- either sensor combined or the replay topic where copied into
the union buffer but at times the memory was overwritten by other
topics which updated below
- this change makes sure that the two topics are copied into the union
buffer at the correct location in the code
There was the case where a param was changed on the Linux side but the
change did not get saved on the DSP side because the param was not in
the local list of changed params on the DSP side. On save, the param
index is now refreshed, and param_get is called on all params that have
changed. This is a hacky workaround but resolves the problem for now.
This test failed on the pixracer because the subscriber thread was too slow
and thus orb messages got lost. This behavior is expected, but the test
should not fail because of that, so we increase the sleeping time.
- Make use of the FIFO time offsets provided by the MPU9250 driver.
It allows to use proper dt for the integration.
- Got rid of the unnecessary perf_counters for now.
- Properly use the changed integrator lib.
- Provide integral_dt for ekf2.
The integrator had an untested read mode which did not apply the coning
correction. Instead of keeping two integrals (auto/read) it is now one
and the reset mechanism can be selected by setting the
auto_reset_interval to 0 to disable it or some positive number else.
Also, the integrator could potentially explode if a (single) timestamp
was wrong, so before the last integrated one. This is now caught with a
dt of 0 instead of inf/nan.