/**************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2008-2012 PX4 Development Team. All rights reserved. * Author: Thomas Gubler * Julian Oes * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * 3. Neither the name PX4 nor the names of its contributors may be * used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS * OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ****************************************************************************/ /* @file gps.c * GPS app main loop. */ #include "gps.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "nmealib/nmea/nmea.h" // the nmea library #include "nmea_helper.h" //header files for interacting with the nmea library #include "mtk.h" //header files for the custom protocol for the mediatek diydrones chip #include "ubx.h" //header files for the ubx protocol #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static bool thread_should_exit; /**< Deamon status flag */ static bool thread_running = false; /**< Deamon status flag */ static int deamon_task; /**< Handle of deamon task / thread */ /** * GPS module readout and publishing. * * This function reads the onboard gps and publishes the vehicle_gps_positon topic. * * @see vehicle_gps_position_s * @ingroup apps */ __EXPORT int gps_main(int argc, char *argv[]); /** * Mainloop of deamon. */ int gps_thread_main(int argc, char *argv[]); /** * Print the correct usage. */ static void usage(const char *reason); /**************************************************************************** * Definitions ****************************************************************************/ #define IMPORTANT_GPS_BAUD_RATES_N 2 #define RETRY_INTERVAL_SECONDS 10 //gps_bin_ubx_state_t * ubx_state; bool gps_mode_try_all; bool gps_baud_try_all; bool gps_mode_success; bool terminate_gps_thread; bool gps_verbose; int current_gps_speed; enum GPS_MODES { GPS_MODE_START = 0, GPS_MODE_UBX = 1, GPS_MODE_MTK = 2, GPS_MODE_NMEA = 3, GPS_MODE_END = 4 }; #define AUTO_DETECTION_COUNT 8 const int autodetection_baudrates[] = {B9600, B38400, B38400, B9600, B9600, B38400, B9600, B38400}; const enum GPS_MODES autodetection_gpsmodes[] = {GPS_MODE_UBX, GPS_MODE_MTK, GPS_MODE_UBX, GPS_MODE_MTK, GPS_MODE_UBX, GPS_MODE_MTK, GPS_MODE_NMEA, GPS_MODE_NMEA}; //nmea is the fall-back if nothing else works, therefore we try the standard modes again before finally trying nmea /**************************************************************************** * Private functions ****************************************************************************/ int open_port(char *port); void close_port(int *fd); void setup_port(char *device, int speed, int *fd); /** * The deamon app only briefly exists to start * the background job. The stack size assigned in the * Makefile does only apply to this management task. * * The actual stack size should be set in the call * to task_create(). */ int gps_main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc < 1) usage("missing command"); if (!strcmp(argv[1], "start")) { if (thread_running) { printf("gps already running\n"); /* this is not an error */ exit(0); } thread_should_exit = false; deamon_task = task_spawn("gps", SCHED_RR, SCHED_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 4096, gps_thread_main, (argv) ? (const char **)&argv[2] : (const char **)NULL); thread_running = true; exit(0); } if (!strcmp(argv[1], "stop")) { thread_should_exit = true; exit(0); } if (!strcmp(argv[1], "status")) { if (thread_running) { printf("\tgps is running\n"); } else { printf("\tgps not started\n"); } exit(0); } usage("unrecognized command"); exit(1); } /* * Main function of gps app. */ int gps_thread_main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* welcome message */ printf("[gps] Initialized. Searching for GPS receiver..