* 8 kHz gyro, 4 kHz accel
* DLPF disabled
* scheduled using data ready interrupts
* FIFO is emptied at 1 kHz by default, but can adjusted via IMU_GYRO_RATEMAX from 250 Hz - 2000 kHz.
* On both px4_fmu-v4 and px4_fmu-v4pro the secondary IMU is an mpu9250 with the same driver
- checked register mechanism and simple watchdog
- driver checks for errors gradually and can reconfigure itself
- respect IMU_GYRO_RATEMAX at the driver level
- fixed sensor INT16_MIN and INT16_MAX handling (y & z axis are flipped before publishing)
- checked register mechanism and simple watchdog
- driver checks for errors gradually and can reconfigure itself
- respect IMU_GYRO_RATEMAX at the driver level
- fixed sensor INT16_MIN and INT16_MAX handling (y & z axis are flipped before publishing)
- increased sensor_gyro_fifo max size (enables running the driver much slower, but still transferring all raw data)
- PX4Accelerometer/PX4Gyroscope remove unnecessary memsets
- reduces amount of board configuration required
- removes the cyclic dependency between io_timers_t and timer_io_channels_t
Fixes a bug in the fmuk66-v3 config: the 2. timer has 3 channels associated
not 2.
Fixes a bug in the modelai config: the 2. timer has 4 channels associated.
* add support for unmanned underwater vehicles:
* airframe uuv_generic + uuv_hippocammpus including mav_type = 12 for submarines
* mixer for UUVs with X-shaped thruster setup similar to quadcopter
* add module uuv_att_control for underwater robot attitude control
* add rc.uuv_defaults/apps for autostarting e.g. ekf2 and uuv_att_control app
- this is a new module for temperature compensation that consolidates the functionality previously handled in the sensors module (calculating runtime thermal corrections) and the events module (online thermal calibration)
- by collecting this functionality into a single module we can optionally disable it on systems where it's not used and save some flash (if disabled at build time) or memory (disabled at run time)
- uses the FIFO and SPI DMA to transfer full raw data (8 kHz gyro, 4 kHz accel)
- new sensor messages for better visibility
- sensor_{accel, gyro}_fifo: full raw data for optional logging and analysis
- sensor_{accel, gyro}_status: metadata, clipping, etc
- currently not enabled by default
and remove the px4_ prefix, except for px4_config.h.
command to update includes:
for k in app.h atomic.h cli.h console_buffer.h defines.h getopt.h i2c.h init.h log.h micro_hal.h module.h module_params.h param.h param_macros.h posix.h sem.h sem.hpp shmem.h shutdown.h tasks.h time.h workqueue.h; do for i in $(grep -rl 'include <px4_'$k src platforms boards); do sed -i 's/#include <px4_'$k'/#include <px4_platform_common\/'$k/ $i; done; done
for in $(grep -rl 'include <px4_config.h' src platforms boards); do sed -i 's/#include <px4_config.h/#include <px4_platform_common\/px4_config.h'/ $i; done
Transitional headers for submodules are added (px4_{defines,log,time}.h)
* adds a work_queue systemcmd that will bring a tree view of all active work queues and work items
* WorkQueues now track attached WorkItems and will shutdown when the last WorkItem is detached
-moved rc.mavlink to the boards optional rc additions (now it's called rc.board_mavlink) to handle board specific mavlink needs (mavlink over usb, ethernet, additional streams, etc.)
-mavlink module will be responsible to usb defaults, therefore less args are needed to be passed to mavlink module if one wants to use mavlink over usb.
-the way to check if connection is usb is by it's designated variable and not by config mode.
This new airspeed module does:
-runns an airspeed validator for every airspeed sensor present, which checks measurement validity and estimates an airspeed scale
-selects another airspeed sensor if for the current one a failure is detected
-estimates airspeed with groundspeed-windspeed if no valid airspeed sensor is present
-outputs airspeed_validated topic
Signed-off-by: Silvan Fuhrer <silvan@auterion.com>
A board only needs to define:
#define RC_SERIAL_PORT "/dev/ttyS4"
Then it can optionally define one or more of the following:
#define RC_INVERT_INPUT(_invert_true) px4_arch_gpiowrite(GPIO_SBUS_INV, _invert_true)