- nuttx in PX4/Firmware (22a005c9f422180f0c0c5f96c20b16deb66a674c): 2d7920055f
- nuttx current upstream: 398a59aaa4
- Changes: 2d7920055f...398a59aaa4
398a59aaa4 2019-11-29 David Sidrane - [BACKPORT] stm32f7:ethernet: Add some delays so that ifup() does not hog the CPU.
Change PID to 0x4b:
Holybro obtained their own PID and VID but APM did not follow
the PX4 convention of makeing the board_id (0x8b) match the PID)
Incorporated the Upstream Bootloader state sequencing checking change.
Change the usb cout to send all chars in 1 write.
The Addition of PX4_ARCH_DCACHE_LINESIZE is fundamentally wrong.
It asserst that an STM32F4 has a cache and it does not.
This should be #if defined() on CONFIG_ARMV7M_DCACHE
Main UAVCAN protocol handling and ESC updates run on the same thread/wq as
before. There are 2 WorkItems for separate scheduling of the 2, so that
ESC updates run in sync with actuator_control updates. UAVCAN is scheduled
at a fixed rate of 3ms (previously the poll timeout) and on each UAVCAN
bus event.
This leads to roughly the same behavior as before. CPU & RAM usage are
pretty much the same (tested on Pixhawk 4).
Testing done: Motors still work (with feedback), param changes and a
UAVCAN optical flow sensor.
getLockGuard relies on copy elision to work correctly, which the compiler
is not required to do (only with C++17).
If no copy elision happens, the mutex ends up being unlocked twice, and the
CS is executed with the mutex unlocked.
The patch also ensures that the same pattern cannot be used again.
and remove the px4_ prefix, except for px4_config.h.
command to update includes:
for k in app.h atomic.h cli.h console_buffer.h defines.h getopt.h i2c.h init.h log.h micro_hal.h module.h module_params.h param.h param_macros.h posix.h sem.h sem.hpp shmem.h shutdown.h tasks.h time.h workqueue.h; do for i in $(grep -rl 'include <px4_'$k src platforms boards); do sed -i 's/#include <px4_'$k'/#include <px4_platform_common\/'$k/ $i; done; done
for in $(grep -rl 'include <px4_config.h' src platforms boards); do sed -i 's/#include <px4_config.h/#include <px4_platform_common\/px4_config.h'/ $i; done
Transitional headers for submodules are added (px4_{defines,log,time}.h)