_num_outputs is set according to the mode_pwmX call, which is required
for camera triggering.
This fixes camera triggering via PWM, as it avoids overwriting the channel.
When disable_weather_vane is true, the vehicle is aligning for the transition waypoint
(VTOL) and thus the yaw setpoint from Navigator should be used.
Signed-off-by: Silvan Fuhrer <silvan@auterion.com>
- track and publish validity based on hover thrust variance, innovation test ratio, and hysteresis
- only publish on actual updates or becoming inactive
- fix dt (previous timestamp wasn't being saved)
- use local position timestamp (corresponding) to accel data rather than current time to avoid unnecessary timing jitter
- check local position validity before using
- mc_hover_thrust_estimator: move from wq:lp_default -> wq:nav_and_controllers to ensure the hover thrust estimator runs after the position controller and uses the same vehicle_local_position data
- land_detector: check hover thrust estimate validity and adjust low throttle thresholds if hover thrust is available
- mc_pos_control: only use hover thrust estimate if valid
- if "landed" and "maybe_landed" states are false then both the "hit_ground" and the "low_thrust" condition need to be true in order to detect landing
- ground contact MC NAN setpoint workaround
- ground contact additionally check acceleration setpoint
- schedule with vehicle_local_position updates (most updates require valid local position)
- don't allow LNDMC_Z_VEL_MAX to exceed MPC_LAND_SPEED
- ground contact horizontal movement checks default to failed if estimates aren't available
- always check system field for validity
- reject any data outside of "servo position" valid range from Spektrum specification
- properly support XPlus channels (12+)
- debug message if channel count changes
Adds a compatible gpiosetevent interface. The helper call the
low level functions while providing a consistent API with
xxxx_ gpiosetevent(uint32_t pinset, bool risingedge,
bool fallingedge, bool event, xcpt_t func,
void *arg);
This wrapper was rjected upstream.
- log full sensor_combined by default for now
- small decrease to input_rc rate (manual_control_setpoint is no longer filtered)
- sensor_correction can be logged at full rate (low publication rate)
- the values of the parameters GND_MAX_ANG and GND_WHEEL_BASE are outdated. They belonged to another Rover setup.
- in the mixer file rover_diff_and_servo.main.mix the steering was controlled by roll, but in PX4 rover steering is controlled by yaw. And this was the reason why the attitude control did not work correctly
- the DF Robot GPX:Asurada rover has actual a steering angle of 60 degrees. And and wheel base of 0.17m. Parameter values in the airframe file are changed to this values
1. The spec specifies that the mode change condition should be met for 10
consecutive frames before changing to the next mode.
2. The spec (and comment) says that "PAW3902JF should not operate with Shutter < 0x01F4 in Mode 2" -
however the if condition checked the reverse condition
Signed-off-by: Koby Aizer <koby.aizer@tg-17.com>