############################################################################ # # Copyright (c) 2015 PX4 Development Team. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # 3. Neither the name PX4 nor the names of its contributors may be # used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS # OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED # AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ############################################################################ #============================================================================= # # Defined functions in this file # # utility functions # # * px4_parse_function_args # * px4_add_git_submodule # * px4_prepend_string # * px4_join # * px4_add_module # * px4_generate_messages # * px4_add_upload # * px4_add_common_flags # * px4_add_optimization_flags_for_target # * px4_add_executable # * px4_add_library # include(CMakeParseArguments) #============================================================================= # # px4_parse_function_args # # This function simpliies usage of the cmake_parse_arguments module. # It is inteded to be called by other functions. # # Usage: # px4_parse_function_args( # NAME # [ OPTIONS ] # [ ONE_VALUE ] # [ MULTI_VALUE ] # REQUIRED # ARGN ) # # Input: # NAME : the name of the calling function # OPTIONS : boolean flags # ONE_VALUE : single value variables # MULTI_VALUE : multi value variables # REQUIRED : required arguments # ARGN : the function input arguments, typically ${ARGN} # # Output: # The function arguments corresponding to the following are set: # ${OPTIONS}, ${ONE_VALUE}, ${MULTI_VALUE} # # Example: # function test() # px4_parse_function_args( # NAME TEST # ONE_VALUE NAME # MULTI_VALUE LIST # REQUIRED NAME LIST # ARGN ${ARGN}) # message(STATUS "name: ${NAME}") # message(STATUS "list: ${LIST}") # endfunction() # # test(NAME "hello" LIST a b c) # # OUTPUT: # name: hello # list: a b c # function(px4_parse_function_args) cmake_parse_arguments(IN "" "NAME" "OPTIONS;ONE_VALUE;MULTI_VALUE;REQUIRED;ARGN" "${ARGN}") cmake_parse_arguments(OUT "${IN_OPTIONS}" "${IN_ONE_VALUE}" "${IN_MULTI_VALUE}" "${IN_ARGN}") if (OUT_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS) message(FATAL_ERROR "${IN_NAME}: unparsed ${OUT_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}") endif() foreach(arg ${IN_REQUIRED}) if (NOT OUT_${arg}) if (NOT "${OUT_${arg}}" STREQUAL "0") message(FATAL_ERROR "${IN_NAME} requires argument ${arg}\nARGN: ${IN_ARGN}") endif() endif() endforeach() foreach(arg ${IN_OPTIONS} ${IN_ONE_VALUE} ${IN_MULTI_VALUE}) set(${arg} ${OUT_${arg}} PARENT_SCOPE) endforeach() endfunction() #============================================================================= # # px4_add_git_submodule # # This function add a git submodule target. # # Usage: # px4_add_git_submodule(TARGET PATH ) # # Input: # PATH : git submodule path # # Output: # TARGET : git target # # Example: # px4_add_git_submodule(TARGET git_nuttx PATH "NuttX") # function(px4_add_git_submodule) px4_parse_function_args( NAME px4_add_git_submodule ONE_VALUE TARGET PATH REQUIRED TARGET PATH ARGN ${ARGN}) string(REPLACE "/" "_" NAME ${PATH}) add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${PX4_BINARY_DIR}/git_init_${NAME}.stamp WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR} COMMAND touch ${PX4_BINARY_DIR}/git_init_${NAME}.stamp DEPENDS ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/.gitmodules ) add_custom_target(${TARGET} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR} # todo:Not have 2 list of submodues one (see the end of Tools/check_submodules.sh and Firmware/CMakeLists.txt) # using the list of submodules from the CMake file to drive the test # COMMAND Tools/check_submodules.sh ${PATH} DEPENDS ${PX4_BINARY_DIR}/git_init_${NAME}.stamp ) endfunction() #============================================================================= # # px4_prepend_string # # This function prepends a string to a list # # Usage: # px4_prepend_string(OUT STR LIST ) # # Input: # STR : string to prepend # LIST : list to prepend to # # Output: # ${OUT} : prepended list # # Example: # px4_prepend_string(OUT test_str STR "path/to/" LIST src/file1.cpp src/file2.cpp) # test_str would then be: # path/to/src/file1.cpp # path/to/src/file2.cpp # function(px4_prepend_string) px4_parse_function_args( NAME px4_prepend_string ONE_VALUE OUT STR MULTI_VALUE LIST REQUIRED OUT STR LIST ARGN ${ARGN}) set(${OUT}) foreach(file ${LIST}) list(APPEND ${OUT} ${STR}${file}) endforeach() set(${OUT} ${${OUT}} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() #============================================================================= # # px4_join # # This function joins a list with a given separator. If list is not # passed, or is sent "", this will return the empty string. # # Usage: # px4_join(OUT ${OUT} [ LIST ${LIST} ] GLUE ${GLUE}) # # Input: # LIST : list to join # GLUE : separator to use # # Output: # OUT : joined list # # Example: # px4_join(OUT test_join LIST a b c GLUE ";") # test_join would then be: # "a;b;c" # function(px4_join) px4_parse_function_args( NAME px4_join ONE_VALUE OUT GLUE MULTI_VALUE LIST REQUIRED GLUE OUT ARGN ${ARGN}) string (REPLACE ";" "${GLUE}" _TMP_STR "${LIST}") set(${OUT} ${_TMP_STR} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() #============================================================================= # # px4_add_module # # This function builds a static library from a module description. # # Usage: # px4_add_module(MODULE # [ MAIN ] # [ STACK ] !!!!!DEPRECATED, USE STACK_MAIN INSTEAD!!!!!!!!! # [ STACK_MAIN ] # [ STACK_MAX ] # [ COMPILE_FLAGS ] # [ INCLUDES ] # [ DEPENDS ] # [ EXTERNAL ] # ) # # Input: # MODULE : unique name of module # MAIN : entry point, if not given, assumed to be library # STACK : deprecated use stack main instead # STACK_MAIN : size of stack for main function # STACK_MAX : maximum stack size of any frame # COMPILE_FLAGS : compile flags # LINK_FLAGS : link flags # SRCS : source files # INCLUDES : include directories # DEPENDS : targets which this module depends on # EXTERNAL : flag to indicate that this module is out-of-tree # # Output: # Static library with name matching MODULE. # # Example: # px4_add_module(MODULE test # SRCS # file.cpp # STACK_MAIN 1024 # DEPENDS # git_nuttx # ) # function(px4_add_module) px4_parse_function_args( NAME px4_add_module ONE_VALUE MODULE MAIN STACK STACK_MAIN STACK_MAX PRIORITY MULTI_VALUE COMPILE_FLAGS LINK_FLAGS SRCS INCLUDES DEPENDS OPTIONS EXTERNAL REQUIRED MODULE ARGN ${ARGN}) if(EXTERNAL) px4_mangle_name("${EXTERNAL_MODULES_LOCATION}/src/${MODULE}" MODULE) endif() px4_add_library(${MODULE} STATIC EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ${SRCS}) # set defaults if not set set(MAIN_DEFAULT MAIN-NOTFOUND) set(STACK_MAIN_DEFAULT 1024) set(PRIORITY_DEFAULT SCHED_PRIORITY_DEFAULT) # default stack max to stack main if(NOT STACK_MAIN AND STACK) set(STACK_MAIN ${STACK}) message(AUTHOR_WARNING "STACK deprecated, USE STACK_MAIN instead!!!!!!!!!!!!") endif() foreach(property MAIN STACK_MAIN PRIORITY) if(NOT ${property}) set(${property} ${${property}_DEFAULT}) endif() set_target_properties(${MODULE} PROPERTIES ${property} ${${property}}) endforeach() # default stack max to stack main if(NOT STACK_MAX) set(STACK_MAX ${STACK_MAIN}) endif() set_target_properties(${MODULE} PROPERTIES STACK_MAX ${STACK_MAX}) if(${OS} STREQUAL "qurt" ) set_property(TARGET ${MODULE} PROPERTY POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE TRUE) elseif(${OS} STREQUAL "nuttx" ) list(APPEND COMPILE_FLAGS -Wframe-larger-than=${STACK_MAX}) endif() if(MAIN) set_target_properties(${MODULE} PROPERTIES COMPILE_DEFINITIONS PX4_MAIN=${MAIN}_app_main) add_definitions(-DMODULE_NAME="${MAIN}") else() add_definitions(-DMODULE_NAME="${MODULE}") endif() if(INCLUDES) target_include_directories(${MODULE} ${INCLUDES}) endif() if(DEPENDS) add_dependencies(${MODULE} ${DEPENDS}) endif() # join list variables to get ready to send to compiler foreach(prop LINK_FLAGS COMPILE_FLAGS) if(${prop}) px4_join(OUT ${prop} LIST ${${prop}} GLUE " ") endif() endforeach() # store module properties in target # COMPILE_FLAGS and LINK_FLAGS are passed to compiler/linker by cmake # STACK_MAIN, MAIN, PRIORITY are PX4 specific if(COMPILE_FLAGS AND ${_no_optimization_for_target}) px4_strip_optimization(COMPILE_FLAGS ${COMPILE_FLAGS}) endif() foreach (prop COMPILE_FLAGS LINK_FLAGS STACK_MAIN MAIN PRIORITY) if (${prop}) set_target_properties(${MODULE} PROPERTIES ${prop} ${${prop}}) endif() endforeach() endfunction() #============================================================================= # # px4_generate_messages # # This function generates source code from ROS msg definitions. # # Usage: # px4_generate_messages(TARGET MSGS ) # # Input: # MSG_FILES : the ROS msgs to generate files from # OS : the operating system selected # DEPENDS : dependencies # # Output: # TARGET : the message generation target # # Example: # px4_generate_messages(TARGET # MSG_FILES OS # [ DEPENDS ] # ) # function(px4_generate_messages) px4_parse_function_args( NAME px4_generate_messages OPTIONS VERBOSE ONE_VALUE OS TARGET MULTI_VALUE MSG_FILES DEPENDS INCLUDES REQUIRED MSG_FILES OS TARGET ARGN ${ARGN}) if("${config_nuttx_config}" STREQUAL "bootloader") else() set(QUIET) if(NOT VERBOSE) set(QUIET "-q") endif() # headers set(msg_out_path ${PX4_BINARY_DIR}/src/modules/uORB/topics) set(msg_list) foreach(msg_file ${MSG_FILES}) get_filename_component(msg ${msg_file} NAME_WE) list(APPEND msg_list ${msg}) endforeach() set(msg_files_out) foreach(msg ${msg_list}) list(APPEND msg_files_out ${msg_out_path}/${msg}.h) endforeach() add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${msg_files_out} COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} Tools/px_generate_uorb_topic_files.py --headers ${QUIET} -f ${MSG_FILES} -o ${msg_out_path} -e msg/templates/uorb -t ${PX4_BINARY_DIR}/topics_temporary_header DEPENDS ${DEPENDS} ${MSG_FILES} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR} COMMENT "Generating uORB topic headers" VERBATIM ) # !sources set(msg_source_out_path ${PX4_BINARY_DIR}/topics_sources) set(msg_source_files_out ${msg_source_out_path}/uORBTopics.cpp) foreach(msg ${msg_list}) list(APPEND msg_source_files_out ${msg_source_out_path}/${msg}.cpp) endforeach() add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${msg_source_files_out} COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} Tools/px_generate_uorb_topic_files.py --sources ${QUIET} -f ${MSG_FILES} -o ${msg_source_out_path} -e msg/templates/uorb -t ${PX4_BINARY_DIR}/topics_temporary_sources DEPENDS ${DEPENDS} ${MSG_FILES} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR} COMMENT "Generating uORB topic sources" VERBATIM ) set_source_files_properties(${msg_source_files_out} PROPERTIES GENERATED TRUE) # We remove uORBTopics.cpp to make sure the generator is re-run, which is # necessary when a .msg file is removed and because uORBTopics.cpp depends # on all topics. execute_process(COMMAND rm uORBTopics.cpp WORKING_DIRECTORY ${msg_source_out_path} ERROR_QUIET) # multi messages for target OS set(msg_multi_out_path ${PX4_BINARY_DIR}/src/platforms/${OS}/px4_messages) set(msg_multi_files_out) foreach(msg ${msg_list}) list(APPEND msg_multi_files_out ${msg_multi_out_path}/px4_${msg}.h) endforeach() add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${msg_multi_files_out} COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} Tools/px_generate_uorb_topic_files.py --headers ${QUIET} -f ${MSG_FILES} -o ${msg_multi_out_path} -e msg/templates/px4/uorb -t ${PX4_BINARY_DIR}/multi_topics_temporary/${OS} -p "px4_" DEPENDS ${DEPENDS} ${MSG_FILES} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR} COMMENT "Generating uORB topic multi headers for ${OS}" VERBATIM ) px4_add_library(${TARGET} ${msg_source_files_out} ${msg_multi_files_out} ${msg_files_out} ) endif() endfunction() #============================================================================= # # px4_add_upload # # This function generates source code from ROS msg definitions. # # Usage: # px4_add_upload(OUT BUNDLE ) # # Input: # BUNDLE : the firmware.px4 file # OS : the