/*************************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) 2013-2017 PX4 Development Team. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * 3. Neither the name PX4 nor the names of its contributors may be * used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS * OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ****************************************************************************/ /** * @file navigator.h * Helper class to access missions * @author Julian Oes * @author Anton Babushkin * @author Thomas Gubler * @author Lorenz Meier */ #pragma once #include "datalinkloss.h" #include "enginefailure.h" #include "follow_target.h" #include "geofence.h" #include "gpsfailure.h" #include "land.h" #include "precland.h" #include "loiter.h" #include "mission.h" #include "navigator_mode.h" #include "rcloss.h" #include "rtl.h" #include "takeoff.h" #include "navigation.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /** * Number of navigation modes that need on_active/on_inactive calls */ #define NAVIGATOR_MODE_ARRAY_SIZE 11 class Navigator : public ModuleBase, public ModuleParams { public: Navigator(); virtual ~Navigator() = default; Navigator(const Navigator &) = delete; Navigator operator=(const Navigator &) = delete; /** @see ModuleBase */ static int task_spawn(int argc, char *argv[]); /** @see ModuleBase */ static Navigator *instantiate(int argc, char *argv[]); /** @see ModuleBase */ static int custom_command(int argc, char *argv[]); /** @see ModuleBase */ static int print_usage(const char *reason = nullptr); /** @see ModuleBase::run() */ void run() override; /** @see ModuleBase::print_status() */ int print_status() override; /** * Load fence from file */ void load_fence_from_file(const char *filename); /** * Publish the geofence result */ void publish_geofence_result(); void publish_vehicle_cmd(vehicle_command_s *vcmd); /** * Generate an artificial traffic indication * * @param distance Horizontal distance to this vehicle * @param direction Direction in earth frame from this vehicle in radians * @param traffic_heading Travel direction of the traffic in earth frame in radians * @param altitude_diff Altitude difference, positive is up * @param hor_velocity Horizontal velocity of traffic, in m/s * @param ver_velocity Vertical velocity of traffic, in m/s */ void fake_traffic(const char *callsign, float distance, float direction, float traffic_heading, float altitude_diff, float hor_velocity, float ver_velocity); /** * Check nearby traffic for potential collisions */ void check_traffic(); /** * Setters */ void set_can_loiter_at_sp(bool can_loiter) { _can_loiter_at_sp = can_loiter; } void set_position_setpoint_triplet_updated() { _pos_sp_triplet_updated = true; } void set_mission_result_updated() { _mission_result_updated = true; } /** * Getters */ struct home_position_s *get_home_position() { return &_home_pos; } struct mission_result_s *get_mission_result() { return &_mission_result; } struct position_setpoint_triplet_s *get_position_setpoint_triplet() { return &_pos_sp_triplet; } struct position_setpoint_triplet_s *get_reposition_triplet() { return &_reposition_triplet; } struct position_setpoint_triplet_s *get_takeoff_triplet() { return &_takeoff_triplet; } struct vehicle_global_position_s *get_global_position() { return &_global_pos; } struct vehicle_land_detected_s *get_land_detected() { return &_land_detected; } struct vehicle_local_position_s *get_local_position() { return &_local_pos; } struct vehicle_status_s *get_vstatus() { return &_vstatus; } PrecLand *get_precland() { return &_precland; } /**< allow others, e.g. Mission, to use the precision land block */ const vehicle_roi_s &get_vroi() { return _vroi; } bool home_alt_valid() { return (_home_pos.timestamp > 0 && _home_pos.valid_alt); } bool home_position_valid() { return (_home_pos.timestamp > 0 && _home_pos.valid_alt && _home_pos.valid_hpos); } int get_offboard_mission_sub() { return _offboard_mission_sub; } Geofence &get_geofence() { return _geofence; } bool get_can_loiter_at_sp() { return _can_loiter_at_sp; } float get_loiter_radius() { return _param_loiter_radius.get(); } /** * Returns the default acceptance radius defined by the