/**************************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) 2016 PX4 Development Team. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * 3. Neither the name PX4 nor the names of its contributors may be * used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS * OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ****************************************************************************/ /** * @file syslink_main.cpp * Entry point for syslink module used to communicate with the NRF module on a Crazyflie */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "crtp.h" #include "syslink_main.h" #include "drv_deck.h" __BEGIN_DECLS extern void led_init(void); extern void led_on(int led); extern void led_off(int led); extern void led_toggle(int led); __END_DECLS extern "C" { __EXPORT int syslink_main(int argc, char *argv[]); } Syslink *g_syslink = nullptr; Syslink::Syslink() : pktrate(0), nullrate(0), rxrate(0), txrate(0), _syslink_task(-1), _task_running(false), _bootloader_mode(false), _count(0), _null_count(0), _count_in(0), _count_out(0), _lasttime(0), _lasttxtime(0), _lastrxtime(0), _fd(0), _queue(2, sizeof(syslink_message_t)), _writebuffer(16, sizeof(crtp_message_t)), _rssi(RC_INPUT_RSSI_MAX), _bstate(BAT_DISCHARGING) { px4_sem_init(&memory_sem, 0, 0); /* memory_sem use case is a signal */ px4_sem_setprotocol(&memory_sem, SEM_PRIO_NONE); } int Syslink::start() { _task_running = true; _syslink_task = px4_task_spawn_cmd( "syslink", SCHED_DEFAULT, SCHED_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 1500, Syslink::task_main_trampoline, NULL ); return 0; } int Syslink::set_datarate(uint8_t datarate) { syslink_message_t msg; msg.type = SYSLINK_RADIO_DATARATE; msg.length = 1; msg.data[0] = datarate; return send_message(&msg); } int Syslink::set_channel(uint8_t channel) { syslink_message_t msg; msg.type = SYSLINK_RADIO_CHANNEL; msg.length = 1; msg.data[0] = channel; return send_message(&msg); } int Syslink::set_address(uint64_t addr) { syslink_message_t msg; msg.type = SYSLINK_RADIO_ADDRESS; msg.length = 5; memcpy(&msg.data, &addr, 5); return send_message(&msg); } int Syslink::send_queued_raw_message() { if (_writebuffer.empty()) { return 0; } _lasttxtime = hrt_absolute_time(); syslink_message_t msg; msg.type = SYSLINK_RADIO_RAW; _count_out++; _writebuffer.get(&msg.length, sizeof(crtp_message_t)); return send_message(&msg); } void Syslink::update_params(bool force_set) { param_t _param_radio_channel = param_find("SLNK_RADIO_CHAN"); param_t _param_radio_rate = param_find("SLNK_RADIO_RATE"); param_t _param_radio_addr1 = param_find("SLNK_RADIO_ADDR1"); param_t _param_radio_addr2 = param_find("SLNK_RADIO_ADDR2"); // reading parameter values into temp variables int32_t channel, rate, addr1, addr2; uint64_t addr = 0; param_get(_param_radio_channel, &channel); param_get(_param_radio_rate, &rate); param_get(_param_radio_addr1, &addr1); param_get(_param_radio_addr2, &addr2); memcpy(&addr, &addr2, 4); memcpy(((char *)&addr) + 4, &addr1, 4); hrt_abstime t = hrt_absolute_time(); // request updates if needed if (channel != this->_channel || force_set) { this->_channel = channel; set_channel(channel); this->_params_update[0] = t; this->_params_ack[0] = 0; } if (rate != this->_rate || force_set) { this->_rate = rate; set_datarate(rate); this->_params_update[1] = t; this->_params_ack[1] = 0; } if (addr != this->_addr || force_set) { this->_addr = addr; set_address(addr); this->_params_update[2] = t; this->_params_ack[2] = 0; } } // 1M 8N1 serial connection to NRF51 int Syslink::open_serial(const char *dev) { #ifndef B1000000 #define B1000000 1000000 #endif int rate = B1000000; // open uart int fd = px4_open(dev, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY); int termios_state = -1; if (fd < 0) { PX4_ERR("failed to open uart device!"); return -1; } // set baud rate struct termios config; tcgetattr(fd, &config); // clear ONLCR flag (which appends a CR for every LF) config.c_oflag = 0; config.