The comments and variable names were partly misleading.
I grouped all members, hopefully gave them more
understandable names and adjusted the comments.
There were two rather confusing function calls one to check
if smooth takeoff needs to be ran and one that updates it.
I combined them and documented the interface correctly
making the parameters non-reference const floats.
This tries to make the visibility.h header clearer and better
structured. We don't actually need the ifdef for lockstep enabled or
disabled because that's now handled elsewhere.
This makes sure we add the lockstep_scheduler_test even if the
ENABLE_LOCKSTEP_SCHEDULER is not set to yes. This means the
lockstep_scheduler is not used for SITL but the CMakeLists.txt file
still used and the test added.
GCC 9 complained about stringop-truncation which is a cautionary message
to prevent using strncpy with non-null terminated strings.
We can fix this by copying one byte less than the destination size and
then manually adding the null termination, as we already do.
When simulating with lockstep we can raise the speed by setting the env
variable `PX4_SIM_SPEED_FACTOR`. Some inputs like RC, MAVLink heartbeats
from a ground station, or offboard controls via MAVLink are still at the
normal speed which leads to timeouts getting detected in PX4.
To work around this issue we can automatically multiply the timeout
parameters by the speed factor.
This fixes the IDs of multi UAVs started with ROS/Gazebo.
Previously the 3 vehicles were displayed in QGC as Vehicle 2, 3, 4.
With this change it is more intuitive Vehicle 1, 2, 3 and this is
also consistent with the way it is documented and how it is in
Example: Before when you passed "make tests TESTFILTER=Attitude"
and subsequently "make tests TESTFILTER=Atti" it found the string
"TESTFILTER=Atti" in "TESTFILTER=Attitude" and hence the check if
the configuration is already correct passed. The fix checks for
the configuration parameter including the subsequent space separator
and after that strips the space away again such that the list
VERIFIED_CMAKE_OPTIONS doesn't contain trailing spaces.
visibility.h is included globally in PX4 via cmake compile flags.
It contains poisoning the exit() command which is used by gtest
to close the test application. Removing the flag for gtest compilation
fixes the compile error: error: attempt to use poisoned "exit"
* VTOL trans: changed that now in transition for both MC and FW the corresponding (correct) attitude controller is running
* attitude setpoint for stabilized mode is generated by tailsitter.cpp
* reset yaw setpoint during transition to avoid big yaw errors after
transition back to hover
* VT_TYPE parameter: added "reboot required" metadata