Remove kconfig-frontends installation from setup.sh
3 years ago
Daniel Agar
NuttX build in place
- cmake NuttX build wrapper compile in place instead of copying source tree to build directory
- slightly faster skipping necessary copying (depending on system)
- allows debugging in place
- easier to work directly in NuttX following official documentation
- simplifies overall build which should make it easier to resolve any remaining NuttX dependency issues in the build system
- the downside is switching back and forth between different builds always require rebuilding NuttX, but I think this is worth the improved developer experience
- also no longer builds px4io and bootloader in every single build, for most users these rarely change and we're wasting a lot of build time
3 years ago
Matthias Grob
setup/python requirements: add future module
which is a requirement for MAVLink header generation.
Found on Ubuntu 20.04 Python 3.
3 years ago
Jacob Crabill
mavlink: cmake generate mavlink headers at build time
- mavlink/mavlink is now directly included as a submodule instead of the generated mavlink/c_library_v2
- this also switches to mavlink development.xml by default
3 years ago
David Lechner
setup: fix installing in virtual env on Ubuntu
This fixes running the Ubuntu setup script in a Python virtual
environment. This was failing because pip doesn't allow the --user
option in virtual environments.
3 years ago
Peter van der Perk
Added common options for sensor drivers
uavcan_board_identity check for existance
Added kconfig for compiler definitions
3 years ago
Peter van der Perk
[Kconfig] Decompose Kconfig, now each module has its own Kconfig
Which is better for versioning and decomposability
3 years ago
Julian Oes
setup: Use available Java version for Ubuntu 20.04
14 was not available for me, 16 would have been.
4 years ago
Julian Oes
setup: Let's not ignore errors
Otherwise the script finishes and you don't know if it worked.
4 years ago
Matthias Grob
Make arch setup script executable
I usually called it using `source arch.sh`
but if it's executable it could also be called using `./arch.sh`
and that's also what's done for the ubuntu setup script.
4 years ago
Beat Küng
requirements.txt: add jsonschema (required for events json validation)
4 years ago
Daniel Agar
px_uploader.py remove special pyserial checks that fail on some platforms
4 years ago
Mikołaj Grzybek
arch.sh: Syntax error fix
Script failed for me with following error
PX4-Autopilot/Tools/setup/arch.sh: line 159: syntax error near unexpected token `else'
PX4-Autopilot/Tools/setup/arch.sh: line 159: ` else'
Seems like there is nothing to do in case of positive if case.
Changed code should maintain logic
4 years ago
Daniel Agar
Tools/setup: update ubuntu.sh with current NuttX dependencies
4 years ago
Kalyan Sriram
requirements: bump nunavut minimum version
4 years ago
Daniel Agar
Tools/setup: macos use pip as python3 module
4 years ago
Fabrizio Romanelli
Tools/setup/ubuntu.sh: Update to allow multiple host architectures
4 years ago
Daniel Agar
UAVCAN v1 bridge
- NuttX stm32f4/stm32f7 uses character device driver
- NuttX kinetis and s32k uses socketcan
4 years ago
Matthias Grob
arch.sh: update zsh support, latest ARM GCC, gazebo AUR
4 years ago
Ramón Hernán Roche Quintana
Tools: Python >3.7 requires the wheel packge
currently installing pymavlink witouth the wheel package results in an
error when using Python 3.7 or later
4 years ago
Daniel Agar
Tools/setup: requirements.txt add pymavlink
- needed for Tools/mavlink_shell.py
4 years ago
Martin Povišer
setup: add Nix derivation with build environment
4 years ago
Tomasz Domański
Tools/setup: Add apt-get update after adding gazebo list
4 years ago
Benjamin Perseghetti
Tools/setup/ubuntu.sh: fix for Ubuntu 20.04 - use gazebo11
4 years ago
Tools/setup: ubuntu.sh added jmavsim dependency
5 years ago
Daniel Agar
Tools: Ubuntu setup remove "set -e" to prevent grep early exit
- the gcc version grep was causing the script to exit early
5 years ago
Daniel Agar
Tools: Ubuntu setup update arm-none-eabi-gcc to 9-2020-q2-update
5 years ago
Matthias Grob
setup scripts: install dmidecode before using it
On normal desktop distributions dmidecode is preinstalled
and I was assuming it's part of the core tools. Thanks to a hint
I found out it's not and am installing the package before using it.
5 years ago
Julian Oes
workflows: OSX.sh is now called macos.sh
5 years ago
Julian Oes
setup: only install homebrew if not already there
5 years ago
Julian Oes
setup: move the OSX.sh script to macos.sh
It's called macOS for a while now, and no longer OSX.
5 years ago
Julian Oes
setup: we no longer need Java 8
However, Java 11 or 14 depending on the Ubuntu version are just fine.
5 years ago
Julian Oes
setup: mark Ubuntu 16.04 as unsupported
Ubuntu was already unsupported, now that 20.04 is out, however, the
change was not reflected yet in this script.
5 years ago
Julian Oes
setup: Java 14 is fine now
5 years ago
Julian Oes
setup: clean up macOS setup script
- Spaces -> tabs.
- Remove "brew install python" because it's already a dependency of the
px4-dev tap.
- Remove "brew install ccache" as we can also add it to the px4-dev tap.
- Don't try to update pip installation, it works fine as is.
- Install pip dependencies as user, no need for system-wide install.
5 years ago
Matthias Grob
ubuntu.sh: add fix for gazebo's OpenGL problem in VMs
That makes gazebo crash in VMWare 3D graphics accelration.
5 years ago
Matthias Grob
ubuntu.sh: style, 20.04 comment and message wording
5 years ago
Matthias Grob
ubuntu.sh: source .profile before checking for ARM GCC
to avoid downloading and installing ARM GCC again if the script is
reran immediately after e.g. because it failed the first time.
5 years ago
Matthias Grob
ubuntu.sh: don't upgrade pip outside of system package manager
This can lead to inconsistency with the installed package.
E.g. also if the package is remove the upgraded pip stays
but the symbolic links are gone.
5 years ago
Matthias Grob
setup: don't require exact matplotlib version
Because this older version fails to install on Ubuntu 20.04
and makes the entire setup script fail.
5 years ago
Daniel Agar
Tools/setup: ubuntu updates to sync with px4io/px4-dev-base container
5 years ago
Daniel Agar
Github Actions add MacOS build and fix Tools/setup/OSX.sh
- Tools/setup/OSX.sh wasn't installing px4-dev on fresh run
5 years ago
Jonathan Hahn
add GNU screen to NUTTX dependencies in ubuntu setup
5 years ago
David Jablonski
install bc for all simulations
5 years ago
Beat Küng
ubuntu.sh: minor simplifications
5 years ago
Julian Oes
Tools: fix ubuntu setup script
This fixes the error:
line 149: [: missing `]'
5 years ago
Hamish Willee
Ubuntu.sh - report Ubuntu 20.04 in setup
5 years ago
Hamish Willee
ubuntu setup script: add gstreamer1.0-libav
This was needed in order to display video in QGC
5 years ago
Hamish Willee
ubuntu.sh: No automatic removal of modemmanager
5 years ago
Matthias Grob
arch.sh: use binary repository for gazebo
This makes installation a lot faster and less error prone.
5 years ago