- gencpp in PX4/Firmware (d5fb89ee02): 7e446a9976
- gencpp current upstream: ff6c9f3e8e
- Changes: 7e446a9976...ff6c9f3e8e
ff6c9f3 2019-11-11 Jochen Sprickerhof - Two patches to make the generated headers reproducible (#42)
e12443e 2019-03-18 Dirk Thomas - 0.6.2
d227d17 2019-03-18 Dirk Thomas - update changelog
e233144 2019-03-15 Martin Pecka - Added plugins the ability to also generate free functions. (#40)
40559af 2019-03-04 Dirk Thomas - 0.6.1
96ec7f1 2019-03-04 Dirk Thomas - update changelog
* FW attitude controller, FW position controller and VTOL attitude controller subscribe to airspeed_validated topic
* add possibility to switch off the airspeed valid checks
* remove airspeed valid checks from commander
* clean up of VTOL transition logic
* Airspeed Selector: remove dynamic allocation of airspeed validators (depending on number of connected sensors) but do it statically for the maximum number allowed. Check for number of connected sensors not only during start up, but always when vehicle is disarmed.
* Airspeed Selector: change work queue from lp to att_pos_ctrl as this module is safety-critical
* add airspeed selector to px4_fmu-v2 defaults
esc_setpoint in UAVCAN was just wrong, this is what it really is:
uint7 power_rating_pct # Instant demand factor in percent
(percent of maximum power); range 0% to 127%.
and remove the px4_ prefix, except for px4_config.h.
command to update includes:
for k in app.h atomic.h cli.h console_buffer.h defines.h getopt.h i2c.h init.h log.h micro_hal.h module.h module_params.h param.h param_macros.h posix.h sem.h sem.hpp shmem.h shutdown.h tasks.h time.h workqueue.h; do for i in $(grep -rl 'include <px4_'$k src platforms boards); do sed -i 's/#include <px4_'$k'/#include <px4_platform_common\/'$k/ $i; done; done
for in $(grep -rl 'include <px4_config.h' src platforms boards); do sed -i 's/#include <px4_config.h/#include <px4_platform_common\/px4_config.h'/ $i; done
Transitional headers for submodules are added (px4_{defines,log,time}.h)
* ekf2: Add FirstOrderLpf and InnovationLpf classes for innovation lowpass filtering
* ekf2: use InnovLpf filter class in preflight checks
* ekf2: move selection of yaw test limit for pre-flight check in function
* ekf2: Move pre-flight checks into separate function
* ekf2: use static constexpr insetead of inline for sq (square) function
* ekf2: Split pre-flight checks in separate functions
Also use the same check for all the innovations:
innov_lpf < test and innov < 2xtest
* ekf2: Add optical flow pre-flight check
* ekf2: Combine FirstOrderLpf and InnovationLpf in single class
* ekf2: check vel_pos_innov when ev_pos is active as well
* ekf2: transform InnovationLpf into a header only library and pass the
spike limit during the update call to avoid storing it here
* ekf2: Static and const cleanup
- set spike_lim constants as static constexpr, set innovation
- set checker helper functions as static
- rename the mix of heading and yaw as heading to avoid confusion
* ekf2: use ternary operator in selectHeadingTestLimit instead of if-else
* ekf2: store intermediate redults in const bool flags. Those will be used for logging
* ekf2: set variable const whenever possible
* ekf2: create PreFlightChecker class that handle all the innovation
pre-flight checks.
Add simple unit testing
Use bitmask instead of general flag to have more granularity
* PreFlightChecker: use setter for the innovations to check instead of sending booleans in the update function
This makes it more scalable as more checks will be added
* ekf: Use booleans instead of bitmask for ekf preflt checks
Rename "down" to "vert"
* bump container tags to 2019-10-04
* docker_run: update container name and tag
* generate_microRTPS_bridge.py: force FastRTPSGen to version 1.0 if the result of 'fastrtpsgen -version' command is not a number
* CI: temporarly disable avoidance and safe landing tests
* CI: try to revive tiltrotor test