Simplify calling so that it is only called in two ways:
1) Immediately before 3-axis mag fusion if not called since the last earth field covariance reset so that the earth field declination information can be formed.
2) Immediately after 3-axis mag fusion otherwise.
Ensures that each time the earth field covariance and variance data is reset, that the off-diagonal elements containing earth field declination angle certainty is restored.
Use a new method that preserves the roll and pitch information and adds the uncertainty for yaw only.
Ensure that correlation information to non-quaternion states is removed when a reset occurs to prevent fusion of subsequent observations (e.g. GPS) causing incorrect yaw.
Heading data is assumed to be from a dual antenna array at a specified yaw angle offset in body frame, but with the heading data already corrected for antenna offset. The offset is required to apply the correct compensation for combined rotations and to determine when the yaw observation has become badly conditioned.
This brings all the range finder data checks (excluding innovation consistency checks) into one place and eliminates the need to perform range checking external to the library.
The hard coded optical flow tilt limit is changed to use the same value as the range finder.
Variable names are changed to make a clear distinction between the max/min values calculated by the stuck range check and the max/min valid values for the sensor.
* EKF angle constants in degrees for readability
* EKF controlOpticalFlowFusion() use constants and update comments
* EKF controlMagFusion() use angle in degrees
* EKF move earth spin rate to geo and update usage
* EKF: Fix numerical constant error and clean up comments
Comments do not need to contain numerical values when the code makes these clear.
Remove duplicate checking for dead reckoning and consolidate into a single function.
Use separate timers to check for start of dead reckoning and check when dead reckoning has been performed for too long for the nav solution to be valid.
Allow the timeout for validity reporting to be adjusted externally.
Separate external reporting of dead reckoning from internal checks.
* EKF: Move optical flow specific state reset to helper functions
* EKF: Ensure loss of optical flow aiding is handled correctly
If data is only source of aiding and has been rejected for too long - reset using flow data as a velocity reference.
If flow data is unavailable for too long - declare optical flow use stopped.
Use consistent time periods for all resets
* EKF: Ensure loss of external vision aiding is handled correctly
If data is only source of aiding and has been rejected for too long - reset using data as a position.
Don't reset velocity if there is another source of aiding constraining it.
If data is unavailable for too long, declare external vision use stopped.
Use consistent time periods for all resets.
* EKF: Update parameter documentation
Make the distinction between the no_gps_timeout_max and no_aid_timeout_max parameters clearer
* EKF: make class variable units consistent with documentation
* EKF: Don't reset states when optical flow use commences if using external vision
* EKF: Stop optical flow fusion when on ground if excessive movement is detected.
* EKF: fix terrain estimator vulnerabilities
Reset estimate to sensor value if rejected for 10 seconds
Protect against user motion when on ground.
Fix unnecessary duplication of terrain validity check and separate validity update and reporting.
* EKF: remove unnecessary Info console prints
Optical flow use information can be obtained from the estimator_status.control_mode_flags message
* EKF: fix inaccurate comment
* EKF: remove duplicate calculation from terrain validity accessor function
* EKF: Do not delay reversion to no-aiding mode if parameter initiated
* EKF: Move no-aid reversion resets to helper functions
* EKF: Prevent unwanted fusion of velocity data during no aiding mode