* uORB orb_stat() and update(uint64_t *time, void *dst) are now obsolete and have been deleted
* mavlink messages add more advertised checks in streams get_size() check to improve data rate calculation across different scenarios
- sitl_gazebo in PX4/Firmware (88c9761f1f): 8569aec5bb
- sitl_gazebo current upstream: 458e58f797
- Changes: 8569aec5bb...458e58f797
458e58f 2020-03-10 JaeyoungLim - Fix sweep cosine (Continuing #302) (#429)
ea2568d 2019-12-27 JaeyoungLim - Increase rudder angle limit
8b905c9 2019-12-27 JaeyoungLim - Add rudder control to sitl
08f8e6f 2020-03-10 Jan-Hendrik Ewers - Update README.md
de10edd 2020-03-10 iwishiwasaneagle - FixesPX4/sitl_gazebo#424 for arch and ubuntu
4f596be 2020-03-10 Christian Clauss - Remove unused function isstring() in scripts/names.py (#346)
89db01c 2020-03-09 Matej Frančeškin - Handle MAV_CMD_SET_CAMERA_MODE
dae26ba 2020-03-08 JaeyoungLim - Handle videostream info and status
c13057d 2020-03-07 JaeyoungLim - Clear formatting and cleanups
639a6bb 2020-03-07 JaeyoungLim - Add parachute plugin
42d05bd 2020-03-09 RomanBapst - standard vtol: decrease rotorDragCoefficient to more realistic values
5669e5c 2020-03-07 leftytechie - Version check (#418)
82657d3 2020-03-07 Lorenz Meier - Fix geotagged images GPS position The GPS position was invalid, leading to incorrectly displayed geotag markers and to incorrect geotags in images.
8794a70 2020-03-02 Julian Oes - cmake: remove warning
7aba744 2020-02-26 TSC21 - gazebo_mavlink_interface: use class enum; use binary notation with the bitmask operations
0dc43a4 2020-02-26 TSC21 - gazebo_mavlink_interface: make sure to always send gyro and accel data in the HIL_SENSOR msgs
0c954a2 2020-02-25 TSC21 - mavlink_interface: split groundtruth stream from sensor stream; only apply rotations where needed
bc92d96 2020-02-25 TSC21 - set baro rate at 50Hz (averaging the PX4 baro drivers ODR)
94d16e6 2020-02-25 TSC21 - update magnetometer rate to 100Hz (fitting the ODR in most of the support PX4 mag drivers)
6cae120 2020-02-25 TSC21 - mavlink_interface: send HIL_SENSOR messages with the bitmask correctly defined IOT set each sensor stream rate separately
The problem with printing the exception was that starting with
Python 3.6 the ImportError is yet another (sub) exception called
ModuleNotFoundError which can't be printed as a string and then triggers
another exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/julianoes/src/Firmware/Tools/serial/generate_config.py", line 11, in <module>
import jinja2
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'jinja2'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/julianoes/src/Firmware/Tools/serial/generate_config.py", line 13, in <module>
print("Failed to import jinja2: " + e)
TypeError: must be str, not ModuleNotFoundError
As per @bkueng's suggestion the easiest is to cast the exception to str
and that way prevent the second exception.