############################################################################ # # Copyright (c) 2015 PX4 Development Team. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # 3. Neither the name PX4 nor the names of its contributors may be # used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS # OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED # AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ############################################################################ #============================================================================= # # Defined functions in this file # # OS Specific Functions # # * px4_nuttx_add_firmware # * px4_nuttx_generate_builtin_commands # * px4_nuttx_add_export # * px4_nuttx_add_romfs # # Required OS Inteface Functions # # * px4_os_add_flags # * px4_os_prebuild_targets # include(common/px4_base) #============================================================================= # # px4_nuttx_add_firmware # # This function adds a nuttx firmware target. # # Usage: # px4_nuttx_add_firmware(OUT EXE # PARAM_XML AIRFRAMES_XML ) # # Input: # EXE : the executable to generate the firmware from # BOARD : the board # PARAM_XML : param xml file (optional) # AIRFRAMES_XML : airframes xml file (optional) # # Output: # OUT : the generated firmware target # # Example: # px4_nuttx_add_firmware(TARGET fw_test EXE test) # function(px4_nuttx_add_firmware) px4_parse_function_args( NAME px4_nuttx_add_firmware ONE_VALUE BOARD OUT EXE PARAM_XML AIRFRAMES_XML REQUIRED OUT EXE BOARD ARGN ${ARGN}) set(extra_args) if (PARAM_XML) list(APPEND extra_args --parameter_xml ${PARAM_XML} ) endif() if (AIRFRAMES_XML) list(APPEND extra_args --airframe_xml ${AIRFRAMES_XML} ) endif() add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${OUT} COMMAND ${OBJCOPY} -O binary ${EXE} ${EXE}.bin COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/Tools/px_mkfw.py --prototype ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/Images/${BOARD}.prototype --git_identity ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR} ${extra_args} --image ${EXE}.bin > ${OUT} DEPENDS ${EXE} ) add_custom_target(build_firmware_${BOARD} ALL DEPENDS ${OUT}) endfunction() #============================================================================= # # px4_nuttx_generate_builtin_commands # # This function generates the builtin_commands.c src for nuttx # # Usage: # px4_nuttx_generate_builtin_commands( # MODULE_LIST # OUT ) # # Input: # MODULE_LIST : list of modules # # Output: # OUT : generated builtin_commands.c src # # Example: # px4_nuttx_generate_builtin_commands( # OUT MODULE_LIST px4_simple_app) # function(px4_nuttx_generate_builtin_commands) px4_parse_function_args( NAME px4_nuttx_generate_builtin_commands ONE_VALUE OUT MULTI_VALUE MODULE_LIST REQUIRED MODULE_LIST OUT ARGN ${ARGN}) set(builtin_apps_string) set(builtin_apps_decl_string) set(command_count 0) foreach(module ${MODULE_LIST}) foreach(property MAIN STACK_MAIN PRIORITY) get_target_property(${property} ${module} ${property}) endforeach() if (MAIN) set(builtin_apps_string "${builtin_apps_string}\t{\"${MAIN}\", ${PRIORITY}, ${STACK_MAIN}, ${MAIN}_main},\n") set(builtin_apps_decl_string "${builtin_apps_decl_string}extern int ${MAIN}_main(int argc, char *argv[]);\n") math(EXPR command_count "${command_count}+1") endif() endforeach() configure_file(${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/nuttx/builtin_commands.c.in ${OUT}) endfunction() #============================================================================= # # px4_nuttx_add_export # # This function generates a nuttx export. # # Usage: # px4_nuttx_add_export( # OUT # CONFIG # DEPENDS ) # # Input: # CONFIG : the board to generate the export for # DEPENDS : dependencies # # Output: # OUT : the export target # # Example: # px4_nuttx_add_export(OUT nuttx_export CONFIG px4fmu-v2) # function(px4_nuttx_add_export) px4_parse_function_args( NAME px4_nuttx_add_export ONE_VALUE OUT CONFIG THREADS MULTI_VALUE DEPENDS REQUIRED OUT CONFIG THREADS ARGN ${ARGN}) set(nuttx_src ${PX4_BINARY_DIR}/${CONFIG}/NuttX) # patch add_custom_target(__nuttx_patch_${CONFIG}) file(GLOB nuttx_patches RELATIVE ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR} ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/nuttx-patches/*.patch) foreach(patch ${nuttx_patches}) string(REPLACE "/" "_" patch_name "${patch}-${CONFIG}") message(STATUS "nuttx-patch: ${patch}") add_custom_command(OUTPUT nuttx_patch_${patch_name}.stamp COMMAND ${PATCH} -p0 -N < ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/${patch} COMMAND ${TOUCH} nuttx_patch_${patch_name}.stamp DEPENDS ${DEPENDS} ) add_custom_target(nuttx_patch_${patch_name} DEPENDS nuttx_patch_${patch_name}.stamp) add_dependencies(nuttx_patch nuttx_patch_${patch_name}) endforeach() # Read defconfig to see if CONFIG_ARMV7M_STACKCHECK is yes # note: CONFIG will be BOARD in the future evaluation of ${hw_stack_check_${CONFIG} file(STRINGS "${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/nuttx-configs/${CONFIG}/nsh/defconfig" hw_stack_check_${CONFIG} REGEX "CONFIG_ARMV7M_STACKCHECK=y" ) if ("${hw_stack_check_${CONFIG}}" STREQUAL "CONFIG_ARMV7M_STACKCHECK=y") set(config_nuttx_hw_stack_check_${CONFIG} y CACHE INTERNAL "") endif() # copy and export file(RELATIVE_PATH nuttx_cp_src ${PX4_BINARY_DIR} ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/NuttX) file(GLOB_RECURSE config_files ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/nuttx-configs/${CONFIG}/*) add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${PX4_BINARY_DIR}/${CONFIG}.export COMMAND ${MKDIR} -p ${nuttx_src} COMMAND rsync -a --delete --exclude=.git ${nuttx_cp_src}/ ${CONFIG}/NuttX/ #COMMAND ${ECHO} Configuring NuttX for ${CONFIG} COMMAND ${MAKE} --no-print-directory -C${nuttx_src}/nuttx -r --quiet distclean COMMAND ${CP} -r ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/nuttx-configs/PX4_Warnings.mk ${nuttx_src}/nuttx/ COMMAND ${CP} -r ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/nuttx-configs/${CONFIG} ${nuttx_src}/nuttx/configs COMMAND cd ${nuttx_src}/nuttx/tools && ./configure.sh ${CONFIG}/nsh && cd .. #COMMAND ${ECHO} Exporting NuttX for ${CONFIG} COMMAND ${MAKE} --no-print-directory --quiet -C ${nuttx_src}/nuttx -j${THREADS} -r CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD=${CONFIG} export > nuttx_build.log COMMAND ${CP} -r ${nuttx_src}/nuttx/nuttx-export.zip ${PX4_BINARY_DIR}/${CONFIG}.export DEPENDS ${config_files} "${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/nuttx-configs/${CONFIG}/nsh/defconfig" ${DEPENDS} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PX4_BINARY_DIR} COMMENT "Building NuttX for ${CONFIG}") # extract add_custom_command(OUTPUT nuttx_export_${CONFIG}.stamp COMMAND ${RM} -rf ${nuttx_src}/nuttx-export COMMAND ${UNZIP} -q ${PX4_BINARY_DIR}/${CONFIG}.export -d ${nuttx_src} COMMAND ${TOUCH} nuttx_export_${CONFIG}.stamp DEPENDS ${DEPENDS} ${PX4_BINARY_DIR}/${CONFIG}.export) add_custom_target(${OUT} DEPENDS nuttx_export_${CONFIG}.stamp) endfunction() #============================================================================= # # px4_nuttx_create_bin # # The functions generates a bin image for nuttx. # # Usage: # px4_nuttx_create_bin(BIN EXE ) # # Input: # EXE : the exe file # # Output: # OUT : the binary output file # # Example: # px4_nuttx_create_bin(OUT my_exe.bin EXE my_exe) # function(px4_nuttx_create_bin) px4_parse_function_args( NAME px4_nuttx_create_bin ONE_VALUE EXE OUT REQUIRED EXE OUT ARGN ${ARGN}) add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${OUT} COMMAND ${OBJCOPY} -O binary ${EXE} ${EXE}.bin DEPENDS ${EXE}) set(${OUT} ${${OUT}} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() #============================================================================= # # px4_nuttx_add_romfs # # The functions creates a ROMFS filesystem for nuttx. # # Usage: # px4_nuttx_add_romfs( # OUT # ROOT # EXTRAS ) # # Input: # ROOT : the root of the ROMFS # EXTRAS : list of extra files # # Output: # OUT : the ROMFS library target # # Example: # px4_nuttx_add_romfs(OUT my_romfs ROOT "ROMFS/my_board") # function(px4_nuttx_add_romfs) px4_parse_function_args( NAME px4_nuttx_add_romfs ONE_VALUE OUT ROOT MULTI_VALUE EXTRAS REQUIRED OUT ROOT ARGN ${ARGN}) set(romfs_temp_dir ${PX4_BINARY_DIR}/tmp/${ROOT}) set(romfs_src_dir ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/${ROOT}) set(romfs_autostart ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/Tools/px_process_airframes.py) set(romfs_pruner ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/Tools/px_romfs_pruner.py) set(bin_to_obj ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/nuttx/bin_to_obj.py) set(extras_dir ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/extras) file(GLOB_RECURSE romfs_src_files ${romfs_src_dir} ${romfs_src_dir}/*) set(cmake_test ${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/test/cmake_tester.py) set(extras) foreach(extra ${EXTRAS}) get_filename_component(file_name ${extra} NAME) set(file_dest ${extras_dir}/${file_name}) add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${file_dest} COMMAND cmake -E copy ${extra} ${file_dest} DEPENDS ${extra} ) list(APPEND extras ${file_dest}) endforeach() add_custom_target(collect_extras DEPENDS ${extras}) add_custom_command(OUTPUT romfs.o COMMAND cmake -E remove_directory ${romfs_temp_dir} COMMAND cmake -E copy_directory ${romfs_src_dir} ${romfs_temp_dir} COMMAND cmake -E copy_directory ${extras_dir} ${romfs_temp_dir}/extras COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} ${romfs_autostart} -a ${romfs_temp_dir}/init.d -s ${romfs_temp_dir}/init.d/rc.autostart COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} ${romfs_pruner} --folder ${romfs_temp_dir} COMMAND ${GENROMFS} -f ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/romfs.bin -d ${romfs_temp_dir} -V "NSHInitVol" #COMMAND cmake -E remove_directory ${romfs_temp_dir} COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} ${bin_to_obj} --ld ${LD} --c_flags ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} --include_path "${PX4_SOURCE_DIR}/src/include" --c_compiler ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} --nm ${NM} --objcopy ${OBJCOPY} --obj romfs.o --var romfs_img --bin romfs.bin DEPENDS ${romfs_src_files} ${extras} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} ) add_library(${OUT} STATIC romfs.o) set_target_properties(${OUT} PROPERTIES LINKER_LANGUAGE C) set(${OUT} ${${OUT}} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() #============================================================================= # # px4_os_add_flags # # Set the nuttx build flags. # # Usage: # px4_os_add_flags( # C_FLAGS # CXX_FLAGS # OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS # EXE_LINKER_FLAGS # INCLUDE_DIRS # LINK_DIRS # DEFINITIONS ) # # Input: # BOARD : flags depend on board/nuttx config # # Input/Output: (appends to existing variable) # C_FLAGS : c compile flags variable # CXX_FLAGS : c++ compile flags variable # OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS : optimization compile flags variable # EXE_LINKER_FLAGS : executable linker flags variable # INCLUDE_DIRS : include directories # LINK_DIRS : link directories # DEFINITIONS : definitions # # Note that EXE_LINKER_FLAGS is not suitable for adding libraries because # these flags are added before any of the object files and static libraries. # Add libraries in src/firmware/nuttx/CMakeLists.txt. # # Example: # px4_os_add_flags( # C_FLAGS CMAKE_C_FLAGS # CXX_FLAGS CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS # OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS optimization_flags # EXE_LINKER_FLAG CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS # INCLUDES ) # function(px4_os_add_flags) set(inout_vars C_FLAGS CXX_FLAGS OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS EXE_LINKER_FLAGS INCLUDE_DIRS LINK_DIRS DEFINITIONS) px4_parse_function_args( NAME px4_os_add_flags ONE_VALUE ${inout_vars} BOARD REQUIRED ${inout_vars} BOARD ARGN ${ARGN}) px4_add_common_flags( BOARD ${BOARD} C_FLAGS ${C_FLAGS} CXX_FLAGS ${CXX_FLAGS} OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS ${OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS} EXE_LINKER_FLAGS ${EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} INCLUDE_DIRS ${INCLUDE_DIRS} LINK_DIRS ${LINK_DIRS} DEFINITIONS ${DEFINITIONS}) set(nuttx_export_dir ${PX4_BINARY_DIR}/${BOARD}/NuttX/nuttx-export) set(added_include_dirs ${nuttx_export_dir}/include ${nuttx_export_dir}/include/cxx ${nuttx_export_dir}/arch/chip ${nuttx_export_dir}/arch/common ) set(added_link_dirs ${nuttx_export_dir}/libs ) set(added_definitions -D__PX4_NUTTX -D__DF_NUTTX # Define for DriverFramework ) set(added_c_flags -nodefaultlibs -nostdlib ) set(added_cxx_flags -nodefaultlibs -nostdlib ) set(added_exe_linker_flags) # none currently set(instrument_flags) if ("${config_nuttx_hw_stack_check_${BOARD}}" STREQUAL "y") set(instrument_flags -finstrument-functions -ffixed-r10 ) list(APPEND c_flags ${instrument_flags}) list(APPEND cxx_flags ${instrument_flags}) endif() set(cpu_flags) # Handle non-F4 boards specifically here if (${BOARD} STREQUAL "px4io-v1") set(cpu_flags -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb -march=armv7-m ) elseif (${BOARD} STREQUAL "px4io-v2") set(cpu_flags -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb -march=armv7-m ) else () set(cpu_flags -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mthumb -march=armv7e-m -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard ) endif() list(APPEND c_flags ${cpu_flags}) list(APPEND cxx_flags ${cpu_flags}) # output foreach(var ${inout_vars}) string(TOLOWER ${var} lower_var) set(${${var}} ${${${var}}} ${added_${lower_var}} PARENT_SCOPE) #message(STATUS "nuttx: set(${${var}} ${${${var}}} ${added_${lower_var}} PARENT_SCOPE)") endforeach() endfunction() #============================================================================= # # px4_os_prebuild_targets # # This function generates os dependent targets # Usage: # px4_os_prebuild_targets( # OUT # BOARD # ) # # Input: # BOARD : board # THREADS : number of threads for building # # Output: # OUT : the target list # # Example: # px4_os_prebuild_targets(OUT target_list BOARD px4fmu-v2) # function(px4_os_prebuild_targets) px4_parse_function_args( NAME px4_os_prebuild_targets ONE_VALUE OUT BOARD THREADS REQUIRED OUT BOARD ARGN ${ARGN}) px4_nuttx_add_export(OUT nuttx_export_${BOARD} CONFIG ${BOARD} THREADS ${THREADS} DEPENDS git_nuttx) add_custom_target(${OUT} DEPENDS nuttx_export_${BOARD}) endfunction() # vim: set noet fenc=utf-8 ff=unix nowrap: