- libcanard in PX4/Firmware (e2ba4858a3285fe7ff0f2888d8b1ce5dbda589a1): 38796831f9
- libcanard current upstream: 2a11617028
- Changes: 38796831f9...2a11617028
2a11617 2021-05-20 Pavel Kirienko - Update the changelog
a1efa3a 2021-05-20 Peter van der Perk - Expose CanardRxSubscription fields for read-only use (#167)
- ecl in PX4/Firmware (2a18b8feeb24dcb07c2dd141e6097e211f83e6bd): 85f5a935fe
- ecl current upstream: e57af44d71
- Changes: 85f5a935fe...e57af44d71e57af44 2021-05-18 Bazooka Joe - set parameters that doesn't change with const attribute, for clearification
- sitl_gazebo in PX4/Firmware (61e972ba35): f10ccb7ec3
- sitl_gazebo current upstream: 5c24889852
- Changes: f10ccb7ec3...5c24889852
5c24889 2021-05-20 Andrew Voznytsa - Use cmake to find and link to gstreamer-app-1.0
This includes the following:
- Remove warning/throw_error flag as it is always !home_alt_valid.
- Remove impossible code path when home_alt_valid = false and
throw_error = false.
- Add home_alt_valid check in second check before using home_alt.
- Only use warning for the second check to allow waypoints below home.
- Don't return early when only warning.
This adds support to handle INT32_MAX for COMMAND_INT.x/y by converting
it to NAN internally.
It also adds paranoid checks to prevent:
- NAN being used sent by a COMMAND_INT by mistake.
- INT32_MAX being used sent by a COMMAND_LONG by mistake.
- disable noise suppression filter
- select more appropriate dynamic range
- carefully set and clear all ODR, DR, and OSRCNTL bits
- retry in probe multiple times
- increase SPI stall time slightly
- tolerate mag self test failure (could be due to local magnetic field)
- register configuration compatible with older ADIS16448AMLZ
- don't publish duplicate accel/gyro
- only allocate CRC perf counter if using CRC
- sitl_gazebo in PX4/Firmware (c3884b5bc1): 402897d225
- sitl_gazebo current upstream: f10ccb7ec3
- Changes: 402897d225...f10ccb7ec3
f10ccb7 2021-05-17 grahamjamesaddis - Fix non unique name warning in tailsitter.sdf.jinja (#756)
05b8625 2021-05-13 Andrew Voznytsa - Fix gstreamer timestamps; Use push mode all the way; Avoid duplicated frame encoding; Cleanup a bit there and here
9ec04cc 2021-05-16 Graham James Addis - Tidy rotor colours Grey/Blue.
493c5dc 2021-05-16 Graham James Addis - Minimal conversion to jinja format.
- ecl in PX4/Firmware (4668ea5c32075aca28fd813881a349f765ad8d2a): 29243ac5cb
- ecl current upstream: 85f5a935fe
- Changes: 29243ac5cb...85f5a935fe85f5a93 2021-05-11 bresch - [AUTO COMMIT] update change indication
f7c687e 2021-05-11 bresch - GNSS yaw unit test: test fallback to non yaw aiding mode
a4fe2b1 2021-05-11 bresch - yaw_align: let the mag control logic do the alignement and resets
2cc0230 2021-05-11 bresch - mag control: select mag mode before doing the reset
fe943cf 2021-05-11 bresch - mag reset: force align in MC custom mode (aka. indoor mode)
cadcc58 2021-05-11 bresch - mag reset: do not stop the fusion from inside the reset function
6248646 2021-05-11 bresch - EV yaw: move EV yaw reset out of resetMagHeading function
48722a2 2021-05-07 bresch - control: inhibit EV yaw from restarting when GPS aid wants to start
a685987 2021-05-07 bresch - GNSS yaw: unset yaw_align if fusion stops before takeoff
7ee6970 2021-05-04 bresch - GNSS yaw: add test case when measurement jumps
7a11871 2021-05-04 bresch - GNSS yaw tests: adjust timing
51197a5 2021-05-03 bresch - GNSS yaw selection logic refactor
WARN [mavlink] stream ADSB_VEHICLE not found
WARN [mavlink] stream GIMBAL_DEVICE_ATTITUDE_STATUS not found
WARN [mavlink] stream GIMBAL_MANAGER_STATUS not found
WARN [mavlink] stream GIMBAL_DEVICE_SET_ATTITUDE not found
WARN [mavlink] stream GPS2_RAW not found
WARN [mavlink] stream UTM_GLOBAL_POSITION not found
ERROR [mavlink] configure_streams_to_default() failed
This avoids incremental build errors when switching between branches with
a different set of airframes.
Aborting due to missing @type tag in file: 'Firmware/build/px4_fmu-v5_default/etc/init.d/airframes/13030_generic_vtol_quad_tiltrotor'