Without reverting this a constant boot loop occurs.
Prior to merging, why this occurs on some F7 boards and not this one should be looked at.
With LazyFPU enabled, v1.12.0 beta1 will not boot but without it removed it works fine.
- increase stack sizes to run cleanly under stackcheck
- this is likely overkill for most boards, but using stackcheck to set our minimum ensures we have a very safe margin on regular builds and it's something we can currently afford
- remove holybro_durandal-v1_stackcheck from test rack (there's only one unit)
- update to NuttX with stm32f4 and stm32f7 SPI DMA internal buffers
- remove explicit DMA buffer allocations from new IMU drivers
- restore original BOARD_DMA_ALLOC_POOL_SIZE
- decrease SPI DMA thresholds based on fmu-v2/v3/v4/v5 bench testing
On more complicated setups it's still possible to exceed 32 tasks. For example fmu-v5 with mavlink on every telem (+ USB), external spi usage (pmw3901), gimbal (vmount), multiple i2c sensors, and camera feedback is 35 tasks (with top running). This is a fairly extreme case, so I'm only going to increase CONFIG_MAX_TASKS on newer F7 boards.
A board only needs to define:
#define RC_SERIAL_PORT "/dev/ttyS4"
Then it can optionally define one or more of the following:
#define RC_INVERT_INPUT(_invert_true) px4_arch_gpiowrite(GPIO_SBUS_INV, _invert_true)
* Support for armv7-m_dcache control via parameter
The FORCE_F7_DCACHE parameter can be set to
0 - (default) if Eratta exits turn dcache off else leave it on
1 - Force it off
2 - Force it on
At boot the system will disable the d-cache if the silicon
has the 1259864 Data corruption in a sequence of Write-Through
stores and loads eratta.
Post nsh script execution the FORCE_F7_DCACHE paramater
will be used to set the d-cache to the state indicated
- see 1259864 Data corruption in a sequence of Write-Through stores and loads
- if we can be certain this sequence won't occur in PX4 then the d-cache will be re-enabled
This insures the common exception handler will not be
re-entered. The handler does not support nested interrupts
and the interrupt stack pointer and context will be overwritten
resulting in hard to debug hardfaults.
If all the priorities are equal the NVIC prevents the
preemption. The startup code defaults all the priorities
to the same value 128.
This change safeguards in 2 ways 1) By disabling
CONFIG_ ARCH_IRQPRIO: up_prioritize_irq cannot be called.
This will insure that all HW interrupts are at the same
2) By disabling CONFIG_ARCH_HIPRI_INTERRUP, the common
exception will disable any interrupts during interrupt