Before #14212 the velocity control gains used in the multicopter
position controller were defined as a scale between velocity error in
one axis (or it's integral and derivative respectively) and the unit
thrust vector. The problem with this is that the normalization of the
unit thrust vector changes per vehicle or even vehicle configuration
as 0 and 100% thrust get a different physical response. That's why
the gains are now defined as scale between velocity error
(integral/derivative) and the output acceleration in m/s².
* Draco-R sensor orientation correction
* LL40LS sensor is not stable during I2C probing. More trials have been implemented.
* px4flow execution has been removed as rc script already running it
* GPS LED script repaired
* Off ICM20608 due to some bug?
* Removed i2c speed adjustment due to SMBUS.
* ms5611 test2 does not exist
* Baud rate has changed.
* Draco-R airframe parameters are updated.
* IFO and Draco parameters are updated
* Draco-R sensor orientation corrected
* Draco-R DSHOT supports