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ECHONL | ICANON | IEXTEN | ISIG); // Disable hardware flow control config.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS; /* Set baud rate */ if (cfsetispeed(&config, rate) < 0 || cfsetospeed(&config, rate) < 0) { warnx("ERR SET BAUD %s: %d\n", dev, termios_state); px4_close(fd); return -1; } if ((termios_state = tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &config)) < 0) { PX4_WARN("ERR SET CONF %s\n", dev); px4_close(fd); return -1; } return fd; } int Syslink::task_main_trampoline(int argc, char *argv[]) { g_syslink->task_main(); return 0; } void Syslink::task_main() { _bridge = new SyslinkBridge(this); _bridge->init(); _memory = new SyslinkMemory(this); _memory->init(); _battery.reset(); // int ret; /* Open serial port */ const char *dev = "/dev/ttyS2"; _fd = open_serial(dev); if (_fd < 0) { err(1, "can't open %s", dev); return; } /* Set non-blocking */ /* int flags = fcntl(_fd, F_GETFL, 0); fcntl(_fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK); */ px4_arch_configgpio(GPIO_NRF_TXEN); px4_pollfd_struct_t fds[2]; fds[0].fd = _fd; fds[0].events = POLLIN; _params_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(parameter_update)); fds[1].fd = _params_sub; fds[1].events = POLLIN; int error_counter = 0; char buf[64]; int nread; syslink_parse_state state; syslink_message_t msg; syslink_parse_init(&state); //setup initial parameters update_params(true); while (_task_running) { int poll_ret = px4_poll(fds, 2, 500); /* handle the poll result */ if (poll_ret == 0) { /* timeout: this means none of our providers is giving us data */ } else if (poll_ret < 0) { /* this is seriously bad - should be an emergency */ if (error_counter < 10 || error_counter % 50 == 0) { /* use a counter to prevent flooding (and slowing us down) */ PX4_ERR("[syslink] ERROR return value from poll(): %d" , poll_ret); } error_counter++; } else { if (fds[0].revents & POLLIN) { if ((nread = read(_fd, buf, sizeof(buf))) < 0) { continue; } for (int i = 0; i < nread; i++) { if (syslink_parse_char(&state, buf[i], &msg)) { handle_message(&msg); } } } if (fds[1].revents & POLLIN) { struct parameter_update_s update; orb_copy(ORB_ID(parameter_update), _params_sub, &update); update_params(false); } } } close(_fd); } void Syslink::handle_message(syslink_message_t *msg) { hrt_abstime t = hrt_absolute_time(); if (t - _lasttime > 1000000) { pktrate = _count; rxrate = _count_in; txrate = _count_out; nullrate = _null_count; _lasttime = t; _count = 0; _null_count = 0; _count_in = 0; _count_out = 0; } _count++; if (msg->type == SYSLINK_PM_ONOFF_SWITCHOFF) { // When the power button is hit } else if (msg->type == SYSLINK_PM_BATTERY_STATE) { if (msg->length != 9) { return; } uint8_t flags = msg->data[0]; int charging = flags & 1; int powered = flags & 2; float vbat; //, iset; memcpy(&vbat, &msg->data[1], sizeof(float)); //memcpy(&iset, &msg->data[5], sizeof(float)); _battery.updateBatteryStatus(t, vbat, -1, true, battery_status_s::BATTERY_SOURCE_POWER_MODULE, 0, 0); // Update battery charge state if (charging) { _bstate = BAT_CHARGING; } /* With the usb plugged in and battery disconnected, it appears to be charged. The voltage check ensures that a battery is connected */ else if (powered && !charging && vbat > 3.7f) { _bstate = BAT_CHARGED; } else { _bstate = BAT_DISCHARGING; } } else if (msg->type == SYSLINK_RADIO_RSSI) { uint8_t rssi = msg->data[0]; // Between 40 and 100 meaning -40 dBm to -100 dBm _rssi = 140 - rssi * 100 / (100 - 40); } else if (msg->type == SYSLINK_RADIO_RAW) { handle_raw(msg); _lastrxtime = t; } else if ((msg->type & SYSLINK_GROUP) == SYSLINK_RADIO) { handle_radio(msg); } else if ((msg->type & SYSLINK_GROUP) == SYSLINK_OW) { memcpy(&_memory->msgbuf, msg, sizeof(syslink_message_t)); px4_sem_post(&memory_sem); } else { PX4_INFO("GOT %d", msg->type); } //Send queued messages if (!