This allows one to set a semi-colon separated list of regular
expressions in the environment variable PX4_NO_OPTIMIZATION
to control which (cmake generated) targets should be compiled
without optimization.
Suppressing optimization can be necessary for debugging in
a debugger, especially when trying to step through the code
or needing to print variables that otherwise are optimized out.
export PX4_NO_OPTIMIZATION="px4;^modules__uORB;^modules__systemlib$"
will result in the following messages during cmake configuration:
-- Disabling optimization for target 'platforms__posix__px4_layer'
because it matches the regexp 'px4' in env var PX4_NO_OPTIMIZATION
-- Disabling optimization for target 'modules__systemlib' because it
matches the regexp '^modules__systemlib$' in env var PX4_NO_OPTIMIZATION
-- Disabling optimization for target 'modules__uORB' because it matches
the regexp '^modules__uORB' in env var PX4_NO_OPTIMIZATION
-- Disabling optimization for target 'examples__px4_simple_app' because
it matches the regexp 'px4' in env var PX4_NO_OPTIMIZATION
-- Disabling optimization for target 'modules__uORB__uORB_tests' because
it matches the regexp '^modules__uORB' in env var PX4_NO_OPTIMIZATION
-- Disabling optimization for target 'px4' because it matches the regexp
'px4' in env var PX4_NO_OPTIMIZATION
Note that a list of all (currently used) target names can be printed
with the following command line from within the required build directory:
find . -wholename '*/CMakeFiles/*.dir/flags.make' | xargs dirname | xargs basename -a | sort -u | sed -e 's/.dir$//'
Over time I made a few changes unrelated to what I'm really working on.
These changes are hereby committed first. The bug fixes are related to
what I'm doing in that I need them to be fixed for future commits.
Tools/ rename label to rcS_dir and fix usage help.
cmake/common/px4_base.cmake: Remove the check on OUT_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS,
and a few typos and indentation issues.
cmake/configs/posix_sitl_replay.cmake: Set the correct variable
(config_sitl_rcS_dir) to the correct directory.
cmake/nuttx/px4_impl_nuttx.cmake: typos and indentation issues,
and removal of a redundant FORCE (INTERNAL implies FORCE).
cmake/posix/px4_impl_posix.cmake: typos and indentation issues.
cmake/qurt/px4_impl_qurt.cmake: typos and indentation issues.
src/modules/mavlink/mavlink_ftp.cpp : possible strict-aliasing breakage.
The second argument passed to is the value of
config_sitl_rcS_dir. This fact is missing from the usage help.
I renamed 'label' to 'rcS_dir' to better reflect this.
Also, for the 'replay' config the wrong variable was set causing
the call to to skip an argument and fail (ie the
debugger was passed as rcS_dir and so on).
The check on OUT_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS in px4_parse_function_args
basically causes every passed IN variable to be REQUIRED and is
therefore a bug. The test for the presence of the REQUIRED arguments
follows directly after and is sufficient for this job. This bug went
unnoticed because currently every argument to OPTIONS, ONE_VALUE,
and MULTI_VALUE is actually passed to the function(s) calling
px4_parse_function_args (them being REQUIRED or not).
The changes in mavlink_ftp.cpp are to avoid a possible aliasing bug
and (mostly) to avoid the compiler warning/error: dereferencing type-
punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules [-Werror=strict-aliasing].
* Low impact changes from path_cleanup branch.
This is a step towards minimizing the diff with path_cleanup branch.
* Update ecl.
* Revert matrix update.
* Revert ecl and matrix.
* Update sitl gazebo.
* Revert sitl_gazebo and matrix changes.
Nuttx now gets to link phase. But there are two unresolved symbols:
arm-none-eabi/include/c++/4.7.4/bits/basic_string.h:1128: undefined reference to `std::string::assign(char const*, unsigned int)'
arm-none-eabi/include/c++/4.7.4/bits/stl_list.h:1534: undefined reference to `std::__detail::_List_node_base::_M_hook(std::__detail::_List_node_base*)'
Signed-off-by: Mark Charlebois <>
The DF_TARGET cmake variable needs to be set to (linux, darwin, qurt, nuttx)
The define __DF_LINUX or __DF_QURT needs to be set.
The __DF_DARWIN target is untested
Signed-off-by: Mark Charlebois <>
Created a dummy build_git_version.h so I did not have to figure out
how to generate it.
Commented out topic_listener.cpp from src/systemcmds/CMakeLists.txt
because it depends on a generated cpp file.
Link doesn't work mut many modules build
Signed-off-by: Mark Charlebois <>