include(nuttx/px4_impl_nuttx) add_definitions( -DPARAM_NO_ORB -DPARAM_NO_AUTOSAVE ) px4_nuttx_configure(HWCLASS m4 CONFIG nsh) # # UAVCAN boot loadable Module ID set(uavcanblid_sw_version_major 0) set(uavcanblid_sw_version_minor 1) add_definitions( -DAPP_VERSION_MAJOR=${uavcanblid_sw_version_major} -DAPP_VERSION_MINOR=${uavcanblid_sw_version_minor} ) # # Bring in common uavcan hardware identity definitions # include(configs/uavcan_board_ident/s2740vc-v1) # N.B. this would be uncommented when there is an APP #px4_nuttx_make_uavcan_bootloadable(BOARD ${BOARD} # BIN ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/src/firmware/nuttx/s2740vc-v1.bin # HWNAME ${uavcanblid_name} # HW_MAJOR ${uavcanblid_hw_version_major} # HW_MINOR ${uavcanblid_hw_version_minor} # SW_MAJOR ${uavcanblid_sw_version_major} # SW_MINOR ${uavcanblid_sw_version_minor}) set(config_module_list # # Board support modules # drivers/stm32 drivers/led drivers/boards # # System commands # systemcmds/reboot systemcmds/top systemcmds/config systemcmds/ver # # General system control # # # Library modules # modules/systemlib/param modules/systemlib lib/version # # Libraries # # had to add for cmake, not sure why wasn't in original config platforms/nuttx platforms/common platforms/nuttx/px4_layer )