name: Build Tests on: [pull_request] jobs: Linux-GCC: runs-on: ubuntu-latest container: px4io/px4-dev-base-bionic:2020-01-13 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v1 - name: main build run: make - name: clean build run: make clean - name: main test run: make test Linux-Clang: runs-on: ubuntu-latest container: px4io/px4-dev-clang:2019-10-24 env: CC: clang CXX: clang++ steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v1 - name: main build run: make - name: clean build run: make clean # TODO: This is not running at the moment #- name: main test # run: make test Mac-OS: runs-on: macos-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v1 - name: main build run: make - name: clean build run: make clean # TODO: This is not running at the moment #- name: main test # run: make test