# Build and autotest script for PX4 Firmware # http://travis-ci.org sudo: required services: - docker language: cpp git: depth: 2000 submodules: false env: global: # COVERITY_SCAN_TOKEN - secure: "Q4IAcmo1r5cr/UvhcixQa6QN5e5eTcP7FeidzEbX2+BA38yo2BH5O9YQCvZe2AI1Na8ZCjVx3H2luGgDwOKgzAIAjXjZ2KbmXYc6Ns/j/BXScY05dCCzYEhXKD98NZxIKH9lLN9pYDGRA8pChGRJnVlFOr1JHHHnB801+osHy7M=" # AWS KEY: $PX4_AWS_KEY - secure: "XknnZHWBbpHbN4f3fuAVwUztdLIu8ej4keC3aQSDofo3uw8AFEzojfsQsN9u77ShWSIV4iYJWh9C9ALkCx7TocJ+xYjiboo10YhM9lH/8u+EXjYWG6GHS8ua0wkir+cViSxoLNaMtmcb/rPTicJecAGANxLsIHyBAgTL3fkbLSA=" # AWS SECRET: $PX4_AWS_SECRET - secure: "h6oajlW68dWIr+wZhO58Dv6e68dZHrBLVA6lPXZmheFQBW6Xam1HuLGA0LOW6cL9TnrAsOZ8g4goB58eMQnMEijFZKi3mhRwZhd/Xjq/ZGJOWBUrLoQHZUw2dQk5ja5vmUlKEoQnFZjDuMjx8KfX5ZMNy8A3yssWZtJYHD8c+bk=" matrix: fast_finish: true include: - env: BUILD_TARGET=clang-tidy-quiet - env: BUILD_TARGET=tests - env: BUILD_TARGET=tests_coverage - env: BUILD_TARGET=coverity_scan dist: trusty if: branch = coverity_scan allow_failures: - env: BUILD_TARGET=tests_coverage cache: ccache: true before_install: # install dependencies for the coverity build (target and branch), otherwise exit early - if [[ "${TRAVIS_BRANCH}" = "coverity_scan" ]]; then if [[ "${BUILD_TARGET}" = "coverity_scan" ]]; then sudo apt-get install python-empy python-jinja2; echo -n | openssl s_client -connect scan.coverity.com:443 | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' | sudo tee -a /etc/ssl/certs/ca-; else exit 0; fi fi # use git:// to fetch instead of https:// - git config --global url."git://".insteadOf https:// script: - if [[ "${BUILD_TARGET}" != "coverity_scan" ]]; then ./Tools/docker_run.sh make ${BUILD_TARGET}; fi after_success: # upload code coverage - if [ "${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST}" = "false" ]; then [ "${BUILD_TARGET}" = "tests_coverage" ] && bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash) -F unittests; fi addons: coverity_scan: project: name: "PX4/Firmware" description: "Build submitted via Travis CI" notification_email: ci@px4.io build_command_prepend: "make distclean" build_command: "make posix_sitl_default" branch_pattern: coverity_scan