The config mode uses high rates for many streams, leading to high CPU usage
(9-10% for the mavlink sender). The normal mode contains almost the same
set of messages but at lower rates.
This reduces the CPU load on a Pixracer by 3-4%.
Board builds may now inclulde both the PWM and I2C RGB LED
To add the PWM RGB LED driver:The board must define
BOARD_HAS_LED_PWM and include rgbled_pwm the moulde list.
This change attempts to start the PWM rgbled driver, that
may or may not be present. If it is not present the +e
setting allows the start up to continue.
The UART3 also have the I2C bus 2 functions so moving GPS to UART7 to
have one additional I2C.
To keep GPS working is also necessary update the FPGA RTL to version
0xC1 or higher.
This automatically selects the mount aux mixer if mount is enabled via
parameters. A user can customize this by adding a file
to the SD card.
* NSH Added support for set [{+|-}{e|x|xe|ex}] [<name> <value>]
Set the 'exit on error control' and/or 'print a trace' of
commands when parsing scripts in NSH.
The settinngs are in effect from the point of exection,
until they are changed again, or in the case of the init
script, the settings are returned to the default settings
when it exits.
Included child scripts will run with the parents settings
and changes made in the child script will effect the parent
on return.
Use 'set -e' to enable and 'set +e' to disable (ignore) the exit
condition on commands. The default is -e. Errors cause script to
Use 'set -x' to enable and 'set +x' to disable (silence) printing
a trace of the script commands as they are ececuted. The default
is +x. No printing of a trace of script commands as they are
Print expanded variables if -x
* Added comments only on how to use the set +e and and set -x
* Spelling NSH_PFALG_* -> NSH_PFLAG_*