add missing break
uorb topics generator: add multi-topics to the list of all topics
topic names with '# TOPICS <name>' were previously not in orb_get_topics().
This means the logger could not find them.
Affects for example actuator_controls_0. add multitopics to generate_topics_list_file_from_files method
switch simulated attitude to new topic: vehicle_attitude_groundtruth
logger: add input_rc topic. needed for web plotting
input_rc.msg: remove timestamp_publication, use timestamp instead
mixer.cpp: warnx -> PX4_ERR
logger: initialize timer_call to 0 (hrt_call_every reads some fields)
position_setpoint_triplet topic: set the timestamp when publishing add multitopics to generate_topics_list_file_from_files method
add vehicle_attitude_groundtruth to default topics
change to hil_state_quaternion
topic names with '# TOPICS <name>' were previously not in orb_get_topics().
This means the logger could not find them.
Affects for example actuator_controls_0.
On second thought, using % just isn't correct. When a make
target looks like:
foo% bar%:
Then that implies that it will build BOTH foo% and bar% whenever
that rule is triggered (by either) for any value of the pattern %.
Clearly that is not what we want / intend.
So, this commit goes back to using config targets without a % in it
by generating a full list of them.
It also turns sitl_deprecation into a Hidden Target.
Finally, now that we have those target lists anyway, I added
a 'help' and 'list_config_targets' targets that print the
available targets.
Note that the '%' catch-all target only works when all other targets
either have a recipe or are marked as .PHONY, otherwise such targets
are only interpretted as dependencies and still executre the '%'
target afterwards, which is not what we want.
* navigator/mavlink: always send last reached item
Since we can't rely on mavlink that every message arrives, it makes
sense to continuously send the last reached waypoint.
* navigator: don't report reached for takeoff
If a takeoff waypoint has been inserted, we should not report that we
reached a mavlink mission item because we actually have not.
* This allows one to run 'make posix list_vmd_make_targets' and get output like
>make posix list_vmd_make_targets
-- Build files have been written to:
PX4 CONFIG: /usr/src/debian/px4/Firmware/Firmware.git/build_posix_sitl_default
Scanning dependencies of target list_vmd_make_targets
[100%] List of acceptable 'posix_sitl_default' <viewer_model_debugger> targets:
[100%] Built target list_vmd_make_targets
Or, run 'make list_vmd_make_targets' from the build_posix_* directory.
* This adds the list_cmake_targets make target to print all
cmake targets that one can match with PX4_NO_OPTIMIZATION.
PX4_NO_OPTIMIZATION is ignored (do optimization as normal)
when the CONFIG isn't posix_sitl_*.
* Add comment in Makefile on how/where to find all targets.
This allows one to set a semi-colon separated list of regular
expressions in the environment variable PX4_NO_OPTIMIZATION
to control which (cmake generated) targets should be compiled
without optimization.
Suppressing optimization can be necessary for debugging in
a debugger, especially when trying to step through the code
or needing to print variables that otherwise are optimized out.
export PX4_NO_OPTIMIZATION="px4;^modules__uORB;^modules__systemlib$"
will result in the following messages during cmake configuration:
-- Disabling optimization for target 'platforms__posix__px4_layer'
because it matches the regexp 'px4' in env var PX4_NO_OPTIMIZATION
-- Disabling optimization for target 'modules__systemlib' because it
matches the regexp '^modules__systemlib$' in env var PX4_NO_OPTIMIZATION
-- Disabling optimization for target 'modules__uORB' because it matches
the regexp '^modules__uORB' in env var PX4_NO_OPTIMIZATION
-- Disabling optimization for target 'examples__px4_simple_app' because
it matches the regexp 'px4' in env var PX4_NO_OPTIMIZATION
-- Disabling optimization for target 'modules__uORB__uORB_tests' because
it matches the regexp '^modules__uORB' in env var PX4_NO_OPTIMIZATION
-- Disabling optimization for target 'px4' because it matches the regexp
'px4' in env var PX4_NO_OPTIMIZATION
Note that a list of all (currently used) target names can be printed
with the following command line from within the required build directory:
find . -wholename '*/CMakeFiles/*.dir/flags.make' | xargs dirname | xargs basename -a | sort -u | sed -e 's/.dir$//'
While the config_sitl_rcS_dir is used more extensively (and actually
only depending on the base cmake target), the variables
config_sitl_viewer and config_sitl_debugger are just used to be
passed on for the run_config target; config_sitl_debugger is even
*always* 'disable'. Hence, they don't really need to be cached
(INTERNAL or not). Before this patch FILEPATH was used instead
of INTERNAL, but I doubt very much that that was intended. That
only makes sense when cmake-gui would be used and then would pop-up
a file browser to let the user pick a file (while really they
need to pick a directory, so it's wrong either way).
The ONLY reason caching would be used is when a developer edits
the build_posix_sitl_*/CMakeCache.txt files, changes these values
and then runs cmake in the build directory again, now overriding
the values intended here. Nevertheless, I left in the caching.
The main change in this commit (that theoretically has no real effect)
is that I removed the duplicated maintenance of
posix_sitl_broadcast.cmake. When that file was added, it was an
exact copy of posix_sitl_default.cmake and is since not always
maintained to remain the same. I don't think that difference is
in anyway relevant for the broadcasting part though.
Note that I think that something like that also holds for the
posix_sitl_replay.cmake; it would be a lot better - maintenance-wise
- when it was just derived from (or the same as) posix_sitl_default,
I think.
Doesn't really do anything, but while working on understanding
things I did this cleanup, making the Makefile a lot shorter
and more flexible for future changes ;).
Over time I made a few changes unrelated to what I'm really working on.
These changes are hereby committed first. The bug fixes are related to
what I'm doing in that I need them to be fixed for future commits.
Tools/ rename label to rcS_dir and fix usage help.
cmake/common/px4_base.cmake: Remove the check on OUT_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS,
and a few typos and indentation issues.
cmake/configs/posix_sitl_replay.cmake: Set the correct variable
(config_sitl_rcS_dir) to the correct directory.
cmake/nuttx/px4_impl_nuttx.cmake: typos and indentation issues,
and removal of a redundant FORCE (INTERNAL implies FORCE).
cmake/posix/px4_impl_posix.cmake: typos and indentation issues.
cmake/qurt/px4_impl_qurt.cmake: typos and indentation issues.
src/modules/mavlink/mavlink_ftp.cpp : possible strict-aliasing breakage.
The second argument passed to is the value of
config_sitl_rcS_dir. This fact is missing from the usage help.
I renamed 'label' to 'rcS_dir' to better reflect this.
Also, for the 'replay' config the wrong variable was set causing
the call to to skip an argument and fail (ie the
debugger was passed as rcS_dir and so on).
The check on OUT_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS in px4_parse_function_args
basically causes every passed IN variable to be REQUIRED and is
therefore a bug. The test for the presence of the REQUIRED arguments
follows directly after and is sufficient for this job. This bug went
unnoticed because currently every argument to OPTIONS, ONE_VALUE,
and MULTI_VALUE is actually passed to the function(s) calling
px4_parse_function_args (them being REQUIRED or not).
The changes in mavlink_ftp.cpp are to avoid a possible aliasing bug
and (mostly) to avoid the compiler warning/error: dereferencing type-
punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules [-Werror=strict-aliasing].
GCC 6.1.1 output:
../src/modules/fw_att_control/fw_att_control_main.cpp:884:41: error:
implicit conversion from ‘float’ to ‘double’ to match other operand of
binary expression [-Werror=double-promotion]