- the values of the parameters GND_MAX_ANG and GND_WHEEL_BASE are outdated. They belonged to another Rover setup.
- in the mixer file rover_diff_and_servo.main.mix the steering was controlled by roll, but in PX4 rover steering is controlled by yaw. And this was the reason why the attitude control did not work correctly
- the DF Robot GPX:Asurada rover has actual a steering angle of 60 degrees. And and wheel base of 0.17m. Parameter values in the airframe file are changed to this values
Channels belonging to a certain timer were not all grouped together.
This is required by the .first_channel_index and .last_channel_index data
We introduce a new mixer geometry to solve the problem.
* add support for unmanned underwater vehicles:
* airframe uuv_generic + uuv_hippocammpus including mav_type = 12 for submarines
* mixer for UUVs with X-shaped thruster setup similar to quadcopter
* add module uuv_att_control for underwater robot attitude control
* add rc.uuv_defaults/apps for autostarting e.g. ekf2 and uuv_att_control app
This target was never fully supported and is heavily dependent on a number of DriverFramework drivers that have no in tree equivalents (bebop bus, flow, rangefinder, etc). Deleting this will make it easier to fully drop DriverFramework shortly.
This inversion matches the fixed sign in the commands generated
by the VTOL attitude controller.
This commit, combined with the previous commit, should have no effect.
For safety, it is recommended to check the direction of roll control
surfaces before flight.
* The X-UAV Mini Talon airframe with the new type Plane V-Tail uses the new AAVVTWFF_vtail mixer.
The new mixer is derived from the AAVVTWFF mixer and is a generic V-Tail mixer. I left the flaps and wheel although there are no flaps and wheels on the mini talon to keep it generic. The airframe configuration is derived from the Albatross A-Tail.
- move posix-configs/SITL/init/{rcS,10016_iris,6011_typhoon_h480} to ROMFS/px4fmu_common/init.d-posix
allows for easier unification, only one symlink is required.
- rcS: add AUTOCNF support. Update scripts to match with behavior of PX4
master (parameter values, some sitl driver got removed)
- add alias to allow 'set variable value' syntax in scripts to px4-alias.sh
- use px4_getopt
- use separate argument for the test_data directory
- append PATH from within the px4 binary: this simplifies the usage
w/o the sitl_run.sh script.
- add 'source px4-alias.sh' to all existing sitl startup scripts
- move sitl mixers to ROMFS/px4fmu_common/mixers-sitl
makes it easier to use existing mixers and sitl-specific ones.
- remove unused rcS_gazebo_delta_wing
- use mixer for the simulation to the sitl mixer dir
- do not use virtual elevator in the mixer for the real vehicle
Signed-off-by: Roman <bapstroman@gmail.com>
* Lists ROMFS files explicity instead of using GLOB_RECURSE
Previously, when ROMFS files that were not airframes were touched, the ROMFS
would not be rebuilt. The ROMFS files are now specified explicityl in a
CMakeLists.txt file that is located in the root ROMFS directory.
Now when one of the ROMFS files is touched the whole ROMFS is rebuilt.
When new files are added to the ROMFS, they need to be explicity added to
the CMakeLists in the ROMFS root directory.
* ROMFS: adds individual CMakeLists files in each subdirectory
Also moves the temporary ROMFS build directory to ${PX4_BINARY_DIR}/ROMFS/genromfs
so that the cmake_install.cmake files and the CMakeFiles directories (generated whenever
are not add_subdirectory() is called) are not generated in the temporary ROMFS directory
from which the ROMFS binary is created.
* cmake ROMFS generate add px4_add_romfs_files function
* ROMFS CMakeLists: adds explanatory comment to px4_add_romfs_files function
* ROMFS CMakeLists: updates copyright headers
- simulated tailsitter needs a virtual elevator since we cannot simulate
elevons yet (liftDrag plugin does not model longitudinal moment Cm)
Signed-off-by: Roman <bapstroman@gmail.com>
It makes sense to have this for all standard planes and our default PWM outputs for MAIN are always 6 wide, so this should scale to all known HW platforms.