from xml.sax.saxutils import escape import codecs import os class RCOutput(): def __init__(self, groups, board, post_start=False): result = ( "#\n" "#\n" "# THIS FILE IS AUTO-GENERATED. DO NOT EDIT!\n" "#\n" "#\n" "# SYS_AUTOSTART = 0 means no autostart (default)\n" "#\n" "# AUTOSTART PARTITION:\n" "# 0 .. 999 Reserved (historical)\n" "# 1000 .. 1999 Simulation setups\n" "# 2000 .. 2999 Standard planes\n" "# 3000 .. 3999 Flying wing\n" "# 4000 .. 4999 Quadrotor x\n" "# 5000 .. 5999 Quadrotor +\n" "# 6000 .. 6999 Hexarotor x\n" "# 7000 .. 7999 Hexarotor +\n" "# 8000 .. 8999 Octorotor x\n" "# 9000 .. 9999 Octorotor +\n" "# 10000 .. 10999 Quadrotor Wide arm / H frame\n" "# 11000 .. 11999 Hexa Cox\n" "# 12000 .. 12999 Octo Cox\n" "# 13000 .. 13999 VTOL\n" "# 14000 .. 14999 Tri Y\n" "# 17000 .. 17999 Autogyro\n" "\n") result += "\n" result += "set AIRFRAME none\n" result += "\n" for group in groups: result += "# GROUP: %s\n\n" % group.GetName() for param in group.GetParams(): excluded = False for code in param.GetArchCodes(): if "{0}".format(code) == board and param.GetArchValue(code) == "exclude": excluded = True if excluded: continue if post_start: # Path to post-start sript path = param.GetPostPath() else: # Path to start script path = param.GetPath() if not path: continue path = os.path.split(path)[1] id_val = param.GetId() name = param.GetFieldValue("short_desc") long_desc = param.GetFieldValue("long_desc") result += "#\n" result += "# %s\n" % param.GetName() result += "if param compare SYS_AUTOSTART %s\n" % id_val result += "then\n" result += "\tset AIRFRAME %s\n" % path result += "fi\n" #if long_desc is not None: # result += "# %s\n" % long_desc result += "\n" result += "\n" result += "\n" result += "if [ ${AIRFRAME} != none ]\n" result += "then\n" result += "\tsh /etc/init.d/airframes/${AIRFRAME}\n" if not post_start: result += "else\n" result += "\techo \"ERROR [init] No file matches SYS_AUTOSTART value found in : /etc/init.d/airframes\"\n" result += "\techo \"ERROR [init] No file matches SYS_AUTOSTART value found in : /etc/init.d/airframes\" >> $LOG_FILE\n" # Reset the configuration result += "\tparam set SYS_AUTOSTART 0\n" result += "\ttone_alarm ${TUNE_ERR}\n" result += "fi\n" result += "unset AIRFRAME" self.output = result def Save(self, filename): with, 'w', 'utf-8') as f: f.write(self.output)