Flight tested: ekf2 w/ mag and compass by @nathantsoi: https://logs.px4.io/plot_app?log=79b81031-cf1e-41f0-890b-d6cd7d559766
NOTE: external I2C devices need a pullup. I have tested with a 3.3v 2.2k pullup.
- mpu6000, bench tested and verified via nsh
- fmu
- all 6 ch output bench tested w/ pwm and oneshot via nsh
- ppm input bench tested
- dsm input bench tested
- bmp280, bench tested and verified via nsh
- hmc5883, bench tested and verified via nsh, but requires an external i2c pullup
- gps on uart6
- startuplog, nsh, mavlink on uart4, but params are not sent for some reason. RSSI pin is TX, MOTOR 5 is RX (normal mode, 57600 baud)
- rgbled over i2c, bench tested and workingp
- sbus via the shared sbus/ppm pin (which includes an inverter to the mcu SBUS in pin), remove the solder bridge or jumper to the ppm pin before use
Not yet implemented:
- OSD: passthrough video is untested, use at your own risk until a basic driver is implemented.
In the Cygwin environment the native Windows serial COM# ports get mapped
to /dev/ttyS# for POSIX compatibility. While # is one number lower inside
the environment than the COM port number because it's 0 indexed instead
of 1.
I added the necessary handling to all the dependent parts I found which
allows uploading to /dev/ttyS# when the cygwin platform is detected.
Now the usual "make px4fmu-v4 upload" and
"./Tools/upload.sh build/px4fmu-v4_default/px4fmu-v4_default.px4" work.
This change fragments MAVLink packets more efficiently and therefore increases the net throughput. This in turn makes the connection significantly more stable and the Crazyflie experience overall more usable.
In the stm32f7 the configuration variable for SD card with DMA changed from CONFIG_STM32_SDIO_DMA to CONFIG_STM32F7_SDMMC_DMA
the maximum clock speed of 16MHz can now be achieved.
- move to ModuleBase
- strip down to PWM 8 and 16 modes only
- remove all dead code
- implement missing pwm ioctls (current value, rates, etc)
- default rate 50Hz -> 400Hz
* Cygwin: repaired NuttX build after 1f63d85869
all the NuttX specific WINTOOL define handling was skiped in cmake Make.defs generation
The Nuttx build is makfile based and needs its cygwin treatment
Additionally the ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/src/include which was added through cmake needs path conversion
The two root causes for the special handling are:
- ARM GCC for Windows doesn't support cygwin paths passed as an argument
so they need to be either relative or converted via cypath tool
- Symbolic links are totally different under Windows and because NuttX uses them extensively
it has special handling scripts that need to be fed with the correct defines
* Cygwin: NuttX include paths all converted in Make.defs.in
differentiate between WINTOOL define (MSYS & cygwin) and cygwin using uname command:
- MSYS needs symbolic link handling for ARM GCC but no path conversion
- Cygwin needs both
This is a temporary workaround for equal expressions in chip/sam_xdmac.c
and can be reverted once fixed properly in NuttX. Needed for the GCC 7
upgrade in #8551.
Most of the incompatitbilities are luckily similar to the darwin build.
- New target OS __PX4_CYGWIN added because in other build environments on Windows defines will very likely be completely different
- added all necessary exeptions to the defines
- disabled priorities completely because on Windows they are defined 1-32 and with all the arbitrary +40 -40 priority settings there were a lot of problems
not only did some threads/"virtual tasks" not start because of out of bound priorities but also the resulting scheduling was totally random and inadequate
with default priorities it ran toally fine during my first tests, should be rethought when windows is used onboard in the future
There was and extra "nuttx" dir:
cp: cannot stat '/home/lucas/p/dronecode/PX4/Firmware/build/aerofc-v1_default/NuttX/nuttx/nuttx/.config': No such file or directory
FAILED: NuttX/CMakeFiles/menuconfig
And the board fixup being executed from the wrong working directory:
fatal: Path 'nuttx-configs/aerofc-v1/nsh/defconfig' does not exist in 'HEAD'