\n"); /* default values */ const char *commandline_usage = "\tusage: %s {start|stop|status} -d devicename -b baudrate -m mode\n\tmodes are:\n\t\tubx\n\t\tmtkcustom\n\t\tnmea\n\t\tall\n"; char *device = "/dev/ttyS3"; char mode[10]; strcpy(mode, "all"); int baudrate = -1; gps_mode_try_all = false; gps_baud_try_all = false; gps_mode_success = true; terminate_gps_thread = false; bool retry = false; gps_verbose = false; int mavlink_fd = open(MAVLINK_LOG_DEVICE, 0); /* read arguments */ int i; for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "--help") == 0) { //device set printf(commandline_usage, argv[0]); thread_running = false; return 0; } if (strcmp(argv[i], "-d") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "--device") == 0) { //device set if (argc > i + 1) { device = argv[i + 1]; } else { printf(commandline_usage, argv[0]); thread_running = false; return 0; } } if (strcmp(argv[i], "-r") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "--retry") == 0) { if (argc > i + 1) { retry = atoi(argv[i + 1]); } else { printf(commandline_usage, argv[0]); thread_running = false; return 0; } } if (strcmp(argv[i], "-b") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "--baud") == 0) { if (argc > i + 1) { baudrate = atoi(argv[i + 1]); } else { printf(commandline_usage, argv[0]); thread_running = false; return 0; } } if (strcmp(argv[i], "-m") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "--mode") == 0) { if (argc > i + 1) { strcpy(mode, argv[i + 1]); } else { printf(commandline_usage, argv[0]); thread_running = false; return 0; } } if (strcmp(argv[i], "-v") == 0 || strcmp(argv[i], "--verbose") == 0) { gps_verbose = true; } } /* * In case a baud rate is set only this baud rate will be tried, * otherwise a array of usual baud rates for gps receivers is used */ // printf("baudrate = %d\n",baudrate); switch (baudrate) { case -1: gps_baud_try_all = true; break; case 0: current_gps_speed = B0; break; case 50: current_gps_speed = B50; break; case 75: current_gps_speed = B75; break; case 110: current_gps_speed = B110; break; case 134: current_gps_speed = B134; break; case 150: current_gps_speed = B150; break; case 200: current_gps_speed = B200; break; case 300: current_gps_speed = B300; break; case 600: current_gps_speed = B600; break; case 1200: current_gps_speed = B1200; break; case 1800: current_gps_speed = B1800; break; case 2400: current_gps_speed = B2400; break; case 4800: current_gps_speed = B4800; break; case 9600: current_gps_speed = B9600; break; case 19200: current_gps_speed = B19200; break; case 38400: current_gps_speed = B38400; break; case 57600: current_gps_speed = B57600; break; case 115200: current_gps_speed = B115200; break; case 230400: current_gps_speed = B230400; break; case 460800: current_gps_speed = B460800; break; case 921600: current_gps_speed = B921600; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "[gps] ERROR: Unsupported baudrate: %d\n", baudrate); fflush(stdout); return -EINVAL; } enum GPS_MODES current_gps_mode = GPS_MODE_UBX; if (strcmp(mode, "ubx") == 0) { current_gps_mode = GPS_MODE_UBX; } else if (strcmp(mode, "mtkcustom") == 0) { current_gps_mode = GPS_MODE_MTK; } else if (strcmp(mode, "nmea") == 0) { current_gps_mode = GPS_MODE_NMEA; } else if (strcmp(mode, "all") == 0) { gps_mode_try_all = true; } else { fprintf(stderr, "\t[gps] Invalid mode argument\n"); printf(commandline_usage); thread_running = false; return ERROR; } /* Declare file descriptor for gps here, open port later in setup_port */ int fd; while (!thread_should_exit) { /* Infinite retries or break if retry == false */ /* Loop over all configurations of baud rate and protocol */ for (i = 0; i < AUTO_DETECTION_COUNT; i++) { if (gps_mode_try_all) { current_gps_mode = autodetection_gpsmodes[i]; if (false == gps_baud_try_all && autodetection_baudrates[i] != current_gps_speed) //there is no need to try modes which are not configured to run with the selcted baud rate continue; } if (gps_baud_try_all) { current_gps_speed = autodetection_baudrates[i]; if (false == gps_mode_try_all && autodetection_gpsmodes[i] != current_gps_mode) //there is no need to try baud rates which are not usual for the selected mode continue; } /* * The watchdog_thread will return and set gps_mode_success to false if no data can be parsed. * if the gps was once running the wtachdog thread will not return but instead try to reconfigure the gps (depending on the mode/protocol) */ if (current_gps_mode == GPS_MODE_UBX) { if (gps_verbose) printf("[gps] Trying UBX mode at %d baud\n", current_gps_speed); mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, "[gps] trying to connect to a ubx module"); setup_port(device, current_gps_speed, &fd); /* start ubx thread and watchdog */ pthread_t ubx_thread; pthread_t ubx_watchdog_thread; pthread_mutex_t ubx_mutex_d; ubx_mutex = &ubx_mutex_d; pthread_mutex_init(ubx_mutex, NULL); gps_bin_ubx_state_t ubx_state_d; ubx_state = &ubx_state_d; ubx_decode_init(); pthread_attr_t ubx_loop_attr; pthread_attr_init(&ubx_loop_attr); pthread_attr_setstacksize(&ubx_loop_attr, 3000); struct arg_struct args; args.fd_ptr = &fd; args.thread_should_exit_ptr = &thread_should_exit; pthread_create(&ubx_thread, &ubx_loop_attr, ubx_loop, (void *)&args); sleep(2); // XXX TODO Check if this is too short, try to lower sleeps in UBX driver pthread_attr_t ubx_wd_attr; pthread_attr_init(&ubx_wd_attr); pthread_attr_setstacksize(&ubx_wd_attr, 1400); int pthread_create_res = pthread_create(&ubx_watchdog_thread, &ubx_wd_attr, ubx_watchdog_loop, (void *)&args); if (pthread_create_res != 0) fprintf(stderr, "[gps] ERROR: could not create ubx watchdog thread, pthread_create =%d\n", pthread_create_res); /* wait for threads to complete */ pthread_join(ubx_watchdog_thread, NULL); if (gps_mode_success == false) { if (gps_verbose) printf("[gps] no success with UBX mode and %d baud\n", current_gps_speed); terminate_gps_thread = true; pthread_join(ubx_thread, NULL); gps_mode_success = true; terminate_gps_thread = false; /* maybe the watchdog was stopped through the thread_should_exit flag */ } else if (thread_should_exit) { pthread_join(ubx_thread, NULL); if (gps_verbose) printf("[gps] ubx watchdog and ubx loop threads have been terminated, exiting."); close(mavlink_fd); close_port(&fd); thread_running = false; return 0; } close_port(&fd); } else if (current_gps_mode == GPS_MODE_MTK) { if (gps_verbose) printf("[gps] trying MTK binary mode at %d baud\n", current_gps_speed); mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, "[gps] trying to connect to a MTK module"); setup_port(device, current_gps_speed, &fd); /* start mtk thread and watchdog */ pthread_t mtk_thread; pthread_t mtk_watchdog_thread; pthread_mutex_t mtk_mutex_d; mtk_mutex = &mtk_mutex_d; pthread_mutex_init(mtk_mutex, NULL); gps_bin_mtk_state_t mtk_state_d; mtk_state = &mtk_state_d; mtk_decode_init(); pthread_attr_t mtk_loop_attr; pthread_attr_init(&mtk_loop_attr); pthread_attr_setstacksize(&mtk_loop_attr, 2048); struct arg_struct args; args.fd_ptr = &fd; args.thread_should_exit_ptr = &thread_should_exit; pthread_create(&mtk_thread, &mtk_loop_attr, mtk_loop, (void *)&args); sleep(2); pthread_create(&mtk_watchdog_thread, NULL, mtk_watchdog_loop, (void *)&args); /* wait for threads to complete */ pthread_join(mtk_watchdog_thread, (void *)&fd); if (gps_mode_success == false) { if (gps_verbose) printf("[gps] No success with MTK binary mode and %d baud\n", current_gps_speed); terminate_gps_thread = true; pthread_join(mtk_thread, NULL); //if(true == gps_mode_try_all) //strcpy(mode, "nmea"); gps_mode_success = true; terminate_gps_thread = false; } close_port(&fd); } else if (current_gps_mode == GPS_MODE_NMEA) { if (gps_verbose) printf("[gps] Trying NMEA mode at %d baud\n", current_gps_speed); mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, "[gps] trying to connect to a NMEA module"); setup_port(device, current_gps_speed, &fd); /* start nmea thread and watchdog */ pthread_t nmea_thread; pthread_t nmea_watchdog_thread; pthread_mutex_t nmea_mutex_d; nmea_mutex = &nmea_mutex_d; pthread_mutex_init(nmea_mutex, NULL); gps_bin_nmea_state_t nmea_state_d; nmea_state = &nmea_state_d; pthread_attr_t nmea_loop_attr; pthread_attr_init(&nmea_loop_attr); pthread_attr_setstacksize(&nmea_loop_attr, 4096); struct arg_struct args; args.fd_ptr = &fd; args.thread_should_exit_ptr = &thread_should_exit; pthread_create(&nmea_thread, &nmea_loop_attr, nmea_loop, (void *)&args); sleep(2); pthread_create(&nmea_watchdog_thread, NULL, nmea_watchdog_loop, (void *)&args); /* wait for threads to complete */ pthread_join(nmea_watchdog_thread, (void *)&fd); if (gps_mode_success == false) { if (gps_verbose) printf("[gps] No success with NMEA mode and %d baud\r\n", current_gps_speed); terminate_gps_thread = true; pthread_join(nmea_thread, NULL); gps_mode_success = true; terminate_gps_thread = false; } close_port(&fd); } /* exit quickly if stop command has been received */ if (thread_should_exit) { printf("[gps] stopped, exiting.\n"); close(mavlink_fd); thread_running = false; return 0; } /* if both, mode and baud is set by argument, we only need one loop*/ if (gps_mode_try_all == false && gps_baud_try_all == false) break; } if (retry) { printf("[gps] No configuration was successful, retrying in %d seconds \n", RETRY_INTERVAL_SECONDS); mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, "[gps] No configuration was successful, retrying..."); fflush(stdout); } else { fprintf(stderr, "[gps] No configuration was successful, exiting... \n"); fflush(stdout); mavlink_log_info(mavlink_fd, "[gps] No configuration was successful, exiting..."); break; } sleep(RETRY_INTERVAL_SECONDS); } printf("[gps] exiting.\n"); close(mavlink_fd); thread_running = false; return 0; } static void usage(const char *reason) { if (reason) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", reason); fprintf(stderr, "\tusage: gps {start|status|stop} -d devicename -b baudrate -m mode\n\tmodes are:\n\t\tubx\n\t\tmtkcustom\n\t\tnmea\n\t\tall\n"); exit(1); } int open_port(char *port) { int fd; /**< File descriptor for the gps port */ /* Open serial port */ fd = open(port, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY); /* O_RDWR - Read and write O_NOCTTY - Ignore special chars like CTRL-C */ return (fd); } void close_port(int *fd) { /* Close serial port */ close(*fd); } void setup_port(char *device, int speed, int *fd) { /* open port (baud rate is set in defconfig file) */ *fd = open_port(device); if (*fd != -1) { if (gps_verbose) printf("[gps] Port opened: %s at %d speed\r\n", device, speed); } else { fprintf(stderr, "[gps] Could not open port, exiting gps app!\r\n"); fflush(stdout); } /* Try to set baud rate */ struct termios uart_config; int termios_state; if ((termios_state = tcgetattr(*fd, &uart_config)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "[gps] ERROR getting baudrate / termios config for %s: %d\r\n", device, termios_state); close(*fd); } if (gps_verbose) printf("[gps] Try to set baud rate %d now\n",speed); /* Set baud rate */ cfsetispeed(&uart_config, speed); cfsetospeed(&uart_config, speed); if ((termios_state = tcsetattr(*fd, TCSANOW, &uart_config)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "[gps] ERROR setting baudrate / termios config for %s (tcsetattr)\r\n", device); close(*fd); } }