This system command will display, set and save the network
netman show - Displays the current settings.
netman update - Will check for a net.cfg file on the SD card.
If present, it will update the paramaters,
delete the file, and reboot. Using the new settings.
netman save - Saves the current settings to net.cfg on the SD card.
This file shoulf be renamed to preserver it across
reboots or editited to chech networkin paramates.
File format is name<space>value:
echo DEVICE=eth0 > /fs/microsd/net.cfg
echo BOOTPROTO=fallback >> /fs/microsd/net.cfg
echo IPADDR= >> /fs/microsd/net.cfg
echo NETMASK= >>/fs/microsd/net.cfg
echo ROUTER= >>/fs/microsd/net.cfg
echo DNS= >>/fs/microsd/net.cfg
Valid values for `proto` are `dhcp`, `static`, `falback`
Both will try dhcp for CONFIG_NETINIT_FALLBACK times
and fall back to the static address.
NETMASK - is the network mask.
IPADDR - this nodes ip address for static or fall back.
ROUTER - The default route.
DNS - The address of the dns server.
VER is on BASE
REV is on FMU
{0x0000, hw_mft_list_v0500, ...(hw_mft_list_v0500)},
{0x0001, hw_mft_list_v0501, ...(hw_mft_list_v0501)}, <-- was wrong
This falsly selected the NO I/O version
BOARD_INDICATE_ARMED_STATE was only set during arming, so an external
component might have reset the board during param save, leading to param
This extends the API to trigger the arming state also while the shutdown
lock is taken.
* Add basic GPIO test app for R/W on pins from nuttx shell
* Add gpio command to fmu-v3 and fmu-v4
* Sanitize gpio commands by pin configs, --force to override
- always check with state machine before reboot/shutdown
- respect BOARD_HAS_POWER_CONTROL (shutdown from command, low battery, power button)
- px4_shutdown_request add optional delay and always execute from HPWORK
- px4_shutdown_request split out px4_reboot_request