* ubuntu.sh: fix space and capitalization
* Add setup script for Arch Linux
* arch.sh: remove numerous confirmations, added some base packages
* setup scripts: adjust messages according to review
* bump container tags to 2019-10-04
* docker_run: update container name and tag
* generate_microRTPS_bridge.py: force FastRTPSGen to version 1.0 if the result of 'fastrtpsgen -version' command is not a number
* CI: temporarly disable avoidance and safe landing tests
* CI: try to revive tiltrotor test
* adds a work_queue systemcmd that will bring a tree view of all active work queues and work items
* WorkQueues now track attached WorkItems and will shutdown when the last WorkItem is detached
* Add kdevelop to gitignore
* Add test stubs
* Rename px4_add_gtest to px4_add_unit_gtest
* Add infrastructure to run functional tests
* Add example tests with parameters and uorb messages
* Fix memory issues in destructors in uORB manager and CDev
* Add a more real-world test of the collision prevention
- sitl_gazebo in PX4/Firmware (7bba5a7287): 95adbb11f8
- sitl_gazebo current upstream: 22df9475ca
- Changes: 95adbb11f8...22df9475ca
22df947 2019-06-27 Martina Rivizzigno - Range.proto: fix indentation
8ef5625 2019-05-28 Martina Rivizzigno - update sonar message to match mavlink distance sensor definition
e04ff96 2018-12-04 Martina - get distance sensor orientation from the vehicle model instead of hard-coding it in the gazebo interface, add horizontal and vertical fov
In order to be consistent between Gazebo and jMAVSim we should be using
the env variable PX4_SIM_SPEED_FACTOR in the same way. This enables
vscode to set the speed using the env variable.
- sitl_gazebo in PX4/Firmware (b0176dc88a): a0b0eb8df1
- sitl_gazebo current upstream: af00ac4dfc
- Changes: a0b0eb8df1...af00ac4dfc
af00ac4 2019-06-07 Lukas Woodtli - Add support for unit tests on macOS
3a81838 2019-06-04 Lukas Woodtli - Add support to build and run unit tests with catkin
c59d214 2019-05-11 Lukas Woodtli - Add unit tests for gps plugin
860e1ce 2018-09-20 Lukas Woodtli - Add unit tests for gimbal controller plugin
Before, the pyserial check would fail before it could check for the
VERSION that the Python 2.7 version contains. This fixes it to check
for the VERSION independently.
- sitl_gazebo in PX4/Firmware (88127380e7): 3062d287c3
- sitl_gazebo current upstream: a0b0eb8df1
- Changes: 3062d287c3...a0b0eb8df1
- a0b0eb8 2019-05-10 bazooka joe - Calculate iris inertia from the body colision parameters assuming that the body is homogenic cube. that fixes impossible inertia matrix
- 113605b 2019-03-27 Elia Tarasov - fix gimbal_controller timestep sign