Prep to distrubte the magic numbers assgined in parameters.cpp
to the board_config.h
common/board_common.h will define:
1) BOARD_BATTERY[1|2]_V_DIV as 0.0f if not defined to ensure
the missing default trips a low voltage lockdown
2) BOARD_BATTERY[1|2]_A_PER_V as 0.0f if not defined to ensure
the default leads to an unrealistic current value.
The gpio leg can use either the FMU GPIO_SERVO (Aux Pins)
or the FMUv1 style IO pins.
based on if the board_config provides GPIO_SERVO_1 or
For LED_ON_SERVO_GPIO we further define GPIO_MIN_SERVO_PIN and
the GPIO_MAX_SERVO_PIN based on the highest GPIO_SERVO_x provided
by the board_config
When base the ability to use the PX4PIO not in the existance of
the path but on the define BOARD_USES_PX4PIO
Code was conditionaly included based on #define PX4IO_DEVICE_PATH
in drivers/drv_gpio.h depanedent on board #ifdef CONFIG_ARCH_BOARDxxxx
Now that dependancy comes from board_common.h as BOARD_USES_PX4IO defined
when a board config provides PX4IO_SERIAL_DEVICE.
return -EINVAL on any GPIO ioctl operation when there are
no GPIO pins defined in the board config. I.E.
BOARD_FMU_GPIO_TAB is not defined.
BOARD_FMU_GPIO_TAB is now optional and if it is defined
then the logical BOARD_HAS_FMU_GPIO is defined and
will enable the px4fmu driver to perform the physical GPIO
Changed the CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD_AEROFC_V1 in tap_esc.cpp to
TAP_ESC_NO_VERIFY_CONFIG to maintian the commitment to not
have CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD_xxxx ifdef litter in the PX4 code base.
TAP_ESC_NO_VERIFY_CONFIG will be removed (see todo) in
Use ADC_SCALED_V5_SENSE as apposed to legasy ADC_5V_RAIL_SENSE to populate
Then Scale the DN based on an overridable ADC_V5_V_FULL_SCALE value
Removed asssumtion that all HW other then PX4v1 has lis3mdl on
an external i2c bus. Use the actual value of the bus the device
was found and instanced on to return the result of
A board_config may define BOARD_HAS_MTD_PARTITION_OVERRIDE to
uses it's own number of partitions and names.
the hardcoded original values of fs/mtd_params &
/fs/mtd_waypoints are used.
on an mtd device.
To simplify integration of an EEPROM device with a Write Protect
control pin, we add an overidable BOARD_EEPROM_WP_CTRL macro
the does nothing.
A board that provids the GPIO for WP should define
BOARD_EEPROM_WP_CTRL(_protected_true) that will set the WP GPIO
to the Protected state when passed true.
This prevents the meta value of 0 => not used from being passed to
px4_arch_configgpio. As this would map to PORTA|PIN0 and is not
the intended configuration.
- reduces some code duplication
- provides clear API & separation for temp compensation
additional changes:
- added timestamp to sensor_correction topic
- reduced its publication rate, to only when voting index or scales or
offsets change (if there is more than 1deg change in temperature)