* This allows one to run 'make posix list_vmd_make_targets' and get output like
>make posix list_vmd_make_targets
-- Build files have been written to:
PX4 CONFIG: /usr/src/debian/px4/Firmware/Firmware.git/build_posix_sitl_default
Scanning dependencies of target list_vmd_make_targets
[100%] List of acceptable 'posix_sitl_default' <viewer_model_debugger> targets:
[100%] Built target list_vmd_make_targets
Or, run 'make list_vmd_make_targets' from the build_posix_* directory.
* This adds the list_cmake_targets make target to print all
cmake targets that one can match with PX4_NO_OPTIMIZATION.
PX4_NO_OPTIMIZATION is ignored (do optimization as normal)
when the CONFIG isn't posix_sitl_*.
* Add comment in Makefile on how/where to find all targets.
Doesn't really do anything, but while working on understanding
things I did this cleanup, making the Makefile a lot shorter
and more flexible for future changes ;).
Working crazyflie firmware build
* Console on USART3
* Could not disable building PX4IO firmware, currently commented out
Don't build PX4IO firmware if the board doesn't ask for it
Added crazyflie motor driver
Fixed wrong register
Initial I2C/SPI MPU9250 device
* Tested with I2C
* Need to add error checking
* Intermittent crash on stop call
Working ak8963 mag driver
Functional lps25h driver. Work in progress.
Works well enough to probe and allow sensors task to start.
Added serial port test module
HACK! Get sensors module working
Set crazyflie PWM range
Extend baudrate for Crazyflie's NRF radio
Added dummy tone alarm to allow for init
Added autostart script for Crazyflie
The reason for this change is that RPi2 and RPi3 are compatible, and
hopefully all differences coming up can be resolved without ifdefs but
at runtime.