* The build is built with SPI4. At run time the signal GPIO_8266_GPIO2 it tested. If it is low the SPI4 is configured. If it is high SPI4 is not configured.
* board_common: Add Notion of Board has bus manifest
Upstream changes defer the board reset based on the vaule of
0 (or not defined) Do not reset on assert
>= 1 reset if assertion is in an interrupt handler or the idle task
>= 2 on any asertion.
up_assert is called from up_hardfault or an asertion failure.
Part 1 of up_assert will call out to the board_crashdump
Part 2 on return from board_crashdump will then perform
the reset.
board_crashdump needs a chunk of ram to save the complete
context in. It uses &_sdata which is the lowest memory and
it will corrupt that memeory. We can therfore can not allow
return to the OS, as it could depend on that area of RAM.
So all boards need to do a reset at the end of board_crashdump
This call rarely needs to be truly atomic and the involved CPU overhead in making it atomic was unnecessary and introduces a lot of IRQ jitter with no value-add. The call has been moved to be non-atomic and the codebase will be inspected and changed in follow-up commits for the few instances where it is truly needed.
Device port can be set via SENS_EN_CM8JL65 parameter:
SENS_EN_CM8JL65 = 0 -> Disabled
SENS_EN_CM8JL65 = 1 -> Enabled on TELEM2
SENS_EN_CM8JL65 = 2 -> Enabled on TELEM1
Signed-off-by: Claudio Micheli <claudio@auterion.com>
First "stable" version of the driver.
TODO: - Cleanup the code
- Bench test (compare data with IMU)
- Flight Test
Signed-off-by: Claudio Micheli <claudio@auterion.com>
Serial is now cycled with work_queue rescheduling if some bytes are missing.
TODO: - Fix occasional sensor spikes (can be identified with crc)
- Clean up the code
- disable debug printf
Signed-off-by: Claudio Micheli <claudio@auterion.com>
* removed bus options that were essentially duplicates, causing hardfaults if attempting to start an already running driver. Changed NULL to nullptr. Removed bus options that were unused
* removed condition from if statement that was unnecessary
* fixed style