Fixes case where a UAVCAN SensorBridge has callback channels available,
but NuttX / uORB does not have an additional driver / topic instance
@fury1895 reported very valuable feedback from testing
the acceleration feed-forward on VTOL:
> MPC_JERK_MAX 4.5 (from 5 on it felt too aggressive)
> some hovering, some transitions, and a mission. Everything good.
> I'd say you feel the difference in position mode and you see it in
> Auto modes. Great improvement!
Previously acceleration setpoints were not executed and just used
to pass a possible rough initialization value for the next task. Now
they get executed by the multicopter controller and hence
overwriting them with rough estimates doesn't work anymore.
This mode was just kept as an example after
its usage in a single case. It's basically untested
and doesn't make much sense anymore since it's
incompatible with the jerk limited trajectory
implementations. It's implementation only switched
hte configuration parameter of the velocity resulting
from maximum stick deflection to be
This is according to todays understanding undesired
because when hitting that limit the position
controller has no room for corrections anymore.
Also it saves some flash space on omnibus to remove
the task at this point and makes romm for the
acceleration feed-forward.
Ubuntu 20.04 and latest Cygwin come with no Python 2 and no link
from python to python3. To not mess with the system we detect
python3 for seamless support. is called from 2 places in rc.interface:
- if [ $OUTPUT_MODE = io -o $OUTPUT_MODE = uavcan_esc ]:
- 'set OUTPUT_MODE io' is only set within USE_IO=yes, so removing
the check in has no effect.
- in case of UAVCAN, we also want the IO for RC, now covered in the next
- Further down ('Start IO for RC input if needed.').
This is intended to start IO for RC only, when fmu is already started.
However the previous check '$USE_IO = yes' in prevented that.
In addition we don't start rc_input in case of $USE_IO = no.
Fixes no RC on Pixhawk 2 with SYS_USE_IO=0.
When not building for testing, test_mixer_multirotor is not available
and causes a waraning with cmake 3.17:
This project specifies custom command DEPENDS on files in the build tree
that are not specified as the OUTPUT or BYPRODUCTS of any
add_custom_command or add_custom_target: