#echo "---------------------------" # Start apps echo "init: Starting applications.." echo "---------------------------" # WARNING: # ttyS0 is ALWAYS the NSH UART # ttyS1..SN are enumerated according to HW # uart indices (ttyS1 is the first UART NOT # configured for NSH, e.g. UART2) # ttyS0: UART1 # ttyS1: UART2 # ttyS2: UART5 # ttyS3: UART6 uorb start mavlink -d /dev/ttyS0 -b 57600 & echo "Trying to mount microSD card to /fs/microsd.." if mount -t vfat /dev/mmcsd0 /fs/microsd then echo "Successfully mounted SD card." else echo "FAILED mounting SD card." fi commander & sensors & attitude_estimator_bm & #position_estimator & ardrone_control -d /dev/ttyS1 -m attitude & gps -d /dev/ttyS3 -m all & #sdlog & #fixedwing_control & echo "---------------------------" echo "init: All applications started" echo "INIT DONE, RUNNING SYSTEM.." # WARNING! USE EXIT ONLY ON AR.DRONE # NO NSH COMMANDS CAN BE USED AFTER exit