to fix Cygwin upload. It failed silently but when catching it prints
"non-standard baudrates are not supported on this platform".
Discussion about platform independet FTDI detection is in issue #10429.
This uses the systems default shell:
- Ubuntu: dash
- Fedora: bash
Since bash is invoked via /bin/sh, it operates in POSIX mode:
- remove '# Ignore the expand_aliases command in zshell.'
Not needed because the shell operates in POSIX mode
- [[ is bashism -> use [
- autostart_files=( $autostart_file_match )
is not supported in dash, so use 'ls'
- shellcheck runs the dash flavor, since dash is a minimalistic shell.
Tested on dash & bash.
This checks if we are on macOS and if we have Java 8 installed. If yes,
it falls back to Java 8 by setting JAVA_HOME.
This avoids
I sometimes start jmavsim independently from px4, and in that case jmavsim
should not be killed. These are the commands:
make posix none
It seems that the oneline to find the process ID of any running jMAVSim
instance was not working correctly.
1. On Linux, the name of the process does not contain Simulator but
jmavsim_run.jar. Also, it triggers incorrectly, if you have opened using the command line :).
2. The cutting to get the PID at the end does not work as intenteded and
gives the username instead of PID, at least on Arch Linux. Using awk
should fix this.
The high frequency acceleration noise levels in the gazebo models and also seen on some hardware is causing the IMU vibration check warning to fail.
The thresholds have been lifted and the reporting improved to make it clearer which sensor noise is causing the failure.
- move posix-configs/SITL/init/{rcS,10016_iris,6011_typhoon_h480} to ROMFS/px4fmu_common/init.d-posix
allows for easier unification, only one symlink is required.
- rcS: add AUTOCNF support. Update scripts to match with behavior of PX4
master (parameter values, some sitl driver got removed)
- add alias to allow 'set variable value' syntax in scripts to
- use px4_getopt
- use separate argument for the test_data directory
- append PATH from within the px4 binary: this simplifies the usage
w/o the script.
- add 'source' to all existing sitl startup scripts
- move sitl mixers to ROMFS/px4fmu_common/mixers-sitl
makes it easier to use existing mixers and sitl-specific ones.
- remove unused rcS_gazebo_delta_wing