nxp_ucans32k146:Relocation for Bootloader
nxp_ucans32k146:can_boot enable CAN
nxp_ucans32k146:Save Space use Non Optimize memcpy
nxp_ucans32k146:Increase to 24K
nxp/ucans32k146:Canbootloader LED Driver
nxp_ucans32k146:Can bootloader shut down CAN
nxp_ucans32k146:Use NVMEEPROM for Paramaters
nxp_ucans32k146:Use bootloader AppDescriptor
px4 mtd:Support onchip emulated eeprom
These changes remove the two code paths to updates (forceupdate and update) and try to reboot and bootload IO independent of its state, wether it is in bootloader mode already, safety switch is off or if it is in "nominal state" (running and safety on). This ensures that there are no conditions where user error or boot sequence can prevent a successful upgrade. The only state where an upgrade will not be done is if the system is fully armed.
Previously, we did not set a remote port which meant that the default
remote port 14550 was used. This meant that the mavlink instance
talking to the gimbal was interfering with the connection to the ground
station (on 14550).
This is a hack to make sure the messages from the gimbal arrive at other
links (e.g. the ground station). It means that the gimbal does not get
flooded with all other messages that would get forwarded but messages
from the gimbal will still make it through.
* Commit for the Integration of a position controller for the a Underwater vehicle.
This module is an extension of the uuv_att_control to control an Underwater vehicle to any position, given by the SET_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED which includes x y z yaw.
Since the position control is designed for a 6DOF Robot, the roll and pitch angle are controlled to be 0.
Additionally there is a stabilization control, which holds the robot at a defined depth, and not move in any direction.
In general the idea is to have this position module to control the position of the uuv. The position module reseives the desired position of the uuv and sends appropriate attitude setpoints to the uuv_attitude_control module.
Additionally the mixer file is adapted, to include the 6 different inputs(x y z roll pitch yaw).
* Commit for the Integration of a position controller for the a Underwater vehicle.
This module is an extension of the uuv_att_control to control an Underwater vehicle to any position, given by the SET_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED which includes x y z yaw.
Since the position control is designed for a 6DOF Robot, the roll and pitch angle are controlled to be 0.
Additionally there is a stabilization control, which holds the robot at a defined depth, and not move in any direction.
In general the idea is to have this position module to control the position of the uuv. The position module receives the desired position of the uuv and sends appropriate attitude setpoints to the uuv_attitude_control module.
Additionally the mixer file is adapted, to include the 6 different inputs(x y z roll pitch yaw).
Currently not solved/missing:
- Problem with gazebo model(propeller moving chaotically).
- Mixer correct gazebo vs real life (has to be tested in the future)
- correct integration in uuv.apps (when choose which module)
- very basic controller chosen (could be improved a lot in the future)
* Remove error caused by unused variables and a different build error
* added better description of the parameter. Additionally the group is changed.
* added better description of the parameter. Additionally the group is changed.
Fixed bug about parameter
* Added EOF to the files.
* Removed parameter for direct position control for safety reasons.
* small bugfix
This commit moves the steering output from yaw to the roll channel to better reflect the lateral control input / reaction mapping. It also removes old unused parameters and modernizes the mainloop to remove unnecessary polling.
This system command will display, set and save the network
netman show - Displays the current settings.
netman update - Will check for a net.cfg file on the SD card.
If present, it will update the paramaters,
delete the file, and reboot. Using the new settings.
netman save - Saves the current settings to net.cfg on the SD card.
This file shoulf be renamed to preserver it across
reboots or editited to chech networkin paramates.
File format is name<space>value:
echo DEVICE=eth0 > /fs/microsd/net.cfg
echo BOOTPROTO=fallback >> /fs/microsd/net.cfg
echo IPADDR= >> /fs/microsd/net.cfg
echo NETMASK= >>/fs/microsd/net.cfg
echo ROUTER= >>/fs/microsd/net.cfg
echo DNS= >>/fs/microsd/net.cfg
Valid values for `proto` are `dhcp`, `static`, `falback`
Both will try dhcp for CONFIG_NETINIT_FALLBACK times
and fall back to the static address.
NETMASK - is the network mask.
IPADDR - this nodes ip address for static or fall back.
ROUTER - The default route.
DNS - The address of the dns server.