometry_aligned now ignored)
- helps to distinguish the origin/purpose from vehicle_odometry and vehicle_visual_odometry
- ekf2 can now run in multi-instance mode (currently up to 9 instances)
- in multi mode all estimates are published to alternate topics (eg estimator_attitude instead of vehicle_attitude)
- new ekf2 selector runs in multi-instance mode to monitor and compare all instances, selecting a primary (eg N x estimator_attitude => vehicle_attitude)
- sensors module accel & gyro inconsistency checks are now relative to the mean of all instances, rather than the current primary (when active ekf2 selector is responsible for choosing primary accel & gyro)
- existing consumers of estimator_status must check estimator_selector_status to select current primary instance status
- ekf2 single instance mode is still fully supported and the default
Co-authored-by: Paul Riseborough <gncsolns@gmail.com>
- new sensors work item that subscribes to N x sensor_gps and publishes vehicle_gps_position
- blending is now configurable with SENS_GPS_MASK and SENS_GPS_TAU
Co-authored-by: Jacob Crabill <jacob@volans-i.com>
Co-authored-by: Jacob Dahl <dahl.jakejacob@gmail.com>
- inconsistency checks now run continuously instead of only preflight
- keep inconsistencies for all sensors
- add per sensor data validator state as overall health flag
- IMU integration move from drivers (PX4Accelerometer/PX4Gyroscope) to sensors/vehicle_imu
- sensors: voted_sensors_update now consumes vehicle_imu
- delete sensor_accel_integrated, sensor_gyro_integrated
- merge sensor_accel_status/sensor_gyro_status into vehicle_imu_status
- sensors status output minor improvements (ordering, whitespace, show selected sensor device id and instance)
* msg: Add EKF-GSF yaw estimator logging data
* ecl: update to version with EKF-GSF yaw estimator
* ekf2: Add param control and logging for EKF-GSF yaw estimator
* logger: Add logging for EKF-GSF yaw esimtator
- introduces parameter IMU_DGYRO_CUTOFF to configure the angular acceleration low pass filter
- the angular acceleration is computed by differentiating angular velocity after the notch filter (IMU_GYRO_NF_FREQ & IMU_GYRO_NF_BW) is applied
Co-authored-by: Julien Lecoeur <jlecoeur@users.noreply.github.com>
- split out integrated data into new standalone messages (sensor_accel_integrated and sensor_gyro_integrated)
- publish sensor_gyro at full rate and remove sensor_gyro_control
- limit sensor status publications to 10 Hz
- remove unused accel/gyro raw ADC fields
- add device IDs to sensor_bias and sensor_correction
- vehicle_angular_velocity/vehicle_acceleration: check device ids before using bias and corrections