include(nuttx/px4_impl_nuttx) set(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/toolchains/Toolchain-arm-none-eabi.cmake) set(config_module_list # # Board support modules # drivers/device drivers/stm32 drivers/led drivers/px4fmu drivers/boards/crazyflie drivers/mpu9250 drivers/lps25h drivers/gps modules/sensors # # System commands # systemcmds/bl_update systemcmds/mixer systemcmds/param systemcmds/perf systemcmds/pwm systemcmds/esc_calib systemcmds/reboot systemcmds/top systemcmds/config systemcmds/nshterm systemcmds/mtd systemcmds/dumpfile systemcmds/ver # # General system control # modules/commander modules/load_mon modules/navigator modules/mavlink #modules/gpio_led modules/land_detector modules/dummy modules/syslink # # Estimation modules (EKF/ SO3 / other filters) # # Too high RAM usage due to static allocations # modules/attitude_estimator_ekf modules/attitude_estimator_q modules/position_estimator_inav modules/local_position_estimator # # Vehicle Control # # modules/segway # XXX Needs GCC 4.7 fix # modules/fw_pos_control_l1 # modules/fw_att_control modules/mc_att_control modules/mc_pos_control # modules/vtol_att_control # # Logging # modules/sdlog2 # # Library modules # modules/param modules/systemlib modules/systemlib/mixer modules/uORB modules/dataman # # Libraries # lib/controllib lib/mathlib lib/mathlib/math/filter lib/rc lib/ecl lib/external_lgpl lib/geo lib/geo_lookup lib/conversion lib/launchdetection lib/terrain_estimation lib/runway_takeoff lib/tailsitter_recovery lib/DriverFramework/framework platforms/nuttx # had to add for cmake, not sure why wasn't in original config platforms/common platforms/nuttx/px4_layer # # OBC challenge # modules/bottle_drop # # Rover apps # examples/rover_steering_control # # Demo apps # #examples/math_demo # Tutorial code from # #examples/px4_simple_app # Tutorial code from # #examples/px4_daemon_app # Tutorial code from # #examples/px4_mavlink_debug # Tutorial code from # #examples/fixedwing_control # Hardware test #examples/hwtest ) set(config_extra_builtin_cmds serdis sercon ) set(config_extra_libs ) add_custom_target(sercon) set_target_properties(sercon PROPERTIES PRIORITY "SCHED_PRIORITY_DEFAULT" MAIN "sercon" STACK_MAIN "2048") add_custom_target(serdis) set_target_properties(serdis PROPERTIES PRIORITY "SCHED_PRIORITY_DEFAULT" MAIN "serdis" STACK_MAIN "2048")