operating system # BOARD : the board # # Output: # OUT : the firmware target # # Example: # px4_add_upload(OUT upload # BUNDLE main.px4 # ) # function(px4_add_upload) px4_parse_function_args( NAME px4_add_upload ONE_VALUE OS BOARD OUT BUNDLE REQUIRED OS BOARD OUT BUNDLE ARGN ${ARGN}) set(serial_ports) if(${CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "Linux") list(APPEND serial_ports /dev/serial/by-id/usb-3D_Robotics* /dev/serial/by-id/usb-The_Autopilot* /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Bitcraze* /dev/serial/by-id/pci-3D_Robotics* /dev/serial/by-id/pci-Bitcraze* ) elseif(${CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "Darwin") list(APPEND serial_ports /dev/tty.usbmodemPX*,/dev/tty.usbmodem* ) elseif(${CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "Windows") foreach(port RANGE 32 0) list(APPEND serial_ports "COM${port}") endforeach() endif() px4_join(OUT serial_ports LIST "${serial_ports}" GLUE ",") add_custom_target(${OUT} COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/Tools/px_uploader.py --port ${serial_ports} ${BUNDLE} DEPENDS ${BUNDLE} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PX4_BINARY_DIR} COMMENT "uploading ${BUNDLE}" VERBATIM USES_TERMINAL ) endfunction() function(px4_add_adb_push) px4_parse_function_args( NAME px4_add_upload ONE_VALUE OS BOARD OUT DEST MULTI_VALUE FILES DEPENDS REQUIRED OS BOARD OUT FILES DEPENDS DEST ARGN ${ARGN}) add_custom_target(${OUT} COMMAND ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/Tools/adb_upload.sh ${FILES} ${DEST} DEPENDS ${DEPENDS} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PX4_BINARY_DIR} COMMENT "uploading ${BUNDLE}" VERBATIM USES_TERMINAL ) endfunction() function(px4_add_adb_push_to_bebop) px4_parse_function_args( NAME px4_add_upload_to_bebop ONE_VALUE OS BOARD OUT DEST MULTI_VALUE FILES DEPENDS REQUIRED OS BOARD OUT FILES DEPENDS DEST ARGN ${ARGN}) add_custom_target(${OUT} COMMAND ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/Tools/adb_upload_to_bebop.sh ${FILES} ${DEST} DEPENDS ${DEPENDS} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PX4_BINARY_DIR} COMMENT "uploading ${BUNDLE}" VERBATIM USES_TERMINAL ) endfunction() function(px4_add_scp_push) px4_parse_function_args( NAME px4_add_upload ONE_VALUE OS BOARD OUT DEST MULTI_VALUE FILES DEPENDS REQUIRED OS BOARD OUT FILES DEPENDS DEST ARGN ${ARGN}) add_custom_target(${OUT} COMMAND ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/Tools/scp_upload.sh ${FILES} ${DEST} DEPENDS ${DEPENDS} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PX4_BINARY_DIR} COMMENT "uploading ${BUNDLE}" VERBATIM USES_TERMINAL ) endfunction() function(px4_add_upload_aero) px4_parse_function_args( NAME px4_add_upload_aero ONE_VALUE OS BOARD OUT BUNDLE REQUIRED OS BOARD OUT BUNDLE ARGN ${ARGN}) add_custom_target(${OUT} COMMAND ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/Tools/aero_upload.sh ${BUNDLE} DEPENDS ${BUNDLE} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PX4_BINARY_DIR} COMMENT "uploading ${BUNDLE}" VERBATIM USES_TERMINAL ) endfunction() #============================================================================= # # px4_add_common_flags # # Set the default build flags. # # Usage: # px4_add_common_flags( # BOARD # C_FLAGS # CXX_FLAGS # OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS # EXE_LINKER_FLAGS # INCLUDE_DIRS # LINK_DIRS # DEFINITIONS ) # # Input: # BOARD : board # # Input/Output: (appends to existing variable) # C_FLAGS : c compile flags variable # CXX_FLAGS : c++ compile flags variable # OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS : optimization compile flags variable # EXE_LINKER_FLAGS : executable linker flags variable # INCLUDE_DIRS : include directories # LINK_DIRS : link directories # DEFINITIONS : definitions # # Example: # px4_add_common_flags( # BOARD px4fmu-v2 # C_FLAGS CMAKE_C_FLAGS # CXX_FLAGS CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS # OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS optimization_flags # EXE_LINKER_FLAG CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS # INCLUDES ) # function(px4_add_common_flags) set(inout_vars C_FLAGS CXX_FLAGS OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS EXE_LINKER_FLAGS INCLUDE_DIRS LINK_DIRS DEFINITIONS) px4_parse_function_args( NAME px4_add_common_flags ONE_VALUE ${inout_vars} BOARD REQUIRED ${inout_vars} BOARD ARGN ${ARGN}) set(warnings -Wall -Werror -Wextra -Wno-sign-compare -Wshadow -Wfloat-equal -Wpointer-arith -Wmissing-declarations -Wno-unused-parameter -Werror=format-security -Werror=array-bounds -Wfatal-errors -Werror=unused-variable -Werror=reorder -Werror=uninitialized -Werror=init-self #-Wcast-qual - generates spurious noreturn attribute warnings, # try again later #-Wconversion - would be nice, but too many "risky-but-safe" # conversions in the code #-Wcast-align - would help catch bad casts in some cases, # but generates too many false positives ) if (${CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID} MATCHES ".*Clang.*") # QuRT 6.4.X compiler identifies as Clang but does not support this option if (NOT ${OS} STREQUAL "qurt") list(APPEND warnings -Qunused-arguments -Wno-unused-const-variable -Wno-varargs ) endif() else() list(APPEND warnings -Werror=unused-but-set-variable -Wformat=1 #-Wlogical-op # very verbose due to eigen -Wdouble-promotion -Werror=double-promotion ) endif() # optimization flags and santiziers (ASAN, TSAN, UBSAN) if ($ENV{PX4_ASAN} MATCHES "1") message(STATUS "address sanitizer enabled") # environment variables # ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_stack_use_after_return=1 # ASAN_OPTIONS=check_initialization_order=1 set(max_optimization -O1) # Do not use optimization_flags (without _) as that is already used. set(_optimization_flags -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-omit-frame-pointer -funsafe-math-optimizations -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -g3 -fsanitize=address #-fsanitize-address-use-after-scope ) elseif ($ENV{PX4_TSAN} MATCHES "1") message(STATUS "thread sanitizer enabled") # needs some optimization for usable performance set(max_optimization -O1) # Do not use optimization_flags (without _) as that is already used. set(_optimization_flags -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-omit-frame-pointer -funsafe-math-optimizations -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -g3 -fsanitize=thread ) elseif ($ENV{PX4_UBSAN} MATCHES "1") message(STATUS "undefined behaviour sanitizer enabled") set(max_optimization -O2) # Do not use optimization_flags (without _) as that is already used. set(_optimization_flags -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-omit-frame-pointer -funsafe-math-optimizations -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -g3 #-fsanitize=alignment -fsanitize=bool -fsanitize=bounds -fsanitize=enum #-fsanitize=float-cast-overflow -fsanitize=float-divide-by-zero #-fsanitize=function -fsanitize=integer-divide-by-zero -fsanitize=nonnull-attribute -fsanitize=null -fsanitize=object-size -fsanitize=return -fsanitize=returns-nonnull-attribute -fsanitize=shift -fsanitize=signed-integer-overflow -fsanitize=unreachable #-fsanitize=unsigned-integer-overflow -fsanitize=vla-bound -fsanitize=vptr ) else() if ("${OS}" STREQUAL "nuttx") set(max_optimization -Os) elseif (${BOARD} STREQUAL "bebop") set(max_optimization -Os) else() set(max_optimization -O2) endif() if ("${OS}" STREQUAL "qurt") set(PIC_FLAG -fPIC) endif() set(_optimization_flags -fno-strict-aliasing -fomit-frame-pointer -funsafe-math-optimizations -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections ${PIC_FLAG} ) endif() # code coverage if ($ENV{PX4_CODE_COVERAGE} MATCHES "1") set(max_optimization -O0) endif() set(c_warnings -Wbad-function-cast -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wnested-externs ) set(c_compile_flags -g -std=gnu99 -fno-common ) set(cxx_warnings -Wno-missing-field-initializers #-Weffc++ ) set(cxx_compile_flags -g -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -std=gnu++0x -fno-threadsafe-statics -DCONFIG_WCHAR_BUILTIN -D__CUSTOM_FILE_IO__ ) # clang if ("${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "Clang") # force color for clang (needed for clang + ccache) list(APPEND _optimization_flags -fcolor-diagnostics ) else() list(APPEND _optimization_flags -fno-strength-reduce -fno-builtin-printf ) # -fcheck-new is a no-op for Clang in general # and has no effect, but can generate a compile # error for some OS list(APPEND cxx_compile_flags -fcheck-new ) endif() set(visibility_flags -fvisibility=hidden -include visibility.h ) set(added_c_flags ${c_compile_flags} ${warnings} ${c_warnings} ${visibility_flags} ) set(added_cxx_flags ${cxx_compile_flags} ${warnings} ${cxx_warnings} ${visibility_flags} ) set(added_optimization_flags ${max_optimization} ${_optimization_flags} ) set(added_include_dirs ${PX4_BINARY_DIR} ${PX4_BINARY_DIR}/src ${PX4_BINARY_DIR}/src/modules ${PX4_BINARY_DIR}/src/modules/px4_messages ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/mavlink/include/mavlink ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/src ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/src/drivers/boards/${BOARD} ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/src/include ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/src/lib ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/src/lib/DriverFramework/framework/include ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/src/modules ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/src/platforms ) list(APPEND added_include_dirs src/lib/matrix ) set(added_link_dirs) # none used currently set(added_exe_linker_flags) string(TOUPPER ${BOARD} board_upper) string(REPLACE "-" "_" board_config ${board_upper}) set (added_target_definitions) if (NOT ${target_definitions}) px4_prepend_string(OUT added_target_definitions STR "-D" LIST ${target_definitions}) endif() set(added_definitions -DCONFIG_ARCH_BOARD_${board_config} -D__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS ${added_target_definitions} ) if (NOT (APPLE AND (${CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID} MATCHES ".*Clang.*"))) set(added_exe_linker_flags -Wl,--warn-common -Wl,--gc-sections #,--print-gc-sections ) endif() # code coverage if ($ENV{PX4_CODE_COVERAGE} MATCHES "1") message(STATUS "Code coverage build flags enabled") list(APPEND added_cxx_flags -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage --coverage -g3 -O0 -fno-elide-constructors -Wno-invalid-offsetof -fno-default-inline -fno-inline ) list(APPEND added_c_flags -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage --coverage -g3 -O0 -fno-default-inline -fno-inline ) list(APPEND added_exe_linker_flags -ftest-coverage --coverage -lgcov ) endif() # output foreach(var ${inout_vars}) string(TOLOWER ${var} lower_var) set(${${var}} ${${${var}}} ${added_${lower_var}} PARENT_SCOPE) #message(STATUS "set(${${var}} ${${${var}}} ${added_${lower_var}} PARENT_SCOPE)") endforeach() endfunction() #============================================================================= # # px4_mangle_name # # Convert a path name to a module name # # Usage: # px4_mangle_name(dirname newname) # # Input: # dirname : path to module dir # # Output: # newname : module name # # Example: # px4_mangle_name(${dirpath} mangled_name) # message(STATUS "module name is ${mangled_name}") # function(px4_mangle_name dirname newname) set(tmp) string(REPLACE "/" "__" tmp ${dirname}) set(${newname} ${tmp} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() #============================================================================= # # px4_create_git_hash_header # # Create a header file containing the git hash of the current tree # # Usage: # px4_create_git_hash_header(HEADER ${CMAKE_BUILD_DIR}/git_hash.h) # # Input: # HEADER : path of the header file to generate # # Example: # px4_create_git_hash_header(HEADER ${CMAKE_BUILD_DIR}/git_hash.h) # function(px4_create_git_hash_header) px4_parse_function_args( NAME px4_create_git_hash_header ONE_VALUE OUT REQUIRED OUT ARGN ${ARGN}) file(WRITE ${OUT} "") add_custom_command( OUTPUT __fake COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/Tools/px_update_git_header.py ${OUT} > ${PX4_BINARY_DIR}/git_header.log WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR} COMMENT "Generating git hash header" ) add_custom_target(ver_gen ALL DEPENDS ${OUT} __fake) endfunction() #============================================================================= # # px4_generate_parameters_xml # # Generates a parameters.xml file. # # Usage: # px4_generate_parameters_xml(OUT ) # # Input: # BOARD : the board # # Output: # OUT : the generated xml file # # Example: # px4_generate_parameters_xml(OUT parameters.xml) # function(px4_generate_parameters_xml) px4_parse_function_args( NAME px4_generate_parameters_xml ONE_VALUE OUT BOARD REQUIRED OUT BOARD ARGN ${ARGN}) set(path ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/src) file(GLOB_RECURSE param_src_files ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/src/*params.c ) add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${OUT} COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/Tools/px_process_params.py -s ${path} --board CONFIG_ARCH_${BOARD} --xml --inject-xml DEPENDS ${param_src_files} ) set(${OUT} ${${OUT}} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() #============================================================================= # # px4_generate_parameters_source # # Generates a source file with all parameters. # # Usage: # px4_generate_parameters_source(OUT XML [SCOPE ]) # # Input: # XML : the parameters.xml file # SCOPE : the cmake file used to limit scope of the paramaters # DEPS : target dependencies # # Output: # OUT : the generated source files # # Example: # px4_generate_parameters_source(OUT param_files XML parameters.xml SCOPE ${OS}_${BOARD}_${LABEL}.cmake ) # function(px4_generate_parameters_source) px4_parse_function_args( NAME px4_generate_parameters_source ONE_VALUE OUT XML SCOPE DEPS REQUIRED OUT XML ARGN ${ARGN}) set(generated_files ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/px4_parameters.h ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/px4_parameters.c) set_source_files_properties(${generated_files} PROPERTIES GENERATED TRUE) if ("${config_generate_parameters_scope}" STREQUAL "ALL") set(SCOPE "") endif() add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${generated_files} COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/Tools/px_generate_params.py ${XML} ${SCOPE} DEPENDS ${XML} ${DEPS} ${SCOPE} ) set(${OUT} ${generated_files} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() #============================================================================= # # px4_generate_airframes_xml # # Generates airframes.xml # # Usage: # px4_generate_airframes_xml(OUT ) # # Input: # XML : the airframes.xml file # BOARD : the board # # Output: # OUT : the generated source files # # Example: # px4_generate_airframes_xml(OUT airframes.xml) # function(px4_generate_airframes_xml) px4_parse_function_args( NAME px4_generate_airframes_xml ONE_VALUE OUT BOARD REQUIRED OUT BOARD ARGN ${ARGN}) set(process_airframes ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/Tools/px_process_airframes.py) add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${OUT} COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} ${process_airframes} -a ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/ROMFS/${config_romfs_root}/init.d --board CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD_${BOARD} --xml ) set(${OUT} ${${OUT}} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() #============================================================================= # # px4_copy_tracked # # Copy files to a directory and keep track of dependencies. # # Usage: # px4_copy_tracked(OUT FILES DIR ) # # Input: # FILES : the source files # DEST : the directory to copy files to # RELATIVE : relative directory for source files # # Output: # OUT : the copied files # # Example: # px4_copy_tracked(OUT copied_files FILES src_files DEST path RELATIVE path_rel) # function(px4_copy_tracked) px4_parse_function_args( NAME px4_copy_tracked ONE_VALUE DEST OUT RELATIVE MULTI_VALUE FILES REQUIRED DEST OUT FILES ARGN ${ARGN}) set(files) # before build, make sure dest directory exists execute_process( COMMAND cmake -E make_directory ${DEST}) # create rule to copy each file and set dependency as source file set(_files_out) foreach(_file ${FILES}) if (RELATIVE) file(RELATIVE_PATH _file_path ${RELATIVE} ${_file}) else() set(_file_path ${_file}) endif() set(_dest_file ${DEST}/${_file_path}) #message(STATUS "copy ${_file} -> ${_dest_file}") add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${_dest_file} COMMAND cmake -E copy ${_file} ${_dest_file} DEPENDS ${_file}) list(APPEND _files_out ${_dest_file}) endforeach() set(${OUT} ${_files_out} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() #============================================================================= # # px4_share_subdirectory # # This function simplifes sharing a sub directory # # Usage: # px4_share_subdirectory(RELDIR ARGS ) # # Input: # RELDIR : The relitive path to share. # ARGS : Any optional arguments to pass to add_subdirectory # # Output: # : None # # Example: # px4_share_subdirectory(RELDIR ../uavcan/libuavcan ARGS EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) # function(px4_share_subdirectory) px4_parse_function_args( NAME px4_share_subdirectory ONE_VALUE OUT RELDIR MULTI_VALUE ARGS REQUIRED RELDIR ARGN ${ARGN}) add_subdirectory(${RELDIR} ${RELDIR}/${RELDIR} ${ARGS}) endfunction() #============================================================================= # # px4_strip_optimization # function(px4_strip_optimization name) set(_compile_flags) separate_arguments(_args UNIX_COMMAND ${ARGN}) foreach(_flag ${_args}) if(NOT "${_flag}" MATCHES "^-O") set(_compile_flags "${_compile_flags} ${_flag}") endif() endforeach() string(STRIP "${_compile_flags}" _compile_flags) set(${name} "${_compile_flags}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() #============================================================================= # # px4_add_optimization_flags_for_target # set(all_posix_cmake_targets "" CACHE INTERNAL "All cmake targets for which optimization can be suppressed") function(px4_add_optimization_flags_for_target target) set(_no_optimization_for_target FALSE) # If the current CONFIG is posix_sitl_* then suppress optimization for certain targets. if(CONFIG MATCHES "^posix_sitl_") foreach(_regexp $ENV{PX4_NO_OPTIMIZATION}) if("${target}" MATCHES "${_regexp}") set(_no_optimization_for_target TRUE) set(_matched_regexp "${_regexp}") endif() endforeach() # Create a full list of targets that optimization can be suppressed for. list(APPEND all_posix_cmake_targets ${target}) set(all_posix_cmake_targets ${all_posix_cmake_targets} CACHE INTERNAL "All cmake targets for which optimization can be suppressed") endif() if(NOT ${_no_optimization_for_target}) target_compile_options(${target} PRIVATE ${optimization_flags}) else() message(STATUS "Disabling optimization for target '${target}' because it matches the regexp '${_matched_regexp}' in env var PX4_NO_OPTIMIZATION") target_compile_options(${target} PRIVATE -O0) endif() # Pass variable to the parent px4_add_library. set(_no_optimization_for_target ${_no_optimization_for_target} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() #============================================================================= # # px4_add_executable # # Like add_executable but with optimization flag fixup. # function(px4_add_executable target) add_executable(${target} ${ARGN}) px4_add_optimization_flags_for_target(${target}) endfunction() #============================================================================= # # px4_add_library # # Like add_library but with optimization flag fixup. # function(px4_add_library target) add_library(${target} ${ARGN}) px4_add_optimization_flags_for_target(${target}) # Pass variable to the parent px4_add_module. set(_no_optimization_for_target ${_no_optimization_for_target} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # vim: set noet fenc=utf-8 ff=unix nowrap: