- saves a small amount of work for the ekf2 selector in multi-EKF mode (visual_odometry_aligned now ignored)
- helps to distinguish the origin/purpose from vehicle_odometry and vehicle_visual_odometry
- ekf2 can now run in multi-instance mode (currently up to 9 instances)
- in multi mode all estimates are published to alternate topics (eg estimator_attitude instead of vehicle_attitude)
- new ekf2 selector runs in multi-instance mode to monitor and compare all instances, selecting a primary (eg N x estimator_attitude => vehicle_attitude)
- sensors module accel & gyro inconsistency checks are now relative to the mean of all instances, rather than the current primary (when active ekf2 selector is responsible for choosing primary accel & gyro)
- existing consumers of estimator_status must check estimator_selector_status to select current primary instance status
- ekf2 single instance mode is still fully supported and the default
Co-authored-by: Paul Riseborough <gncsolns@gmail.com>
- add new parameter `IMU_GYRO_FFT_EN` to start
- add 75% overlap in buffer to increase FFT update rate
- space out FFT calls (no more than 1 per cycle)
- increase `IMU_GYRO_FFT_MIN` default
- decrease main stack usage
- mavlink messages DEBUG/DEBUG_FLOAT_ARRAY/DEBUG_VECT/NAMED_VALUE_FLOAT move to separate stream headers and don't include if CONSTRAINED_FLASH
- msg: skip debug_array.msg, debug_key_value.msg, debug_value.msg, debug_vect.msg if CONSTRAINED_FLASH
- drivers/tone_alarm: move to ModuleBase and purge CDev (/dev/tone_alarm0)
- drivers/tone_alarm: only run on tune_control publication (or scheduled note) rather than continuously
- drivers/tone_alarm: use HRT to schedule tone stop (prevents potential disruption)
- msg/tune_control: add tune_id numbering
- systemcmds/tune_control: add "error" special case tune_id
- move all tune_control publication to new uORB::PublicationQueued<>
- start tone_alarm immediately after board defaults are loaded to fix potential startup issues
- for SITL (or other boards with no TONE output) print common messages (startup, error, etc)
- new sensors work item that subscribes to N x sensor_gps and publishes vehicle_gps_position
- blending is now configurable with SENS_GPS_MASK and SENS_GPS_TAU
Co-authored-by: Jacob Crabill <jacob@volans-i.com>
Co-authored-by: Jacob Dahl <dahl.jakejacob@gmail.com>
- vehicle_imu/vehicle_magnetometer add monotonically increasing `calibration_count` field so that downstream subscribers are aware of calibration changes
- inconsistency checks now run continuously instead of only preflight
- keep inconsistencies for all sensors
- add per sensor data validator state as overall health flag
- use proper Mavlink MAV_CMD_FIXED_MAG_CAL_YAW command for initiating magnetometer quick cal
- MAV_CMD_FIXED_MAG_CAL_YAW allows specifying the yaw and optionally latitude and longitude if the vehicle doesn't have GPS
- added support for BQ40Z80 based battery
- added performance counter for interface errors
- added SMART_BATTERY_INFO mavlink message
- general code cleanups and optimization
- fixed: void flooding the log in case of interface error
- fixed: using _batt_startup_capacity instead of _batt_capacity for discharged_mah
- update: read manufacture_date
- update: get _cell_count from parameter and not const 4
- update: avoid re-reading data that has already been read and stored on class already
- currently the battery type defined by BAT_SMBUS_MODEL parameter and not by auto detection
- track and publish validity based on hover thrust variance, innovation test ratio, and hysteresis
- only publish on actual updates or becoming inactive
- fix dt (previous timestamp wasn't being saved)
- use local position timestamp (corresponding) to accel data rather than current time to avoid unnecessary timing jitter
- check local position validity before using
- mc_hover_thrust_estimator: move from wq:lp_default -> wq:nav_and_controllers to ensure the hover thrust estimator runs after the position controller and uses the same vehicle_local_position data
- land_detector: check hover thrust estimate validity and adjust low throttle thresholds if hover thrust is available
- mc_pos_control: only use hover thrust estimate if valid