- split out switches from manual_control_setpoint into new message manual_control_switches
- manual_control_switches published at minimal rate (~ 1 Hz) or immediately on change
- simple switch debounce in rc_update (2 consecutive identical decodes required)
- manual_control_switches logged at full rate rather than sampled at (5-10% of messages logged)
- manual_control_setpoint publish at minimal rate unless changing
- commander handle landing gear switch for manual modes
- processing of mode_slot and mode_switch is now split so we only do one or the other (not both)
- a future step will be to finally drop mode_switch and accompanying switches entirely
Co-authored-by: Matthias Grob <maetugr@gmail.com>
- ekf2 can now run in multi-instance mode (currently up to 9 instances)
- in multi mode all estimates are published to alternate topics (eg estimator_attitude instead of vehicle_attitude)
- new ekf2 selector runs in multi-instance mode to monitor and compare all instances, selecting a primary (eg N x estimator_attitude => vehicle_attitude)
- sensors module accel & gyro inconsistency checks are now relative to the mean of all instances, rather than the current primary (when active ekf2 selector is responsible for choosing primary accel & gyro)
- existing consumers of estimator_status must check estimator_selector_status to select current primary instance status
- ekf2 single instance mode is still fully supported and the default
Co-authored-by: Paul Riseborough <gncsolns@gmail.com>
- mavlink messages DEBUG/DEBUG_FLOAT_ARRAY/DEBUG_VECT/NAMED_VALUE_FLOAT move to separate stream headers and don't include if CONSTRAINED_FLASH
- msg: skip debug_array.msg, debug_key_value.msg, debug_value.msg, debug_vect.msg if CONSTRAINED_FLASH
- new sensors work item that subscribes to N x sensor_gps and publishes vehicle_gps_position
- blending is now configurable with SENS_GPS_MASK and SENS_GPS_TAU
Co-authored-by: Jacob Crabill <jacob@volans-i.com>
Co-authored-by: Jacob Dahl <dahl.jakejacob@gmail.com>
- inconsistency checks now run continuously instead of only preflight
- keep inconsistencies for all sensors
- add per sensor data validator state as overall health flag
- IMU integration move from drivers (PX4Accelerometer/PX4Gyroscope) to sensors/vehicle_imu
- sensors: voted_sensors_update now consumes vehicle_imu
- delete sensor_accel_integrated, sensor_gyro_integrated
- merge sensor_accel_status/sensor_gyro_status into vehicle_imu_status
- sensors status output minor improvements (ordering, whitespace, show selected sensor device id and instance)
* msg: Add EKF-GSF yaw estimator logging data
* ecl: update to version with EKF-GSF yaw estimator
* ekf2: Add param control and logging for EKF-GSF yaw estimator
* logger: Add logging for EKF-GSF yaw esimtator
with measurement noise auto-tuning
The purpose of this estimator is to improve land detection and vertical
velocity feedforward
Recovery strategy:
This is required when the setpoint suddenly changes in air or that the
EKF is diverging. A lowpassed test ratio is used as a trigger for the recovery logic
Also, a lowpassed residual is used to estimate the steady-state value
and remove it when estimating the accel noise to avoid increasing the
accel noise when the redisual is caused by an offset.
- introduces parameter IMU_DGYRO_CUTOFF to configure the angular acceleration low pass filter
- the angular acceleration is computed by differentiating angular velocity after the notch filter (IMU_GYRO_NF_FREQ & IMU_GYRO_NF_BW) is applied
Co-authored-by: Julien Lecoeur <jlecoeur@users.noreply.github.com>
- split out integrated data into new standalone messages (sensor_accel_integrated and sensor_gyro_integrated)
- publish sensor_gyro at full rate and remove sensor_gyro_control
- limit sensor status publications to 10 Hz
- remove unused accel/gyro raw ADC fields
- add device IDs to sensor_bias and sensor_correction
- vehicle_angular_velocity/vehicle_acceleration: check device ids before using bias and corrections
This new airspeed module does:
-runns an airspeed validator for every airspeed sensor present, which checks measurement validity and estimates an airspeed scale
-selects another airspeed sensor if for the current one a failure is detected
-estimates airspeed with groundspeed-windspeed if no valid airspeed sensor is present
-outputs airspeed_validated topic
Signed-off-by: Silvan Fuhrer <silvan@auterion.com>