#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Script to parse board-specific timer_config.cpp and print the output groups and timer config params to stdout """ import argparse import os import sys import re from itertools import groupby from copy import deepcopy def find_matching_brackets(brackets, s, verbose): idx = 0 opening = 0 first_open = -1 while idx < len(s): if s[idx] == brackets[0]: opening += 1 if first_open == -1: first_open = idx if s[idx] == brackets[1]: opening -= 1 if opening == 0: if verbose: print(first_open, idx, s[first_open:idx+1]) return first_open+1, idx idx += 1 raise Exception('Failed to find opening/closing brackets in {:}'.format(s)) def extract_timer(line): # Try format: initIOTimer(Timer::Timer5, DMA{DMA::Index1, DMA::Stream0, DMA::Channel6}), search = re.search('Timer::([0-9a-zA-Z_]+)[,\)]', line, re.IGNORECASE) if search: return search.group(1) # nxp rt1062 format: initIOPWM(PWM::FlexPWM2), search = re.search('PWM::Flex([0-9a-zA-Z_]+)[,\)]', line, re.IGNORECASE) if search: return search.group(1) return None def extract_timer_from_channel(line): # Try format: initIOTimerChannel(io_timers, {Timer::Timer5, Timer::Channel1}, {GPIO::PortA, GPIO::Pin0}), search = re.search('Timer::([0-9a-zA-Z_]+), ', line, re.IGNORECASE) if search: return search.group(1) # nxp rt1062 format: initIOTimerChannel(io_timers, {PWM::PWM2_PWM_A, PWM::Submodule0}, IOMUX::Pad::GPIO_B0_06), search = re.search('PWM::(PWM[0-9]+)[_,\)]', line, re.IGNORECASE) if search: return search.group(1) return None def get_timer_groups(timer_config_file, verbose=False): with open(timer_config_file, 'r') as f: timer_config = f.read() # timers dshot_support = {} # key: timer timers_start_marker = 'io_timers_t io_timers' timers_start = timer_config.find(timers_start_marker) if timers_start == -1: raise Exception('"{:}" not found in {:}'.format(timers_start_marker, timer_config_file)) timer_config = timer_config[timers_start:] open_idx, close_idx = find_matching_brackets(('{', '}'), timer_config, verbose) timers_str = timer_config[open_idx:close_idx] timers = [] for line in timers_str.splitlines(): line = line.strip() if len(line) == 0 or line.startswith('//'): continue timer = extract_timer(line) if timer: if verbose: print('found timer def: {:}'.format(timer)) dshot_support[timer] = 'DMA' in line timers.append(timer) else: # Make sure we don't miss anything (e.g. for different syntax) or misparse (e.g. multi-line comments) raise Exception('Unparsed timer in line: {:}'.format(line)) # channels channels_start_marker = 'timer_io_channels_t timer_io_channels' channels_start = timer_config.find(channels_start_marker) if channels_start == -1: raise Exception('"{:}" not found in {:}'.format(channels_start_marker, timer_config_file)) timer_config = timer_config[channels_start:] open_idx, close_idx = find_matching_brackets(('{', '}'), timer_config, verbose) channels = timer_config[open_idx:close_idx] channel_timers = [] channel_types = [] for line in channels.splitlines(): line = line.strip() if len(line) == 0 or line.startswith('//'): continue if verbose: print('--'+line+'--') timer = extract_timer_from_channel(line) if timer: if verbose: print('Found timer: {:} in channel line {:}'.format(timer, line)) channel_types.append('cap' if 'capture' in line.lower() else 'pwm') channel_timers.append(timer) else: # Make sure we don't miss anything (e.g. for different syntax) or misparse (e.g. multi-line comments) raise Exception('Unparsed channel in line: {:}'.format(line)) if len(channel_timers) == 0: raise Exception('No channels found in "{:}"'.format(channels)) groups = [(timers.index(k), len(list(g)), dshot_support[k]) for k, g in groupby(channel_timers)] outputs = { 'types': channel_types, 'groups': groups } return outputs def get_output_groups(timer_groups, param_prefix="PWM_MAIN", channel_labels=["PWM Main", "PWM Capture"], standard_params=[], extra_function_groups=[], pwm_timer_param=None, verbose=False): """ convert the timer groups into an output_groups section of module.yaml and extra timer params """ instance_start = 1 output_groups = [] timer_params = {} instance_start_label = [ 1, 1 ] for timer_index, group_count, dshot_support in timer_groups['groups']: # check for capture vs normal pins for the label types = timer_groups['types'][instance_start-1:instance_start+group_count-1] if not all(types[0] == t for t in types): # Should this ever be needed, we can extend this script to handle that raise Exception('Implementation requires all channel types for a timer to be equal (types: {:})'.format(types)) if types[0] == 'pwm': channel_type_idx = 0 elif types[0] == 'cap': channel_type_idx = 1 else: raise Exception('unsupported channel type: {:}'.format(types[0])) channel_label = channel_labels[channel_type_idx] channel_type_instance = instance_start_label[channel_type_idx] group_label = channel_label + ' ' + str(channel_type_instance) if group_count > 1: group_label += '-' + str(channel_type_instance+group_count-1) group = { 'param_prefix': param_prefix, 'channel_label': channel_label, 'instance_start': instance_start, 'instance_start_label': channel_type_instance, 'extra_function_groups': deepcopy(extra_function_groups), 'num_channels': group_count, 'standard_params': deepcopy(standard_params), 'group_label': group_label, 'channel_label_module_name_prefix': False, } if pwm_timer_param is not None: pwm_timer_param_cp = deepcopy(pwm_timer_param) timer_param_name = param_prefix+'_TIM'+str(timer_index) group['config_parameters'] = [ { 'param': timer_param_name, 'function': 'primary', } ] if dshot_support: # don't show pwm limit params when dshot enabled for standard_param in group['standard_params']: group['standard_params'][standard_param]['show_if'] = timer_param_name + '>=-1' # indicate support for changing motor spin direction group['supported_actions'] = { 'set_spin_direction1': { 'supported_if': timer_param_name + '<-1', 'actuator_types': ['motor'] }, 'set_spin_direction2': { 'supported_if': timer_param_name + '<-1', 'actuator_types': ['motor'] }, } else: # remove dshot entries if no dshot support values = pwm_timer_param_cp['values'] for key in list(values.keys()): if 'dshot' in values[key].lower(): del values[key] for descr_type in ['short', 'long']: descr = pwm_timer_param_cp['description'][descr_type] pwm_timer_param_cp['description'][descr_type] = \ descr.replace('${label}', group_label) timer_params[timer_param_name] = pwm_timer_param_cp output_groups.append(group) instance_start += group_count instance_start_label[channel_type_idx] += group_count return (output_groups, timer_params) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Extract output groups from timer_config.cpp') parser.add_argument('--timer-config', type=str, action='store', help='timer_config.cpp file', required=True) parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', help='Verbose Output') args = parser.parse_args() verbose = args.verbose timer_groups = get_timer_groups(args.timer_config, verbose) print('timer groups: {:}'.format(timer_groups)) output_groups, timer_params = get_output_groups(timer_groups, verbose=verbose) print('output groups: {:}'.format(output_groups)) print('timer params: {:}'.format(timer_params))