Nuttx now supports sh and source (.)
sh will open a new process for each invocation.
This means the child can not modify the parent
env. So we must use . to matain how nuttx worked.
Since rc.vehicle_setup is used in both we use
source and alis as we did with sh.
- fix gazebo SITL debug
- now prompts you to select vehicle
- devcontainer.json container support
- this allows you to jump straight into working within a container (px4-dev-nuttx) on a fresh machine
- also helps with Codespaces
- plugin updates
- cpp extension pack, spell checking, CTest support
- cleanup intellisense
- the backup tag parser was a resource hog and didn't work very well
- fix problemMatcher support so that you can click on a build failure
- Nuttx only process all suspend & resume scheduling notes when top is running, otherwise only track IDLE
- convert cpuload and print load to c++
- delete unused fields from print_load struct
- update hrt_store_absolute_time (previous unused)
* X7Pro adds CAN driver
* UAVCAN timer selection moved to default.cmake
* Modify some details about @CUAVcaijie UAVCAN timer selection moved to default.cmake
* Put some timer parameters to micro_hal.h from board_config.h. Fix all h7 boards
Co-authored-by: honglang <>
* [WIP] i2c_spi_buses: add '-q' for quiet startup flag
And enable for optional board sensors.
* ROMFS: rc.sensors try starting all optional I2C sensors quietly
Co-authored-by: Daniel Agar <>
It appear that QGC is now resyncing between operation.
This was causing the bl_state to be reset to STATE_PROTO_GET_SYNC
- new intrusive linked list container (c++ template) that sorts on insertion
- primarily for convenience inspecting things in the system like uORB or WorkQueues
- uorb status or top sorted alphabetically
- work_queue status threads sorted by priority, then items sorted alphabetically within each
Adds a compatible gpiosetevent interface. The helper call the
low level functions while providing a consistent API with
xxxx_ gpiosetevent(uint32_t pinset, bool risingedge,
bool fallingedge, bool event, xcpt_t func,
void *arg);
This wrapper was rjected upstream.
- nuttx in PX4/Firmware (2624730b02ea71fa2bbd28cc424d9bade5766356): 61742342ec
- nuttx current upstream: dc10293feb
- Changes: 61742342ec...dc10293feb
dc10293feb 2020-05-25 Claudio Micheli - [BACKPORT] stm32l4: extend CAN ioctrl with NART/ABOM. Add RTR to CAN header
5735f765e2 2020-05-25 Claudio Micheli - [BACKPORT] stm32: extend CAN ioctrl with NART/ABOM. Add RTR to CAN header
4dc9ae05f5 2020-05-25 Claudio Micheli - [BACKPORT] stm32f7: Add the option to include RTR in CAN header
bdd9e786e1 2020-04-21 Beat Küng - [BACKPORT] stm32f7: add CANIOC_SET_NART and CANIOC_SET_ABOM ioctl's to can driver