parameter */ float get_default_acceptance_radius(); /** * Get the acceptance radius * * @return the distance at which the next waypoint should be used */ float get_acceptance_radius(); /** * Get the default altitude acceptance radius (i.e. from parameters) * * @return the distance from the target altitude before considering the waypoint reached */ float get_default_altitude_acceptance_radius(); /** * Get the altitude acceptance radius * * @return the distance from the target altitude before considering the waypoint reached */ float get_altitude_acceptance_radius(); /** * Get the cruising speed * * @return the desired cruising speed for this mission */ float get_cruising_speed(); /** * Set the cruising speed * * Passing a negative value or leaving the parameter away will reset the cruising speed * to its default value. * * For VTOL: sets cruising speed for current mode only (multirotor or fixed-wing). * */ void set_cruising_speed(float speed = -1.0f); /** * Reset cruising speed to default values * * For VTOL: resets both cruising speeds. */ void reset_cruising_speed(); /** * Set triplets to invalid */ void reset_triplets(); /** * Get the target throttle * * @return the desired throttle for this mission */ float get_cruising_throttle(); /** * Set the target throttle */ void set_cruising_throttle(float throttle = -1.0f) { _mission_throttle = throttle; } /** * Get the acceptance radius given the mission item preset radius * * @param mission_item_radius the radius to use in case the controller-derived radius is smaller * * @return the distance at which the next waypoint should be used */ float get_acceptance_radius(float mission_item_radius); /** * Get the yaw acceptance given the current mission item * * @param mission_item_yaw the yaw to use in case the controller-derived radius is finite * * @return the yaw at which the next waypoint should be used or if the yaw at a waypoint * should be ignored */ float get_yaw_acceptance(float mission_item_yaw); orb_advert_t *get_mavlink_log_pub() { return &_mavlink_log_pub; } void increment_mission_instance_count() { _mission_result.instance_count++; } void set_mission_failure(const char *reason); // MISSION bool is_planned_mission() const { return _navigation_mode == &_mission; } bool on_mission_landing() { return _mission.landing(); } bool start_mission_landing() { return _mission.land_start(); } bool mission_start_land_available() { return _mission.get_land_start_available(); } // RTL bool mission_landing_required() { return _rtl.rtl_type() == RTL::RTL_LAND; } int rtl_type() { return _rtl.rtl_type(); } bool in_rtl_state() const { return _vstatus.nav_state == vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_RTL; } bool abort_landing(); // Param access float get_loiter_min_alt() const { return _param_loiter_min_alt.get(); } float get_takeoff_min_alt() const { return _param_takeoff_min_alt.get(); } float get_yaw_timeout() const { return _param_yaw_timeout.get(); } float get_yaw_threshold() const { return _param_yaw_err.get(); } float get_vtol_back_trans_deceleration() const { return _param_back_trans_dec_mss.get(); } float get_vtol_reverse_delay() const { return _param_reverse_delay.get(); } bool force_vtol(); private: int _global_pos_sub{-1}; /**< global position subscription */ int _gps_pos_sub{-1}; /**< gps position subscription */ int _home_pos_sub{-1}; /**< home position subscription */ int _land_detected_sub{-1}; /**< vehicle land detected subscription */ int _local_pos_sub{-1}; /**< local position subscription */ int _offboard_mission_sub{-1}; /**< offboard mission subscription */ int _param_update_sub{-1}; /**< param update subscription */ int _pos_ctrl_landing_status_sub{-1}; /**< position controller landing status subscription */ int _traffic_sub{-1}; /**< traffic subscription */ int _vehicle_command_sub{-1}; /**< vehicle commands (onboard and offboard) */ int _vstatus_sub{-1}; /**< vehicle status subscription */ orb_advert_t _geofence_result_pub{nullptr}; orb_advert_t _mavlink_log_pub{nullptr}; /**< the uORB advert to send messages over mavlink */ orb_advert_t _mission_result_pub{nullptr}; orb_advert_t _pos_sp_triplet_pub{nullptr}; orb_advert_t _vehicle_cmd_ack_pub{nullptr}; orb_advert_t _vehicle_cmd_pub{nullptr}; orb_advert_t _vehicle_roi_pub{nullptr}; // Subscriptions home_position_s _home_pos{}; /**< home position for RTL */ mission_result_s _mission_result{}; vehicle_global_position_s _global_pos{}; /**< global vehicle position */ vehicle_gps_position_s _gps_pos{}; /**< gps position */ vehicle_land_detected_s _land_detected{}; /**< vehicle land_detected */ vehicle_local_position_s _local_pos{}; /**< local vehicle position */ vehicle_status_s _vstatus{}; /**< vehicle status */ uORB::Subscription _position_controller_status_sub{ORB_ID(position_controller_status)}; uint8_t _previous_nav_state{}; /**< nav_state of the previous iteration*/ // Publications geofence_result_s _geofence_result{}; position_setpoint_triplet_s _pos_sp_triplet{}; /**< triplet of position setpoints */ position_setpoint_triplet_s _reposition_triplet{}; /**< triplet for non-mission direct position command */ position_setpoint_triplet_s _takeoff_triplet{}; /**< triplet for non-mission direct takeoff command */ vehicle_roi_s _vroi{}; /**< vehicle ROI */ perf_counter_t _loop_perf; /**< loop performance counter */ Geofence _geofence; /**< class that handles the geofence */ bool _geofence_violation_warning_sent{false}; /**< prevents spaming to mavlink */ bool _can_loiter_at_sp{false}; /**< flags if current position SP can be used to loiter */ bool _pos_sp_triplet_updated{false}; /**< flags if position SP triplet needs to be published */ bool _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once{false}; /**< flags if position SP triplet has been published once to UORB */ bool _mission_result_updated{false}; /**< flags if mission result has seen an update */ NavigatorMode *_navigation_mode{nullptr}; /**< abstract pointer to current navigation mode class */ Mission _mission; /**< class that handles the missions */ Loiter _loiter; /**< class that handles loiter */ Takeoff _takeoff; /**< class for handling takeoff commands */ Land _land; /**< class for handling land commands */ PrecLand _precland; /**< class for handling precision land commands */ RTL _rtl; /**< class that handles RTL */ RCLoss _rcLoss; /**< class that handles RTL according to OBC rules (rc loss mode) */ DataLinkLoss _dataLinkLoss; /**< class that handles the OBC datalink loss mode */ EngineFailure _engineFailure; /**< class that handles the engine failure mode (FW only!) */ GpsFailure _gpsFailure; /**< class that handles the OBC gpsfailure loss mode */ FollowTarget _follow_target; NavigatorMode *_navigation_mode_array[NAVIGATOR_MODE_ARRAY_SIZE]; /**< array of navigation modes */ DEFINE_PARAMETERS( (ParamFloat) _param_loiter_radius, /**< loiter radius for fixedwing */ (ParamFloat) _param_acceptance_radius, /**< acceptance for takeoff */ (ParamFloat) _param_fw_alt_acceptance_radius, /**< acceptance radius for fixedwing altitude */ (ParamFloat) _param_fw_alt_lnd_acceptance_radius, /**< acceptance radius for fixedwing altitude before landing*/ (ParamFloat) _param_mc_alt_acceptance_radius, /**< acceptance radius for multicopter altitude */ (ParamInt) _param_force_vtol, /**< acceptance radius for multicopter altitude */ (ParamInt) _param_traffic_avoidance_mode, /**< avoiding other aircraft is enabled */ // non-navigator parameters // Mission (MIS_*) (ParamFloat) _param_loiter_min_alt, (ParamFloat) _param_takeoff_min_alt, (ParamFloat) _param_yaw_timeout, (ParamFloat) _param_yaw_err, // VTOL parameters TODO: get these out of navigator (ParamFloat) _param_back_trans_dec_mss, (ParamFloat) _param_reverse_delay ) float _mission_cruising_speed_mc{-1.0f}; float _mission_cruising_speed_fw{-1.0f}; float _mission_throttle{-1.0f}; // update subscriptions void global_position_update(); void gps_position_update(); void home_position_update(bool force = false); void local_position_update(); void params_update(); void vehicle_land_detected_update(); void vehicle_status_update(); /** * Publish a new position setpoint triplet for position controllers */ void publish_position_setpoint_triplet(); /** * Publish the mission result so commander and mavlink know what is going on */ void publish_mission_result(); void publish_vehicle_command_ack(const vehicle_command_s &cmd, uint8_t result); };