#!/bin/bash # # Starts tests from within the container # # License: according to LICENSE.md in the root directory of the PX4 Firmware repository set -e if [ "$#" -lt 1 ] then echo usage: run_tests.bash firmware_src_dir echo "" exit 1 fi SRC_DIR=$1 JOB_DIR=$SRC_DIR/.. BUILD=posix_sitl_default # TODO ROS_TEST_RESULT_DIR=/root/.ros/test_results/px4 ROS_LOG_DIR=/root/.ros/log PX4_LOG_DIR=${SRC_DIR}/build_${BUILD}/src/firmware/posix/rootfs/fs/microsd/log TEST_RESULT_TARGET_DIR=$JOB_DIR/test_results # BAGS=/root/.ros # CHARTS=/root/.ros/charts # EXPORT_CHARTS=/sitl/testing/export_charts.py # source ROS env source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash source $SRC_DIR/integrationtests/setup_gazebo_ros.bash $SRC_DIR echo "deleting previous test results ($TEST_RESULT_TARGET_DIR)" if [ -d ${TEST_RESULT_TARGET_DIR} ]; then rm -r ${TEST_RESULT_TARGET_DIR} fi # FIXME: Firmware compilation seems to CD into this directory (/root/Firmware) # when run from "run_container.bash". Why? if [ -d /root/Firmware ]; then rm /root/Firmware fi ln -s ${SRC_DIR} /root/Firmware echo "=====> compile ($SRC_DIR)" cd $SRC_DIR make ${BUILD} make --no-print-directory gazebo_build echo "<=====" # don't exit on error anymore from here on (because single tests or exports might fail) set +e echo "=====> run tests" rostest px4 mavros_posix_tests_iris.launch TEST_RESULT=$? echo "<=====" # TODO echo "=====> process test results" # cd $BAGS # for bag in `ls *.bag` # do # echo "processing bag: $bag" # python $EXPORT_CHARTS $CHARTS $bag # done echo "copy build test results to job directory" mkdir -p ${TEST_RESULT_TARGET_DIR} cp -r $ROS_TEST_RESULT_DIR/* ${TEST_RESULT_TARGET_DIR} cp -r $ROS_LOG_DIR/* ${TEST_RESULT_TARGET_DIR} cp -r $PX4_LOG_DIR/* ${TEST_RESULT_TARGET_DIR} # cp $BAGS/*.bag ${TEST_RESULT_TARGET_DIR}/ # cp -r $CHARTS ${TEST_RESULT_TARGET_DIR}/ echo "<=====" # need to return error if tests failed, else Jenkins won't notice the failure exit $TEST_RESULT