- jMAVSim in PX4/Firmware (7ec6f0dca6): 79586deda5
- jMAVSim current upstream: ae1593d0c8
- Changes: 79586deda5...ae1593d0c8
ae1593d 2019-04-30 Julian Oes - Merge pull request #100 from PX4/fix-port-default
9de8f86 2019-04-29 Julian Oes - Simulator: fix default for QGC and SDK link
d42efaf 2019-04-29 Julian Oes - Merge pull request #99 from PX4/pr-add-sdk-port
7d0bebb 2019-04-26 Julian Oes - Simulator: fix copy paste mistake
a94816e 2019-04-26 Julian Oes - Simulator: add MAVLink UDP port for SDK
6a9634b 2019-04-26 Julian Oes - Visualizer3D: ran fix_style.sh
- Fix for vibration on ground for standard_vtol.
- Noise for diff pressure / airspeed on Gazebo side.
- Fix for macOS magnetometer plugin linking error.
This is a workaround for the write timeout that we have seen for some
host computers trying to flash the firmware.
We don't know the root cause of the problem but we do observed the
- For blocking writes with timeout (Pyserial write_timeout=0.5):
write() throws SerialTimeoutException. In systrace we see that the
select() call after write waiting for the write to be finished hangs
and finally times out.
- For blocking writes without timeout (Pyserial write_timeout=None):
write() hangs indefinitely. In systrace we see that the
select() call after write waiting for the write to be finished hangs.
- For non-blocking writes:
write() works but flush() hangs. In systrace we see that
ioctl(fd, TCSBRK, 1) which is (correctly) triggered by termios tcdrain
Inspecting USB traffic using usbmon, we can see that the data which is
written actually seems to be sent and looking at responses from the
Pixhawk bootloader and the timings it looks like all the data has
This workaround uses non-blocking writes without flushing and this
seemed to prevent the issue from happening so far.
Debugging was done in collaboration with Beat Küng and David Sidrane.
If we dont explicitly check for pyserial, we can have the case where the
import works but the Serial object creation fails. However, we don't see
this because we have this huge try/catch block which swallows
- sitl_gazebo in PX4/Firmware (4e792b2487): b34a96e7e5
- sitl_gazebo current upstream: 2e80474653
- Changes: b34a96e7e5...2e80474653
2e80474 2019-02-18 Elia Tarasov - fix comment for mag strength table unit
9a9a137 2019-02-18 Elia Tarasov - fix comment for the file name
7c49b2f 2019-02-18 Elia Tarasov - add units to mag variables
c004d94 2019-02-18 Elia Tarasov - fix magnetic field calculation by using geo lookup table
e9a3940 2019-02-18 Elia Tarasov - fix comment on magnetic data source and properties
c76ac17 2019-02-18 Elia Tarasov - copy magnetic data tables and functions from ecl/geo_lookup
28f59c5 2019-02-18 Elia Tarasov - add constrain function
8c869ed 2019-02-18 Elia Tarasov - fix linker complain on multiple definitions
b5213a7 2019-02-18 Elia Tarasov - add getters for mag inclination and strength
d311233 2019-02-15 Elia Tarasov - fix D-component of magnetic field for Zurich according to WMM2015
This updates the jMAVSim submodule which includes a fix for HITL.
In order to fix HITL, a CLI argument `-lockstep` was required to enable
lockstep. This has now been added to the command in jmavsim_run.sh.
* refactor ekf analysis part 1: move plotting to functions
* add plot_check_flags plot function
* put plots in seperate file
* use object-oriented programming for plotting
* move functions for post processing and pdf report creation to new files
* add in_air_detector and description as a csv file
* refactor metrics and checks into separate functions
* refactor metrics into seperate file, seperate plotting
* ecl-ekf tools: re-structure folder and move results table generation
* ecl-ekf-tool: fix imports and test_results_table
* ecl-ekf tools: bugfix output observer tracking error plot
* ecl-ekf-tools: update batch processing to new api, fix exception handling
* ecl-ekf-tools: use correct in_air_detector
* ecl-ekf-tools: rename csv file containing the bare test results table
* ecl-tools: refactor for improving readability
* ecl-ekf tools: small plotting bugfixes
* ecl-ekf tools: small bugfixes in_air time, on_ground_trans, filenames
* ecl-ekf-tools: fix amber metric bug
* ecl-ekf-tools: remove custom function in inairdetector
* ecl-ekf-tools: remove import of pandas
* ecl-ekf-tools: add python interpreter to the script start
* ecl-ekf-tools pdf_report: fix python interpreter line
* px4-dev-ros-kinetic: update container tag to 2019-02-13
* ecl-ekf-tools python interpreter line: call python3 bin directly
* ecl-ekf-tools: change airtime from namedtuple to class for python 3.5
* ecl-ekf-tools: update docker image px4-dev-ros-kinetic
* ecl-ekf-tools: fix memory leak by correctly closing matplotlib figures
- Jenkins compile drop arch until container is updated and maintained
- clang-tidy disable for now, the new version isn't respecting the existing configuration