* A few minor changes to keep the UVify Core board in sync with fmu-v4. This will be important when transitioning to the new IMU drivers using SPI DMA (#13103).
This should fix spikes in the mag data on MPU9250 found inside Drotek
Pixhawk 3Pro.
The problem turned out to be that we are not checking the DRDY bit
before reading the data. We presumably threw away most of the stale data
by doing a duplicate check, however, sometimes we might have run into a
race where the mag data was already being updated in the chip while
still being read.
* Draco-R sensor orientation correction
* LL40LS sensor is not stable during I2C probing. More trials have been implemented.
* px4flow execution has been removed as rc script already running it
* GPS LED script repaired
* Off ICM20608 due to some bug?
* Removed i2c speed adjustment due to SMBUS.
* ms5611 test2 does not exist
* Baud rate has changed.
* Draco-R airframe parameters are updated.
* IFO and Draco parameters are updated
* Draco-R sensor orientation corrected
* Draco-R DSHOT supports
- ecl in PX4/Firmware (4658aaf8a0ff90662843558dbc8ea68adcc7284d): 9b4b24ee71
- ecl current upstream: d76b704225
- Changes: 9b4b24ee71...d76b704225d76b704 2019-11-01 kamilritz - Only inlcude gtest if standalone build
7c1e38d 2019-10-18 kamilritz - Make it build with Firmware
d79199c 2019-10-17 kamilritz - Remove swig and python test related things
d88e242 2019-10-17 kamilritz - pytest are replaced in gtests
71be26e 2019-10-17 kamilritz - Port RingBuffer Test to GTests
cac5f3f 2019-10-17 kamilritz - GTest and Coverage cleanup and Basic EKF GTest
fcea13e 2019-10-14 Martina Rivizzigno - add gtest, temp disable swig
The 9 seconds to erase a board probably still come from the FMU-v1 and
Pixhawks with only 1 MB flash. By now, many targets have 2 MB flash and
take a bit longer to erase. Therefore, we can increase the estimated
time a bit and don't need to resort to the timeout notice.
When flying POSCTL and ALTCTL the throttle stick is usually spring
loaded and therefore centered. Therefore, it makes more sense to check
for above center instead of above low.
- jMAVSim in PX4/Firmware (a6a8877463): 3bd51e67e0
- jMAVSim current upstream: eeb23ef68e
- Changes: 3bd51e67e0...eeb23ef68e
eeb23ef 2019-10-30 bresch - magnetometer: update inclination/declination/local mag field strength of default starting locations. Set magnetometer scale factor to 1 (instead of 2) Set local mag field using DEFAULT_MAG_FIELD instead of an estimated one using inclination/declination and a norm of 1
Before this change, the battery percentage is reset to 100% as soon as
the drone is disarmed again. In my opinion it is more realistic if the
batteries don't magically fill up again but stay low.
and remove the px4_ prefix, except for px4_config.h.
command to update includes:
for k in app.h atomic.h cli.h console_buffer.h defines.h getopt.h i2c.h init.h log.h micro_hal.h module.h module_params.h param.h param_macros.h posix.h sem.h sem.hpp shmem.h shutdown.h tasks.h time.h workqueue.h; do for i in $(grep -rl 'include <px4_'$k src platforms boards); do sed -i 's/#include <px4_'$k'/#include <px4_platform_common\/'$k/ $i; done; done
for in $(grep -rl 'include <px4_config.h' src platforms boards); do sed -i 's/#include <px4_config.h/#include <px4_platform_common\/px4_config.h'/ $i; done
Transitional headers for submodules are added (px4_{defines,log,time}.h)
This reverts a previous change because we're not entirely sure about all
implications on various airframes. It makes sense to change this default
after the failsafe state machines have been consolidated and the various
failsafe behaviours are more predictable for all airframes (not just
- move most orb to uORB::Publication and uORB::Subscription
- update legacy message handling (warn to PX4_INFO, PX4_WARN, PX4_ERR)
- add perf counters
- sensors/mag support newer `uavcan::equipment::ahrs::MagneticFieldStrength2` message
- sensors/gps support `uavcan::equipment::gnss::Auxiliary` for hdop and vdop
- sensors delete obsolete ioctl and read methods
- use PublicationMulti for actuator_outputs and esc_reports (to coexist with other output modules)
- add GNSS parameter metadata (parameters_injected.xml)