#! /usr/bin/env python3 from __future__ import print_function import argparse import os import codecs import re import colorsys import json import sys parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Generate uORB pub/sub dependency graph from source code') parser.add_argument('-s', '--src-path', action='append', help='Source path(s) (default=src, can be specified multiple times)', default=[]) parser.add_argument('-e', '--exclude-path', action='append', help='Excluded path(s), can be specified multiple times', default=[]) parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', metavar='file', action='store', help='output file name prefix', default='graph') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', metavar='output', action='store', help='output format (json or graphviz)', default='json') parser.add_argument('--use-topic-union', action='store_true', help=''' Use the union of all publication and subscription topics (useful for complete graphs or only few/single module(s)). The default is to use the intersection (remove topics that have no subscriber or no publisher)''') parser.add_argument('-m', '--modules', action='store', help='Comma-separated whitelist of modules (the module\'s '+ 'MAIN, e.g. from a startup script)', default='') args = parser.parse_args() g_debug = False def dbg_print(string): if g_debug: print(string) def get_N_colors(N, s=0.8, v=0.9): """ get N distinct colors as a list of hex strings """ HSV_tuples = [(x*1.0/N, s, v) for x in range(N)] hex_out = [] for rgb in HSV_tuples: rgb = map(lambda x: int(x*255), colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(*rgb)) hex_out.append("#"+"".join(map(lambda x: format(x, '02x'), rgb))) return hex_out class PubSub(object): """ Collects either publication or subscription information for nodes (modules and topics) & edges """ def __init__(self, is_publication, topic_blacklist, orb_pub_sub_regexes, special_cases): """ :param is_publication: if True, publications, False for subscriptions :param topic_blacklist: list of topics to blacklist :param orb_pub_sub_regexes: list of regexes to extract orb calls (e.g. orb_subscribe). They need to have 2 captures, the second one is the one capturing ORB_ID( """ self._module_pubsubs = {} # key = module name, value = set of topic names self._special_cases = special_cases self._special_cases_matched = None self._topic_blacklist = topic_blacklist self._orb_pub_sub_regexes = orb_pub_sub_regexes if is_publication: self._method = 'Publication' else: self._method = 'Subscription' def reset(self): self._special_cases_matched = [False]*len(self._special_cases) def filter_modules(self, module_whitelist): remove = [k for k in self._module_pubsubs if k not in module_whitelist] for k in remove: del self._module_pubsubs[k] def check_if_match_found(self, modules): """ check if all special cases got a match (if not, it means the source code got changed) """ for i, (module_match, file_match_re, src_match_re, _) in enumerate(self._special_cases): if module_match in modules and src_match_re is not None: if not self._special_cases_matched[i]: raise Exception('Module '+module_match+ ': no match for '+self._method+' special case'+ src_match_re.pattern+'. The case needs to be updated') def extract(self, file_name, src_str, module, orb_id_vehicle_attitude_controls_topic): """ Extract subscribed/published topics from a source string :param src_str: string of C/C++ code with comments and whitespace removed """ orb_pubsub_matches = [] for regex in self._orb_pub_sub_regexes: orb_pubsub_matches += re.findall(regex, src_str) orb_id = 'ORB_ID(' for _, match in orb_pubsub_matches: if match == 'ORB_ID_VEHICLE_ATTITUDE_CONTROLS': # special case match = orb_id+orb_id_vehicle_attitude_controls_topic # match has the form: '[ORB_ID(]' if match.startswith(orb_id): topic_name = match[len(orb_id):] self._add_topic(topic_name, file_name, module) else: ignore_found = False for module_match, file_match_re, _, ignore_re in self._special_cases: if module == module_match: if file_match_re.search(file_name): if ignore_re.search(match): ignore_found = True if not ignore_found: # If we land here, we need to add another special case raise Exception(self._method+' w/o ORB_ID(): '+match+' in ' +file_name+' ('+module+'). You need to add another special case.') # handle special cases for i, (module_match, file_match_re, src_match_re, _) in enumerate(self._special_cases): if src_match_re is None: continue if module == module_match: if file_match_re.search(file_name): matches = src_match_re.findall(src_str) for match in matches: # match has the form: '[ORB_ID(]' if match.startswith(orb_id): topic_name = match[len(orb_id):] dbg_print('Found '+self._method+' for special case in ' +module+': '+topic_name) self._add_topic(topic_name, file_name, module) self._special_cases_matched[i] = True else: # this is not fatal, as it could be a method delaration/definition dbg_print('Special case '+self._method+' w/o ORB_ID(): ' +match+' in '+file_name+' ('+module+')') def _add_topic(self, topic_name, file_name, module): """ add a subscription/publication for a module """ if topic_name in self._topic_blacklist: dbg_print('ignoring blacklisted topic '+topic_name) return if module is None: if not file_name.endswith('hott/messages.cpp'): # hott has a special module structure. just ignore it print('Warning: found '+self._method+' without associated module: ' +topic_name+' in '+file_name) return if not module in self._module_pubsubs: self._module_pubsubs[module] = set() self._module_pubsubs[module].add(topic_name) def get_topics(self, modules): """ get the set of topics :param modules: list of modules to take into account """ topics = set() for module in modules: if module in self._module_pubsubs: topics |= self._module_pubsubs[module] return topics @property def pubsubs(self): """ get dict of all publication/subscriptions (key=modules, value=set of topic names""" return self._module_pubsubs class Graph(object): """ Collects Node and Edge information by parsing the source tree """ def __init__(self, module_whitelist=[], topic_blacklist=[]): self._current_module = [] # stack with current module (they can be nested) self._all_modules = set() # set of all found modules self._comment_remove_pattern = re.compile( r'//.*?$|/\*.*?\*/|\'(?:\\.|[^\\\'])*\'|"(?:\\.|[^\\"])*"', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE) self._whitespace_pattern = re.compile(r'\s+') self._module_whitelist = module_whitelist self._excluded_paths = [] self._orb_id_vehicle_attitude_controls_topic = 'actuator_controls_0' self._orb_id_vehicle_attitude_controls_re = \ re.compile(r'\#define\s+ORB_ID_VEHICLE_ATTITUDE_CONTROLS\s+([^,)]+)') self._module_subscriptions = {} # key = module name, value = set of topic names self._module_publications = {} # key = module name, value = set of topic names self._modules = set() # all modules self._topics = set() # all topics self._topic_colors = {} # key = topic, value = color (html string) # handle special cases # format: list of tuples with 4 entries: # - module name to match (module MAIN) # - regex for file name(s) to match within the module (matched against the full path) # - regex to extract the topic name: the match must be ORB_ID( # Note: whitespace is removed from source code, so it does not need to be # accounted for in the regex. # If this is None, it will just be ignored # - regex to ignore matches in the form orb_[subscribe|advertise]( # (the expectation is that the previous matching ORB_ID() will be passed # to this, so that we can ignore it) special_cases_sub = [ ('listener', r'.*', None, r'^(id)$'), ('logger', r'.*', None, r'^(topic|sub\.metadata|_polling_topic_meta)$'), ('tap_esc', r'.*', r'\b_control_topics\[[0-9]\]=([^,)]+)', r'^_control_topics\[i\]$'), ('snapdragon_pwm_out', r'.*', r'\b_controls_topics\[[0-9]\]=([^,)]+)', r'^_controls_topics\[i\]$'), ('linux_pwm_out', r'.*', r'\b_controls_topics\[[0-9]\]=([^,)]+)', r'^_controls_topics\[i\]$'), ] special_cases_sub = [(a, re.compile(b), re.compile(c) if c is not None else None, re.compile(d)) for a,b,c,d in special_cases_sub] self._subscriptions = PubSub(False, topic_blacklist, [r"\borb_subscribe(_multi|)\b\(([^,)]+)"], special_cases_sub) special_cases_pub = [ ('replay', r'Replay\.cpp$', None, r'^sub\.orb_meta$'), ('uavcan', r'sensors/.*\.cpp$', None, r'^_orb_topic$'), ] special_cases_pub = [(a, re.compile(b), re.compile(c) if c is not None else None, re.compile(d)) for a,b,c,d in special_cases_pub] self._publications = PubSub(True, topic_blacklist, [r"\borb_advertise(_multi|_queue|_multi_queue|)\b\(([^,)]+)", r"\borb_publish_auto()\b\(([^,)]+)"], special_cases_pub) def _get_current_module(self): if len(self._current_module) == 0: return None return self._current_module[-1] def build(self, src_path_list, excluded_paths=[], use_topic_pubsub_union=True): """ parse the source tree & extract pub/sub information. :param use_topic_pubsub_union: if true, use all topics that have a publisher or subscriber. If false, use only topics with at least one publisher and subscriber. fill in self._module_subsciptions & self._module_publications """ self._subscriptions.reset() self._publications.reset() self._excluded_paths = [os.path.normpath(p) for p in excluded_paths] for path in src_path_list: self._build_recursive(path) # filter by whitelist if len(self._module_whitelist) > 0: self._subscriptions.filter_modules(self._module_whitelist) self._publications.filter_modules(self._module_whitelist) # modules & topics sets self._modules = set(list(self._publications.pubsubs.keys()) + list(self._subscriptions.pubsubs.keys())) print('number of modules: '+str(len(self._modules))) self._topics = self._get_topics(use_topic_pubsub_union=use_topic_pubsub_union) print('number of topics: '+str(len(self._topics))) # initialize colors color_list = get_N_colors(len(self._topics), 0.7, 0.85) self._topic_colors = {} for i, topic in enumerate(self._topics): self._topic_colors[topic] = color_list[i] # validate that all special rules got used self._subscriptions.check_if_match_found(self._all_modules) self._publications.check_if_match_found(self._all_modules) def _get_topics(self, use_topic_pubsub_union=True): """ get the set of topics """ subscribed_topics = self._subscriptions.get_topics(self._modules) published_topics = self._publications.get_topics(self._modules) if use_topic_pubsub_union: return subscribed_topics | published_topics return subscribed_topics & published_topics def _build_recursive(self, path): if os.path.normpath(path) in self._excluded_paths: dbg_print('ignoring excluded path '+path) return entries = os.listdir(path) # check if entering a new module cmake_file = 'CMakeLists.txt' new_module = False if cmake_file in entries: new_module = self._extract_module_name(os.path.join(path, cmake_file)) # iterate directories recursively for entry in entries: file_name = os.path.join(path, entry) if os.path.isdir(file_name): self._build_recursive(file_name) # iterate source files # Note: we could skip the entries if we're not in a module, but we don't # so that we get appropriate error messages to know where we miss subs # or pubs for entry in entries: file_name = os.path.join(path, entry) if os.path.isfile(file_name): _, ext = os.path.splitext(file_name) if ext in ['.cpp', '.c', '.h', '.hpp']: self._process_source_file(file_name) if new_module: self._current_module.pop() def _extract_module_name(self, file_name): """ extract the module name from a CMakeLists.txt file and store in self._current_module if there is any """ datafile = open(file_name) found_module_def = False for line in datafile: if 'px4_add_module' in line: # must contain 'px4_add_module' found_module_def = True words = line.split() # get the definition of MAIN if found_module_def and 'MAIN' in words and len(words) >= 2: self._current_module.append(words[1]) self._all_modules.add(words[1]) dbg_print('Found module name: '+words[1]) return True return False def _process_source_file(self, file_name): """ extract information from a single source file """ with codecs.open(file_name, 'r', 'utf-8') as f: try: content = f.read() except: print('Failed reading file: %s, skipping content.' % file_name) return current_module = self._get_current_module() if current_module == 'uorb_tests': # skip this return if current_module == 'uorb': # search and validate the ORB_ID_VEHICLE_ATTITUDE_CONTROLS define matches = self._orb_id_vehicle_attitude_controls_re.findall(content) for match in matches: if match != 'ORB_ID('+self._orb_id_vehicle_attitude_controls_topic: # if we land here, you need to change _orb_id_vehicle_attitude_controls_topic raise Exception( 'The extracted define for ORB_ID_VEHICLE_ATTITUDE_CONTROLS ' 'is '+match+' but expected ORB_ID('+ self._orb_id_vehicle_attitude_controls_topic) return # skip uorb module for the rest if content.lower().find('orb_') != -1: # approximative filter to quickly # discard files we're not interested in # (speedup the parsing) src = self._comment_remover(content) src = re.sub(self._whitespace_pattern, '', src) # remove all whitespace # subscriptions self._subscriptions.extract(file_name, src, current_module, self._orb_id_vehicle_attitude_controls_topic) # publications self._publications.extract(file_name, src, current_module, self._orb_id_vehicle_attitude_controls_topic) # TODO: handle Publication & Subscription template classes def _comment_remover(self, text): """ remove C++ & C style comments. Source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/241506 """ def replacer(match): s = match.group(0) if s.startswith('/'): return " " # note: a space and not an empty string else: return s return re.sub(self._comment_remove_pattern, replacer, text) @property def modules(self): """ get the set of all modules """ return self._modules @property def topics(self): """ get set set of all topics """ return self._topics @property def topic_colors(self): """ get a dict of all topic colors with key=topic, value=color """ return self._topic_colors @property def module_subscriptions(self): """ get a dict of all subscriptions with key=module name, value=set(topic names) """ return self._subscriptions.pubsubs @property def module_publications(self): """ get a dict of all publications with key=module name, value=set(topic names) """ return self._publications.pubsubs class OutputGraphviz(object): """ write graph using Graphviz """ def __init__(self, graph): self._graph = graph def write(self, file_name, engine='fdp', show_publications=True, show_subscriptions=True): """ write the graph to a file :param engine: graphviz engine - fdp works for large graphs - neato works better for smaller graphs - circo works for single modules CLI: fdp graph.fv -Tpdf -o test.pdf """ print('Writing to '+file_name) ratio = 1 # aspect ratio modules = self._graph.modules topics = self._graph.topics topic_colors = self._graph.topic_colors module_publications = self._graph.module_publications module_subscriptions = self._graph.module_subscriptions graph_attr={'splines': 'true', 'ratio': str(ratio), 'overlap': 'false'} graph_attr['sep'] = '"+15,15"' # increase spacing between nodes graph = Digraph(comment='autogenerated graph with graphviz using uorb_graph.py', engine=engine, graph_attr=graph_attr) # nodes for module in modules: graph.node('m_'+module, module, shape='box', fontcolor='#ffffff', style='filled', color='#666666', fontsize='16') for topic in topics: graph.node('t_'+topic, topic, shape='ellipse', fontcolor='#ffffff', style='filled', color=topic_colors[topic]) # edges if show_publications: for module in modules: if module in module_publications: for topic in module_publications[module]: if topic in topics: graph.edge('m_'+module, 't_'+topic, color=topic_colors[topic], style='dashed') if show_subscriptions: for module in modules: if module in module_subscriptions: for topic in module_subscriptions[module]: if topic in topics: graph.edge('t_'+topic, 'm_'+module, color=topic_colors[topic]) graph.render(file_name, view=False) class OutputJSON(object): """ write graph to a JSON file (that can be used with D3.js) """ def __init__(self, graph): self._graph = graph def write(self, file_name): print('Writing to '+file_name) modules = self._graph.modules topics = self._graph.topics topic_colors = self._graph.topic_colors module_publications = self._graph.module_publications module_subscriptions = self._graph.module_subscriptions data = {} nodes = [] # nodes # (sort by length, such that short names are last. The rendering order # will be the same, so that in case of an overlap, the shorter label # will be on top) for module in sorted(modules, key=len, reverse=True): node = {} node['id'] = 'm_'+module node['name'] = module node['type'] = 'module' node['color'] = '#666666' # TODO: add url to open module documentation? nodes.append(node) for topic in sorted(topics, key=len, reverse=True): node = {} node['id'] = 't_'+topic node['name'] = topic node['type'] = 'topic' node['color'] = topic_colors[topic] # url is opened when double-clicking on the node # TODO: does not work for multi-topics node['url'] = 'https://github.com/PX4/Firmware/blob/master/msg/'+topic+'.msg' nodes.append(node) data['nodes'] = nodes edges = [] # edges for module in modules: if module in module_publications: for topic in module_publications[module]: if topic in topics: edge = {} edge['source'] = 'm_'+module edge['target'] = 't_'+topic edge['color'] = topic_colors[topic] edge['style'] = 'dashed' edges.append(edge) for module in modules: if module in module_subscriptions: for topic in module_subscriptions[module]: if topic in topics: edge = {} edge['source'] = 't_'+topic edge['target'] = 'm_'+module edge['color'] = topic_colors[topic] edge['style'] = 'normal' edges.append(edge) data['links'] = edges with open(file_name, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile) # add indent=2 for readable formatting # ignore topics that are subscribed/published by many topics, but are not really # useful to show in the graph topic_blacklist = [ 'parameter_update', 'mavlink_log', 'log_message' ] print('Excluded topics: '+str(topic_blacklist)) if len(args.modules) == 0: module_whitelist = [] else: module_whitelist = [ m.strip() for m in args.modules.split(',')] graph = Graph(module_whitelist=module_whitelist, topic_blacklist=topic_blacklist) if len(args.src_path) == 0: args.src_path = ['src'] graph.build(args.src_path, args.exclude_path, use_topic_pubsub_union=args.use_topic_union) if args.output == 'json': output_json = OutputJSON(graph) output_json.write(args.file+'.json') elif args.output == 'graphviz': try: from graphviz import Digraph except ImportError as e: print("Failed to import graphviz: " + e) print("") print("You may need to install it with:") print(" pip3 install --user graphviz") print("") sys.exit(1) output_graphviz = OutputGraphviz(graph) engine='fdp' # use neato or fdp output_graphviz.write(args.file+'.fv', engine=engine) output_graphviz.write(args.file+'_subs.fv', show_publications=False, engine=engine) output_graphviz.write(args.file+'_pubs.fv', show_subscriptions=False, engine=engine) else: print('Error: unknown output format '+args.output)