#!/bin/bash ################################################################################################# # # This script loads PX4 binaries to the Snapdragon Flight target and does a quick on-target sanity test. # # Pre-requisites: # - Snapdragon Flight board connected to the host computer via USB cable # - Snapdragon Flight board must have the latest platform BSP and flight controller addon installed" # - mini-dm installed on host computer (see https://github.com/ATLFlight/ATLFlightDocs/blob/master/UserGuide.md#adsp) # - PX4 software was built and binaries are in their usual locations in the Firmware tree. # # This script supports two modes: # - Default mode (supported by PX4 community) # - Legacy mode (uses proprietary drivers for ESC and RC Receiver, supported by Qualcomm) # # For help and cmd line options, run the script with the -h option # ################################################################################################# # Halt on error set -e # Verbose mode ## set -x # Mode of operation readonly MODE_DEFAULT=0 readonly MODE_LEGACY=1 readonly MODE_MAX=$MODE_LEGACY readonly RESULT_PASS=0 readonly RESULT_FAIL=3 readonly EXIT_ERROR=3 # List of expected strings from the apps proc declare -a appsproc_strings_present=( "on udp port 14556 remote port 14550" ) # List of unexpected strings from the apps proc declare -a appsproc_strings_absent=( "ERROR" "Getting Bulk data from fastRPC link" "Segmentation fault" ) # List of expected strings from the DSP declare -a dsp_strings_present=( "AdspCoreSvc: Started successfully" "loading BLSP configuration" ) # List of unexpected strings from the DSP declare -a dsp_strings_absent=( "Segmentation fault" ) install=0 test=0 mode=0 result=$RESULT_PASS # Default mini-dm path (needs to be installed in this location or overriden through cmd line minidmPath=~/Qualcomm/Hexagon_SDK/3.0/tools/debug/mini-dm/Linux_Debug # Default workspace path (parent directory of the script location) workspace=`pwd`/.. verifypx4test() { echo -e "Verifying test results..." # verify the presence of expected stings in the apps proc console log for lineString in "${appsproc_strings_present[@]}" do if ! grep -Fq "$lineString" px4.log then # code if not found echo -e "[ERROR] Missing expected string in apps proc log: $lineString" result=$RESULT_FAIL fi done # verify the absence of unexpected stings in the apps proc console log for lineString in "${appsproc_strings_absent[@]}" do if grep -Fq "$lineString" px4.log then # code if not found echo -e "[ERROR] Found unexpected string in apps proc log: $lineString" result=$RESULT_FAIL fi done # verify the presence of expected stings in the DSP console log for lineString in "${dsp_strings_present[@]}" do if ! grep -Fq "$lineString" minidm.log then # code if not found echo -e "[ERROR] Missing expected string in DSP log: $lineString" result=$RESULT_FAIL fi done # verify the absence of unexpected stings in the DSP console log for lineString in "${dsp_strings_absent[@]}" do if grep -Fq "$lineString" minidm.log then # code if not found echo -e "[ERROR] Found unexpected string in DSP log: $lineString" result=$RESULT_FAIL fi done echo -e "Verification complete." if [ $result -eq $RESULT_FAIL ]; then echo -e "PX4 test result: FAIL" else echo -e "PX4 test result: PASS" fi } installpx4() { if [ $install -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "SKIPPING install" return 0; fi # Reboot the target before beginning the installation echo -e "Rebooting the target..." adb shell reboot sleep 45 echo -e "Now installing PX4 binaries..." # Copy binaries to the target if [ $mode == 0 ]; then # copy default binaries adb push $workspace/build_qurt_eagle_default/src/firmware/qurt/libpx4.so /usr/share/data/adsp adb push $workspace/build_qurt_eagle_default/src/firmware/qurt/libpx4muorb_skel.so /usr/share/data/adsp adb push $workspace/build_posix_eagle_default/src/firmware/posix/px4 /home/linaro adb push $workspace/posix-configs/eagle/flight/px4.config /usr/share/data/adsp adb push $workspace/posix-configs/eagle/flight/mainapp.config /home/linaro else # copy legacy binaries adb push $workspace/build_qurt_eagle_legacy/src/firmware/qurt/libpx4.so /usr/share/data/adsp adb push $workspace/build_qurt_eagle_legacy/src/firmware/qurt/libpx4muorb_skel.so /usr/share/data/adsp adb push $workspace/build_posix_eagle_legacy/src/firmware/posix/px4 /home/linaro adb push $workspace/posix-configs/eagle/200qx/px4.config /usr/share/data/adsp adb push $workspace/posix-configs/eagle/200qx/mainapp.config /home/linaro fi echo -e "Installation complete." } testpx4() { if [ $test -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "SKIPPING test" return 0; fi echo -e "Starting PX4 test..." # Remove previous instances of the file rm px4.log | true rm minidm.log | true # Start mini-dm ${minidmPath}/mini-dm > minidm.log & sleep 5 # Verify that mini-dm is running checkProc=$(ps -aef | grep mini-dm | grep -v grep) if [ -z "${checkProc}" ]; then echo "[ERROR] Unable to start mini-dm from path: ${minidmPath}" exit $EXIT_ERROR fi # Start PX4 adb shell "/home/linaro/px4 /home/linaro/mainapp.config" > px4.log 2>&1 & sleep 20 # Verify that PX4 is still running checkProc=$(adb shell "ps -aef | grep px4 | grep -v grep") if [ -z "${checkProc}" ]; then echo "[ERROR] PX4 is not running on target!" exit $EXIT_ERROR fi # Stop the PX4 process on target adb shell "ps -eaf | grep px4 | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f2 | xargs kill" sleep 5 # Stop the mini-dm killall mini-dm echo -e "PX4 test complete." # Verify the results verifypx4test echo -e "For more information, see px4.log and minidm.log." } usage() { echo -e "\nThis script can copy PX4 binaries to the Snapdragon Flight target and do a quick on-target sanity test.\n" echo -e "Pre-requisites:" echo -e "- Snapdragon Flight board must be connected to host computer via USB" echo -e "- Snapdragon Flight board must have the latest platform BSP and flight controller addon installed" echo -e "- mini-dm must be installed on host computer (see https://github.com/ATLFlight/ATLFlightDocs/blob/master/UserGuide.md#adsp)" echo -e "- PX4 software was built and binaries are in their usual locations in the tree\n" echo -e "USAGE:\n ${0} [-m mode] [-i] [-t] [-l ]" echo -e " -m --> Build mode (0 = default mode, 1 = legacy mode)" echo -e " -i --> Install the PX4 binaries" echo -e " -t --> Test PX4 on target" echo -e " -l --> location of the mini-dm executable (Default: ${minidmPath})" echo -e " -h --> Display this help information" } # Parse the command line options while getopts "m:l:ith" opt; do case $opt in m) if [ $OPTARG -gt $MODE_MAX ]; then echo "Invalid mode: $OPTARG (max allowed is $MODE_MAX)" exit $EXIT_ERROR fi mode=$OPTARG echo "Will run the script in mode $mode." ;; i) install=1 ;; t) test=1 ;; l) minidmPath=$OPTARG ;; h) usage exit 0 ;; :) echo "Option -$OPTARG requires an argument" >&2 exit 1;; ?) echo "Unknown arg $opt" usage exit 1 ;; esac done # Install the PX4 binaries installpx4 # Run the sanity test testpx4 exit $result