nxp_ucans32k146:Relocation for Bootloader
nxp_ucans32k146:can_boot enable CAN
nxp_ucans32k146:Save Space use Non Optimize memcpy
nxp_ucans32k146:Increase to 24K
nxp/ucans32k146:Canbootloader LED Driver
nxp_ucans32k146:Can bootloader shut down CAN
nxp_ucans32k146:Use NVMEEPROM for Paramaters
nxp_ucans32k146:Use bootloader AppDescriptor
px4 mtd:Support onchip emulated eeprom
Fixed UAVCAN146 linker script that caused CXX initalization to wrong
Enabled uORB listener command
Updated UAVCANv1 msg definition
Known isssue: PX4 params are not working on the UAVCAN146
- currently the main change is that it reduces the max number of ORB multi instances to 4, but usage will be expanded as needed
- limits number of EKF2 multi instances to 2.
- enabled on all cortex m4 boards
- always check with state machine before reboot/shutdown
- respect BOARD_HAS_POWER_CONTROL (shutdown from command, low battery, power button)
- px4_shutdown_request add optional delay and always execute from HPWORK
- px4_shutdown_request split out px4_reboot_request