_queue.empty()) { _queue.get(msg, sizeof(syslink_message_t)); send_message(msg); } float p = (t % 500000) / 500000.0f; /* Use LED_GREEN for charging indicator */ if (_bstate == BAT_CHARGED) { led_on(LED_GREEN); } else if (_bstate == BAT_CHARGING && p < 0.25f) { led_on(LED_GREEN); } else { led_off(LED_GREEN); } /* Alternate RX/TX LEDS when transfering */ bool rx = t - _lastrxtime < 200000, tx = t - _lasttxtime < 200000; if (rx && p < 0.25f) { led_on(LED_RX); } else { led_off(LED_RX); } if (tx && p > 0.5f && p > 0.75f) { led_on(LED_TX); } else { led_off(LED_TX); } // resend parameters if they haven't been acknowledged if (_params_ack[0] == 0 && t - _params_update[0] > 10000) { set_channel(_channel); } else if (_params_ack[1] == 0 && t - _params_update[1] > 10000) { set_datarate(_rate); } else if (_params_ack[2] == 0 && t - _params_update[2] > 10000) { set_address(_addr); } } void Syslink::handle_radio(syslink_message_t *sys) { hrt_abstime t = hrt_absolute_time(); // record acknowlegements to parameter messages if (sys->type == SYSLINK_RADIO_CHANNEL) { _params_ack[0] = t; } else if (sys->type == SYSLINK_RADIO_DATARATE) { _params_ack[1] = t; } else if (sys->type == SYSLINK_RADIO_ADDRESS) { _params_ack[2] = t; } } void Syslink::handle_raw(syslink_message_t *sys) { crtp_message_t *c = (crtp_message_t *) &sys->length; if (CRTP_NULL(*c)) { if (c->size >= 3) { handle_bootloader(sys); } _null_count++; } else if (c->port == CRTP_PORT_COMMANDER) { crtp_commander *cmd = (crtp_commander *) &c->data[0]; input_rc_s rc = {}; rc.timestamp = hrt_absolute_time(); rc.timestamp_last_signal = rc.timestamp; rc.channel_count = 5; rc.rc_failsafe = false; rc.rc_lost = false; rc.rc_lost_frame_count = 0; rc.rc_total_frame_count = 1; rc.rc_ppm_frame_length = 0; rc.input_source = input_rc_s::RC_INPUT_SOURCE_MAVLINK; rc.rssi = _rssi; double pitch = cmd->pitch, roll = cmd->roll, yaw = cmd->yaw; /* channels (scaled to rc limits) */ rc.values[0] = pitch * 500 / 20 + 1500; rc.values[1] = roll * 500 / 20 + 1500; rc.values[2] = yaw * 500 / 150 + 1500; rc.values[3] = cmd->thrust * 1000 / USHRT_MAX + 1000; rc.values[4] = 1000; // Dummy channel as px4 needs at least 5 _rc_pub.publish(rc); } else if (c->port == CRTP_PORT_MAVLINK) { _count_in++; /* Pipe to Mavlink bridge */ _bridge->pipe_message(c); } else { handle_raw_other(sys); } // Block all non-requested messaged in bootloader mode if (_bootloader_mode) { return; } // Allow one raw message to be sent from the queue send_queued_raw_message(); } void Syslink::handle_bootloader(syslink_message_t *sys) { // Minimal bootloader emulation for being detectable // To the bitcraze utilities, the STM32 will appear to have no flashable pages // Upon receiving a bootloader message, all outbound packets are blocked in 'bootloader mode' due to how fragile the aforementioned utilities are to extra packets crtp_message_t *c = (crtp_message_t *) &sys->length; uint8_t target = c->data[0]; uint8_t cmd = c->data[1]; if (target != 0xFF) { // CF2 STM32 target return; } _bootloader_mode = true; if (cmd == 0x10) { // GET_INFO c->size = 1 + 23; memset(&c->data[2], 0, 21); c->data[22] = 0x10; // Protocol version send_message(sys); } } void Syslink::handle_raw_other(syslink_message_t *sys) { // This function doesn't actually do anything // It is just here to return null responses to most standard messages crtp_message_t *c = (crtp_message_t *) &sys->length; if (c->port == CRTP_PORT_LOG) { PX4_INFO("Log: %d %d", c->channel, c->data[0]); if (c->channel == 0) { // Table of Contents Access uint8_t cmd = c->data[0]; if (cmd == 0) { // GET_ITEM //int id = c->data[1]; memset(&c->data[2], 0, 3); c->data[2] = 1; // type c->size = 1 + 5; send_message(sys); } else if (cmd == 1) { // GET_INFO memset(&c->data[1], 0, 7); c->size = 1 + 8; send_message(sys); } } else if (c->channel == 1) { // Log control uint8_t cmd = c->data[0]; PX4_INFO("Responding to cmd: %d", cmd); c->data[2] = 0; // Success c->size = 3 + 1; // resend message send_message(sys); } else if (c->channel == 2) { // Log data } } else if (c->port == CRTP_PORT_MEM) { if (c->channel == 0) { // Info int cmd = c->data[0]; if (cmd == 1) { // GET_NBR_OF_MEMS c->data[1] = 0; c->size = 2 + 1; // resend message send_message(sys); } } } else if (c->port == CRTP_PORT_PARAM) { if (c->channel == 0) { // TOC Access // uint8_t msgId = c->data[0]; c->data[1] = 0; // Last parameter (id = 0) memset(&c->data[2], 0, 10); c->size = 1 + 8; send_message(sys); } else if (c->channel == 1) { // Param read // 0 is ok c->data[1] = 0; // value c->size = 1 + 2; send_message(sys); } } else { PX4_INFO("Got raw: %d", c->port); } } int Syslink::send_bytes(const void *data, size_t len) { // TODO: This could be way more efficient // Using interrupts/DMA/polling would be much better for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { // Block until we can send a byte while (px4_arch_gpioread(GPIO_NRF_TXEN)) ; write(_fd, ((const char *)data) + i, 1); } return 0; } int Syslink::send_message(syslink_message_t *msg) { syslink_compute_cksum(msg); send_bytes(syslink_magic, 2); send_bytes(&msg->type, sizeof(msg->type)); send_bytes(&msg->length, sizeof(msg->length)); send_bytes(&msg->data, msg->length); send_bytes(&msg->cksum, sizeof(msg->cksum)); return 0; } namespace syslink { void usage(); void start(); void status(); void test(); void attached(int pid); void usage() { warnx("missing command: try 'start', 'status', 'attached', 'test'"); } void start() { if (g_syslink != nullptr) { printf("Already started\n"); exit(1); } g_syslink = new Syslink(); g_syslink->start(); // Wait for task and bridge to start usleep(5000); warnx("Started syslink on /dev/ttyS2\n"); exit(0); } void status() { if (g_syslink == nullptr) { printf("Please start syslink first\n"); exit(1); } printf("Connection activity:\n"); printf("- total rx: %d p/s\n", g_syslink->pktrate); printf("- radio rx: %d p/s (%d null)\n", g_syslink->rxrate, g_syslink->nullrate); printf("- radio tx: %d p/s\n\n", g_syslink->txrate); printf("Parameter Status:\n"); const char *goodParam = "good"; const char *badParam = "fail!"; printf("- channel: %s\n", g_syslink->is_good(0) ? goodParam : badParam); printf("- data rate: %s\n", g_syslink->is_good(1) != 0 ? goodParam : badParam); printf("- address: %s\n\n", g_syslink->is_good(2) != 0 ? goodParam : badParam); int deckfd = open(DECK_DEVICE_PATH, O_RDONLY); int ndecks = 0; ioctl(deckfd, DECKIOGNUM, (unsigned long) &ndecks); printf("Deck scan: (found %d)\n", ndecks); for (int i = 0; i < ndecks; i++) { ioctl(deckfd, DECKIOSNUM, (unsigned long) &i); uint8_t *id; int idlen = ioctl(deckfd, DECKIOID, (unsigned long) &id); // TODO: Validate the ID printf("%i: ROM ID: ", i); for (int idi = 0; idi < idlen; idi++) { printf("%02X", id[idi]); } deck_descriptor_t desc; read(deckfd, &desc, sizeof(desc)); printf(", VID: %02X , PID: %02X\n", desc.header, desc.vendorId, desc.productId); // Print pages of memory for (size_t di = 0; di < sizeof(desc); di++) { if (di % 16 == 0) { printf("\n"); } printf("%02X ", ((uint8_t *)&desc)[di]); } printf("\n\n"); } close(deckfd); exit(0); } void attached(int pid) { bool found = false; int deckfd = open(DECK_DEVICE_PATH, O_RDONLY); int ndecks = 0; ioctl(deckfd, DECKIOGNUM, (unsigned long) &ndecks); for (int i = 0; i < ndecks; i++) { ioctl(deckfd, DECKIOSNUM, (unsigned long) &i); deck_descriptor_t desc; read(deckfd, &desc, sizeof(desc)); if (desc.productId == pid) { found = true; break; } } close(deckfd); exit(found ? 1 : 0); } void test() { // TODO: Ensure battery messages are recent // TODO: Read and write from memory to ensure it is working } } int syslink_main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc < 2) { syslink::usage(); exit(1); } const char *verb = argv[1]; if (!strcmp(verb, "start")) { syslink::start(); } if (!strcmp(verb, "status")) { syslink::status(); } if (!strcmp(verb, "attached")) { if (argc != 3) { errx(1, "usage: syslink attached [deck_pid]"); } int pid = atoi(argv[2]); syslink::attached(pid); } if (!strcmp(verb, "test")) { syslink::test(); } syslink::usage(); exit(1); return 0; }