- control allocation module with multirotor, VTOL standard, and tiltrotor support
- angular_velocity_controller
- See https://github.com/PX4/PX4-Autopilot/pull/13351 for details
Co-authored-by: Silvan Fuhrer <silvan@auterion.com>
Co-authored-by: Roman Bapst <bapstroman@gmail.com>
* Add techpod SITL target
This adds a SITL target forthe techpod fixedwing model
* Update sitl_gazebo submoudle
This submodule update includes the techpod UAV model
* Add jsbsim bridge to enable jsbsim for px4 SITL/HIL on jsbsim
This is a PX4 HIL/SITL integration into JSBSim. JSBSim is an open source flight dynamics model (http://jsbsim.sourceforge.net/)
Currently there are three models available which is the rascal, quadrotor_x, hexarotor_x integrated into the bridge.
The simulation can be run with the firmware with the following command for example
make px4_sitl jsbsim_rascal
The visualization is done flightgear and is done by the bridge sending UDP packets to flightgear. To disable the visualization `HEADLESS=1` when running the make command.
The simulation can be configured through the configuration files under the `config` directory through a xml file. Senor configurations, The xml file name should match the name of the model.
* Update Tools/sitl_run.sh
Co-authored-by: Beat Küng <beat-kueng@gmx.net>
Co-authored-by: Beat Küng <beat-kueng@gmx.net>
- fix gazebo SITL debug
- now prompts you to select vehicle
- devcontainer.json container support https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/containers
- this allows you to jump straight into working within a container (px4-dev-nuttx) on a fresh machine
- also helps with Codespaces https://github.com/features/codespaces
- plugin updates
- cpp extension pack, spell checking, CTest support
- cleanup intellisense
- the backup tag parser was a resource hog and didn't work very well
- fix problemMatcher support so that you can click on a build failure
This adds a sitl target and aiframe configs for the r1_rover, which is a differential rover example for SITL rover. The model is based on the aion robotics r1 rover
* add support for unmanned underwater vehicles:
* airframe uuv_generic + uuv_hippocammpus including mav_type = 12 for submarines
* mixer for UUVs with X-shaped thruster setup similar to quadcopter
* add module uuv_att_control for underwater robot attitude control
* add rc.uuv_defaults/apps for autostarting e.g. ekf2 and uuv_att_control app
- move posix-configs/SITL/init/{rcS,10016_iris,6011_typhoon_h480} to ROMFS/px4fmu_common/init.d-posix
allows for easier unification, only one symlink is required.
- rcS: add AUTOCNF support. Update scripts to match with behavior of PX4
master (parameter values, some sitl driver got removed)
- add alias to allow 'set variable value' syntax in scripts to px4-alias.sh
- use px4_getopt
- use separate argument for the test_data directory
- append PATH from within the px4 binary: this simplifies the usage
w/o the sitl_run.sh script.
- add 'source px4-alias.sh' to all existing sitl startup scripts
- move sitl mixers to ROMFS/px4fmu_common/mixers-sitl
makes it easier to use existing mixers and sitl-specific ones.
- remove unused rcS_gazebo_delta_wing