* Draco-R sensor orientation correction
* LL40LS sensor is not stable during I2C probing. More trials have been implemented.
* px4flow execution has been removed as rc script already running it
* GPS LED script repaired
* Off ICM20608 due to some bug?
* Removed i2c speed adjustment due to SMBUS.
* ms5611 test2 does not exist
* Baud rate has changed.
* Draco-R airframe parameters are updated.
* IFO and Draco parameters are updated
* Draco-R sensor orientation corrected
* Draco-R DSHOT supports
-moved rc.mavlink to the boards optional rc additions (now it's called rc.board_mavlink) to handle board specific mavlink needs (mavlink over usb, ethernet, additional streams, etc.)
-mavlink module will be responsible to usb defaults, therefore less args are needed to be passed to mavlink module if one wants to use mavlink over usb.
-the way to check if connection is usb is by it's designated variable and not by config mode.